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Everything posted by truckin

  1. truckin

    Sewer smell

    Go out to your inspection box on your septic tank and switch the fields, with all the rain and snow melting lately you may have an abundance of water in your leach field, causing a slight back up into you tank and main sewage discharge line cause a sewage smell. Methane gas is nothing to fuck with......it can kill you if too much builds up and it dosen't take much. IF YOU OR ANYONE START TO EXPERIENCE HEADACHES, LIGHTHEADED OR SICK FEELING GET OUT. I almost lost my dad the night before my wedding in my then new house due to MI Homes being fucking morons.
  2. I haven't called them yet, being a friday I'm sure it'll be monday before they get back to me. But I wouldn't think it'll be much. I'm 32 married nothing on record for over 5 yrs car has dual air bags, 4 cyl hatch. It's only a $1500 car. Just curious
  3. I'm looking at acouple cars and was wondering what a ballpark cost would be for just liability ins on a 94-96 escort 4cyl? Nothing on my ins or my record. Just bare bones insurance. What ya think?
  4. American Picker's Pawn Stars Anything on History or Military Channel
  5. Don't regret selling it......just miss having it. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/joygirl/Nov07014.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/joygirl/HPIM0525.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/joygirl/HPIM0522.jpg
  6. Here's an article on the 94 http://www.stangbangers.com/94_Cobra_Article.htm
  7. Best way to tell the difference between a 94 and a 95 is look at the side skirt behind the front tire. The 94's were straight while the 95's had a riser side skirt like the one pictured.
  8. Thanks Eli............how's the business doing? I need to get out there sometime.
  9. Sent ya a PM Thats extremely high for all that. I can save ya a ton of money.
  10. I work right across the hall from the CPD dispatch center. I'm on the CFD side (I'm an alternate dispatcher), and it's a tough job no doubt. They handle some tough calls in huge volumes. We average 700-800 calls a day on the fire side and actually around 500+ actual runs a day. I'd say CPD averages 2K + calls a day if not more. Good Luck and maybe I'll see you up there some day.
  11. +1000000 And while were at it lets cut there pay, benifits, pensions etc etc etc........makes sense dosen't it.
  12. I AGREE 100%......I VOTED FOR HIM AS WELL......HE'S HURTING THE BLUE COLLAR EMPLOYEES CAUSE HE HAS A PERSONAL VENDETTA. I'm a union employee.......do I love the Union? NO. Do I hate the Union? NO. Do I think Union's sometimes protect pieces of shit? Yes. So do private sector business's. Do Union need a revamp? Probably. In my job I have to constantly stay in the books and renew my certifications, have continuing education and monthly classes which I'm required to pass with a score of 80%. I have over 10 certification's including one that was classified as the most stressful posistion in the city ( which at times i agree with), and I recieve NO extra pay for. I GET LESS THAN 4 HRS ASLEEP ANIGHT, HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH SEVERE SLEEP APENIA DUE TO MY JOB. Am at high risk for 3 types of cancer before i'm at the age of 60 due to particles inhaled on the job, have a bad back and high BP due to my job. All the while working a second job on my days off so my family may have luxuries and so my kids may not know what i went thru as a kid. All kids of people are struggling, this will NOT Save tax money....you will not see more on your tax return. WE Need to create jobs not destroy Families. My response is in caps in quote.....thats why it's in caps...not yelling. Didn't feel like cut and paste.
  13. Vote Yes and see devestating effects in OHIO. Do you realize any money that is saved from this GOES DIRECTLY TO THE POLITICIANS to do as they please in regards to labor. You are killing blue collared workers and families....who is the driving force of this country? Who is already struggling? Think about it. Could Unions use alittle revamp? Yep.. The Unions are opposed to working with Legislation to find a common ground......Kasich is. He's pulling the same shit the Democrats did with Healthcare......Hurry up and push through legislation without any forethought. And I'm for Merit Pay.........But explain to me how it's going to work? THEY CAN'T!!!!! How is merit pay going to work with teacher's? Based on the state tests? It Can't! Not all grades require the test so how's that fair to other teachers who have to test for it. It dosen't take into account the kids who just have a real hard time learning vs. others who can learn with ease! Or the Useless parents who don't involve themselves in their kids schooling or learning! OH WAIT WE AS A NATION WANT TEACHERS TO RAISE OUR KIDS CAUSE WERE TOO FUCKING LAZY TOO! THEN WHEN SHIT GOES SOUTH BLAME TEACHERS. Does merit pay take into acct. that some teachers due to their demeanor (ease of dealing with slow or problem kids) are given more or most of the problem or lower ability children? NO! Maybe merit pay will depend on how many tickets or how many stops an officer has pulled in this month? Won't you love that......Is that what you want? Or Lets say FF's........how will merit pay work there? Oh I pushed less drugs on a cardiac arrest PT than this guy over here thus saving the tax payer's money, but If I would have given them another round of Mag Sulfate I know I would've busted that SVT thus saving his life, but hey you know what I saved Joe Blow XXXX and now I get my merit pay good for me. HOW's it going to work?
  14. So anyone will do? You will when you get clipped on the side of the road cause some fucking moron is better than the law. I've almost been hit 3-4 times on the side of the road..........this is with a big ass Firetruck blocking a lane while working an accident scene. We try to take every precaution we have at our disposal, People just don't pay attention and could careless about people on the side of the road.........after all it's all about them.
  15. Word. Which at the time it occured in 08.....NOT moving over for an emergency vehicle (which is to protect not only the officer/medic's or FF's but also to protect civilians) had already been enacted as law 3 yrs prior!
  16. Thats how dumb he is.........you know everyone has the capability of recording audio/video these days with phones. You can't be too careful anymore.
  17. I have a Hague system and does a nice job, my dad had a Hague system for 30 yrs with no problems. If you want a saltless system you'll have to go with Kinetico they are pricey though. Don't buy a one fits all system from the big box stores they are worthless and a waste of money.
  18. Not if it's been justified, Unlike some people I'll own up to my faults. Kasich Dosen't give a damn about public service employee's or teachers. And this show's the lack of respect he has.....what a fine example he sets for the state.
  19. I'm sure most have heard this by now, but I wanted to share a response to his Idiot comment by Deputy Brandy Winfields widow. Kasich's Comment: http://www.dispatchpolitics.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2011/02/17/copy/foes-seizing-on-governors-idiot-remark.html?adsec=politics&sid=101 Widow's Response: http://imacornstar.wordpress.com/2011/02/16/from-a-widow-to-kasich-dont-call-cops-idiots/
  20. Sick GT! You post it on SVT and BS Yet? Goodluck with the sale!
  21. As for Bedliner's I've had Rhino Liner's in my last 3 trucks and love them, very rugged and hold up great. Cover's I've been using Truxedo on my last 2 and love them, They roll up and use velcro to hold them down, I hate the snap design they are a huge PITA. Whatever side step bar u use get Stainless Steel! Your wasting your time if you don't.
  22. 90K for the Chev and the Nissan!!! No Thanks
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