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Everything posted by truckin

  1. I'll check them out thanks
  2. Then I'll have to pass
  3. I understand what your saying, but do you also realize people who intend to inflict harm on others or property also use common everyday methods such as games, or other means that is meant to look like something that it's not? Maybe no one had stumbled upon the box prior to the people who notified police, it is in a remote area. And to anwser your question...YES PEOPLE DO PUT BOMBS IN THE WOODS! To test them, to play around, to inflict damage on wildlife, trees, stumps etc etc etc. So don't be nieve. I'm sure CPD is aware of this game.....I'm not...so does the rules of this game state "make this item look like a bomb"? Does the game rules state to have wires protruding from a ammo box? Also wires or detonators are not always visible. I've seen this first hand!!! I've seen it in a vacant house off Galloway rd a few yrs back that was intended to harm a realestate agent. I'm sure glad the military dosen't assume every IED they encounter is a Geocache thingy, after all it's a game played worldwide.......isn't it. All I'm saying is you can't judge a book by it's cover.
  4. Yep...........and it dosen't take much to get the media into a frenzy.....just watch the weather report..lol
  5. I have no idea what this geocaching gay thing is but when someone calls in a "device" in the woods with wires comming out of it, they're not gonna screw around with a stupid ass game. It's not like people can't disguise device's to look like something else. It's amazing the lengths people go to inflict damage or induce panic. Bottom line is you can't be too careful these days. Would you rather it be disposed of by professionals or have your kid stumble upon it and open it taking the chance thats it's not a device? Again recruitment is located at 3675 Parsons ave..........
  6. I have to laugh at the people who are quick to judge the police and Bomb Squad in situations like this. You have no idea what these agencies have to deal with on a daily basis and the calls we recieve and have to determine what is valid or not. Think you can do it better go take the test and put your ass on the line. The Ammo box was in a wooded location secured closed with multiple wires comming out of the box....FYI And it's CFD that blows shit up not CPD
  7. Never have and don't intend too.
  8. Thanks, but I'm looking for more of a utility atv.
  9. Looking for a nice used 4x4 ATV mainly going to use it to plow snow and pull an aerator along with light duty work. Brand isn't a big deal just not looking for a POS. Would like to keep cost under $2500 Thanks
  10. Just do away with stupid Facebook
  11. Wow.........good for you man! I've started to watch what i've been eating and went and joined a gym last monday. I reently had a check up at the dr. and I gained 14lbs since my last check up (6 months ago). My weight at that time was 279.7 since monday I've lost 4.5lbs so I'm now 275.2. I'm 6'1" and I'd like to drop 40lbs. I'm actually in a contest with a guy i work with and It goes till Feb 1st. My biggest problem is I love drinking Coke, Fast food is yummy and Pizza is my best friend. So far I haven't had any Coke and have been changing eating habit's (No more McD's burgers for lunch everyday), more salad, grilled chicken, fruit and some veggies (can't stand much, but can eat carrot's and broccolli). Also portion size is a big one for me, so I've been cutting that as well. Subway is now my friend and only 6" subs instead of 12". I know 40lbs is very doable, but I'm not very good at staying on a diet.
  12. Maybe a reintroduction of the BOSS 351 down the road?
  13. Made a movie bout that shit, basically lost a ton of guys for fucking nothing. FUBAR Hopefully they touch on the sad fact of how these Men/Women were treated by their own people when they came back home. That's the saddest part of the whole damn war.
  14. You do realize that's how alot of encounters with VC went down in the jungles of Nam. VC would attack try to inflict some casualties and then retreat to different ground or use their tunnels to re posistion themselves to either out flank or just leave all together. Which lead to US troops to basically mow down patches of jungle when the VC had actually retreated. This is why it was so difficult and frustrating to fight them. They very rarely stood and fought.
  15. truckin

    joe pa fired

    I've never disliked PSU or JoePa but I'm glad they fired him he shouldn't be allowed to leave under his own terms. Many more need to be fired and go to jail over this. And all this rioting is a fucking joke, bunch of dumbass college kids who can't comprehend the magnitude of the situation. Do they realize they are supporting a man who was involved in a coverup? And thats just what he did! He has a legal and moral duty to inform law enforcement PERIOD.
  16. The 3v motors are far better than the 2v motors in every aspect. I also can't stand it when people gripe or knock a 3/4-1 tons mpg. If your buying a sd/ hd truck and expect great mpg your a fool. These are real trucks that will do real work. It's not a civic and it's not a caddy. If you want a cupcake truck go buy a Toyota or Nissan.
  17. I've owned 2 F150's and 2 F250's I'll never go back to a 1/2 ton truck. As far as the 05 SD the 5.4 is a very nice motor my family has had 6 vehicles (truck's and Expo's) with the 5.4 and NEVER a problem. Do Highly recommend replacing the plugs though, if you do decide on the truck have them replace the plug in the deal. Trust me it's well worth it they are prone to snap because of a shity plug design. As far as a 5.4 in a SD if your not towing much or doing light towing it'd be ok, if your gonna work it I'd go with a V10 or Diesel. I've driven a few 5.4 SD's and they seemed under powered for work use. SD's are great trucks.
  18. Yes I would own a V6 Mustang they have great power, great handling, style, mpg all in all great value for the $. I've owned 7 V8 Mustangs and ofcourse nothing is like a nice V8 in a 2 door coupe, but owning a newer car with one of these V6's is NOT a sissy car. But I'm not 15yrs old and equate my status and testical size by how fast I can go around 270 or how much power I put out on the dyno......Who fucking cares honestly. I own and drive every day a 11' Fusion with a 4 cylinder 6 spd auto it's a great car, fun to drive with good looks gets me to 70 mph on the fwy with any other car out there and gets 32mpg. Is it a sissy car?......I don't think so....but then again i'm a big boy.
  19. Goodluck, Money isn't everything........do what makes you happy. When Work starts to affect you on a personal/emotional and physical level it's time to step back and take a look at your life and whats important......Family
  20. I thought a first the Tea Party was gonna be a great thing to get behind, being a conservative. But they are just as blinded and miss guided as the rest of the organizations out there. As far as Netflix and the Bank of America I really haven't paid attention to either on and don't know enough about it to really comment other than I have never used either one. My issue is with Ohio's blinded lawmakers and the direct attack on Ohio's middle class working families with SB5.
  21. Oh I know it's homage to the 60's era cars, but the reintro is what I'm talking about.
  22. Wow GM really can't come up with anything on their own can they. Following Ford's Lead with the reintroduction of the CJ a few yrs back.
  23. My wifes birthday is sat and i'm trying to plan a nice night out getaway type of thing. I've never planned anything like this so I'm not sure where to look in central Ohio area. I'd like to stay within an hour of cbus. My thought is to get a nice up scale hotel room or cottage that can provide a nice classy dinner and possibly a spa for the wife. Any recommendations would be helpful. Thanks
  24. I'll keep my real 83K mile 65
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