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Everything posted by Murasaki

  1. TO MEEEE!! (and 94whitegsr) So what'd you get me? tongue.gif
  2. Hm.. personally I'd say no but thats cause I really don't like the way they look, and I don't think they would look good on a corvette. But who knows, I might be totally wrong.
  3. Already got tickets at lennox May 18th at 12:10 am
  4. So my transmission decided to be a dick and start dying (yay). So I need to know if anyone has any information they can give me. It's a 89' Merkur Scorpio, automatic. I need to know what kind of tranny it has, if theres a rebuild kit for it or if theres any place I can buy a re-manufactured tranny. Or if you have any other information you think would be useful that'd be nice. (Yes, I've already posted this on Merkur forums) graemlins/cry.gif
  5. I'm only going to live to be 62 even though I don't smoke and have low BMI.
  6. Weather fucking rules. That is all.
  7. Yeah, Buick. Because it seems to me Pontiac is still popular comin out with good stuff (gto, solstice) but I personally havent seen new good shit with Buick.
  8. Wow.. and their only suspending him for 15 fucking days. What a piece of fucking shit.
  9. Wow what a dumb bitch.. And I thought on those types of shows they make you sign papers saying you won't sell it under penalty of law or some shit?
  10. Me and Veritas found a real bug, we were doing this one rally that you're against one car, one where you win the uh.. Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car. Then the other car in the beginning of the 2nd lap out of 2 laps was going through this very sharp corner and hit the inside wall head on, went in reverse, then went right into the wall again, and did this over and over, hey thanks for giving us an easy win. smile.gif We even watched it in replay from its point of view to confirm the retardedness of the computer and saved it.
  11. If you still have some left and don't mind, murasakiness@yahoo.com smile.gif
  12. Am I the only one on here that likes cruisers or what? All I see is crotchrockets and crotchrockets and more. Other than that, anyone who does give me some opinions, I might be buying a bike sometime this year and I wan't something that has good MPG, and isnt big, and I can fit on it (5'5), and don't care if its fast or slow, though fast > slow anyday. smile.gif A while ago I went and checked out and sat on a Sportster 883L and it fit me perfectly, but I wanna see if anyone knows more about it to give me real opinions.
  13. I don't understand it when I hear so many stories of bikers dying or getting hurt cause the car didnt see them when their like right infront of them.. What? It's not that hard to see someone on a bike, not any more difficult than seeing a car, just smaller. Whenever I see bikes, I SEE them.. I've never had trouble seeing them either. People are retarded, I'm guessing.
  14. Save the pictures and get a photobucket.com account and upload them to that.
  15. Wow, that looks retarded as fuck.
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