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Everything posted by truckin

  1. A good friend of mine owns his own company his own company and has been doing it for close to 20yrs. he did my whole house. Kessler was way outta my price range for a less system than i got now.
  2. Although I'm a fan of having the windows down, I do like the option of having an a/c when sweat is rolling down my back. I took the a/c off one car and will never do it again. Just not worth it IMO. But like everyone else said check those things or i'm sure Rob can take a look at it.
  3. We've owned 2 Explorer's.....first was a 92 the other was an 04 and both were very good vehicles. I've heard from a few mechanics that i've know for over 20yrs that the Cherokee's are Junk. Inlaws had a Rav 4 it seemed like a decent vehicle but they never own anything long enough to see how it lasts, I thought it rode stiff seats sucked and lacked power. Of the few people i know who have Escapes they really like them no major problems.
  4. 99.7 has always sucked......106.7 is alot better and 105.7 is a close second. Fuck the morning show. And for god sakes please do away with manditory Metallica! Are you serious 99.7 you have been this for years now, you already play the shit outta them. That was cool in the 90's when they were good, but now it's just annoying! Playing them all the time has really turned me off to 99.7. They did improve IMO when they started playing more 80-90's rock. And the Hair Band 80-90's rock is alot better than the rock of today with the exception of a very few bands. Shit today is just alot of screaming and if i hear that new Cypress hill song againg i'm going to go section 8 shit sucks.
  5. I'm not giving them bastards any more money than i have too.
  6. Not surprised.......Only been there 1 time myself, Easton is going down hill anyway.
  7. Ford F series.....Best selling for 33 yrs in a row!
  8. Pretty easy to replace one, just dig it up and replace with corregated pipe from Lowes or HD. just need the slip fitting to connect it too the exsisting pipe. Where does it go too? I installed 1000' at my house when i was building.
  9. Any hardsurface laminate or wood is going to scratch, it depends on how much you abuse it. Real wood will scratch much easier than any laminate will. As far as water on the floor the laminate will resist surface water better than a wood product, if an ample amount of water get under any floor and is trapped under it.....it won't matter what type of floor you have it's going to be problematic. It comes down to you get what you pay for. If your planning on staying there awhile i'd spend the extra $ to get a better quality item. If not i wouldn't. The difference in floor heights can be resolved 1 of 2 ways. 1. Leave the vinyl down in the kitchen and get some 1/4" subfloor to match it up in height with the rest of the floor, use a pad on top of the subfloor and not on the viynl (not needed on viynl). 2 remove the subfloor from kitchen so all the floor is same height and use pad throughout areas. If you do this only way to cut it out from under the cabinets is using a utlity knife, it's a bitch but best way. Also when you get down to your subfloor it's a good idea to take the time to fix any squeeks in the floor using some 2-2.5" drywall screws. Also if you have had any pet issues that may have shown up on the subfloor buy some Kilz pet paint and paint the subfloor in the affected areas, this will also help with any mositure problems. Remember the cleaner the floor the better! In addition if you have any high spots in your floor from swelling joints sand these down! Any height issues will show up in your floor as a soft or spongy feel. As far as buying from Lowes/HD, or Wrong Rug, Lumber Liquidaters etc. all have cheep flooring and quality flooring, the big box stores usually don't stock the higher quality flooring, most don't.....they have to order it in. Alot of times i can beat there prices, sometimes i can't just depends. Make sure you figure in 10% more than what your sq ft actually is! you will have waste on cut pieces and it never fails......dosen't matter who makes it your going to have defective pieces in both products. Do not double you padding to compensate for the height difference!. As far as the padding already on the back or using loose padding I've layed both and haven't noticed any gains from one over another. The laminate will chew up a blade or two so make sure you get good quality blades. It's not bad to install, just takes time. I've been doing flooring for over 15yrs and have installed many different types of both Laminate and wood as well as ceramic and carpet. If you'd like me to come take a look and give ya price just PM me. Goodluck
  10. The auto show is a waste of time and money.....has been for many years now. You can go to Ricart for free and see 70% of the cars on display
  11. Actually Shawn Did it. Do you know how their body and paint work are? And are you guys right there on 158?
  12. Took my F250 in to Shawn (owner) for 3 dents in my hood that i got somehow this past winter. They did an excellent job removing all three and only charged me $40! They're located in Groveport.......I'll be taking my LX over to get an estimate for paint as well.
  13. If you want it Rob......it's yours. Same deal as before?
  14. Drive down to southren OH about every front yard has old cars and camaro's laying around.
  15. Really just like to get rid of it all together........
  16. No problem......... Back up for sale
  17. Randy's machine shop in whitehall did some work on a set of 4.6 2V heads i had, I recommend them, M&M and Cols Colweld
  18. Anyone here work for Columbus Car Audio? I'm needing a new head unit and speakers for my Fox, i'm more than likely going to CCA cause they can remove the car alarm thats F-ing annoys me. So i wanted to see if anyone works for them or has any contacts with them? I'll be going to the one in Reynoldsburg. Also what is a good unit that has a CD player and not all the digital BS? I just want a nice simple unit, don't need a removable face and all that crap. Needing some nice speakers as well. Not wanting to thump at a light like a homo.....Just a nice clean crisp sound.
  19. +1 Simple green is great stuff
  20. truckin


    Cocaine's a helluve drug
  21. Not just based on that, but it is helping Ford you can't deny that. Chrysler is doing poorly cause they build a shitty product, have for many years. I don't know why the Government keeps bailing them out. They're surviving off the Hemi name. GM's problems are because of shitty products in the 80's and early 90's and the major issue was the union bringing them down. I've owned 4 GM products all from the 70's 80's and 90's all were junk. I've owned 11 Fords and all have treated me very well. It's why I have 5 Fords in my Stable right now. And thats the way it'll stay. Ford not taking Obama money and comming out stronger than any of them tells me something.
  22. Not a whole lot.........what are you looking for?
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