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Everything posted by truckin

  1. truckin


    Lowes in lancaster had a ton of it lastnight
  2. It's a huge coverup! Don't believe what your reading.......... Truth is he chipped a tooth and suffered oral damage from slobbering on Obama's knob, Not to be concerned though.......many other Democrats have the same condition.
  3. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/joygirl/DSC01710.jpg
  4. I'm getting ready to hang drywall in a bedroom and full bath in my basement and really have no desire to mud and sand it. Room is 12x17 w/ 9 ft walls and a ceiling (only 2 walls have drywall on them), Bath is 7x11 w/ 9ft ceiling also drywalled. If you know of anyone please let me know. Thanks
  5. Yes it's depressing to look at, also PMI F-ing blows.....I have to pay for that shit cause abunch of other retards defalt on there loans. Thanks
  6. I'm dully trained as a dispatcher for CFD, were in the same bldg actually right across the hall from CPD dispatchers. They are always looking for people for that job and overtime is CRAZY! It's nothing for a CPD dispatcher to bring in 50k + just in overtime annually. CPD uses civilian dispatchers where we use our own people, it's a helluva job if your interested. And a great job while waiting for CPD to hire.
  7. Ohio Mulch hires yard hands for seasonal help.
  8. No not at all, she's just sarcastic when it comes to politics. It's one of those things you must do atleast once in your life.
  9. Thanks everyone....As far as food were pretty casual when it comes to dining, good ol American or Italian is cool w us. We would like a nice higher class dining one night. As for Hotels we'd like to avoid the typical Holiday Inn Express atmosphere. We were thinking a nice Historic Hotel or something with some charm, and the wife would like a pool...haha. I asked the wife if she wanted to tour the White House.....she said she may not be able to keep her comments to her self or her political views in check.....Haha. Good info though thanks!
  10. Any recommended restaurants? Thanks for the info Z06
  11. So my wife and I are planning to go to DC this summer for our 10yr anniversary, we've both been wanting to do this for over 5yrs now and things have always come up. But now were doing it. The last time I've been to DC was when i was around 10 or 11 so 20+ yrs ago. Were planning on spending 3 days however were not sure what to hit forsure (must see and what we could skip). I know i want to see the Smithsonian, WWII Memorial, Arlington, Veitnam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial etc. So those who've been there recently what do you recommend seeing or doing and can you recommend a nicer than average Hotel? Not looking for a $1K a night just not the Holiday Inn express if you know what i mean. Any Help would be great! Thanks
  12. Try United landmark in Lancaster, alot of places sell it.
  13. God Bless these men and women.......The Greatest Generation Thank You to an American Hero. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110110/ts_yblog_thelookout/dick-winters-wwii-hero-chronicled-in-band-of-brothers-dies
  14. I built my Custom Ranch 2 yrs ago 2400 sqft 1st floor and a full unfinshed basement I'm running Natural Gas last month was $78.00 Electric was $105.00. 9' ceilings throughout up and down 13' in living room. 70* all yr round.
  15. What do you do for Bob Boyd? I have my F250 and my wifes Tarus X serviced there. Known Bobby Dawes for many years he's a good guy. Oh and I wouldn't hesitate one bit to buy the turbo six in the new 150, Ford is far ahead of the competition when it comes to trucks.
  16. It was a helluva alot warming than that Garage was today.....
  17. You can always stop into any fire station and they will take it for free
  18. Goodlooking Huskie! They are Beautiful Dogs
  19. I just found out this past summer i have High BP. I was waking up everyday for about a month and my vision was blurry almost like a double vision it would take about 10min for it to correct itself. I also had constant headaches, but aside from that i had no effects. I went into work one day and just about got sick, couldn't concentrate and was figity. I almost passed out, our Medic transported me to the hosp and did abunch of bloodwork, CT scan, etc etc. Turns out my BP was 168/120. I followed up w/ my family doc and since being put on 2 meds my headaches/ vision problems are gone. I try to monitor my BP and watch what i eat (dosen't always happen). I'm learning to eat more veggies, and trying to use less salt. Sea Salt is a good option if you need salt. But excersise, eating better and watching your sodium intake will do wonder's. I was actually surprised how many people have high BP.
  20. You'd be surprised.........I'm telling ya people freak out when they encounter these situations. You'd think it's common sense! it's not.
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