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Everything posted by truckin

  1. Ii'd love to see Cincy beat FLA. I doubt it'll happen, FLA's Defense is much better than Cincy's. I've been rooting for them all year. Hopefully Tebow will be crying again at the end and Urban can hold him............It'll come out some day that those two are.......H O M O's
  2. No one said YOU drive like a jackass, it was in reference to people who do. Did i say Kurt B does this? NO! So fucking take a step back. Do I like to drive my car and cruise to a show or hangout with friends who share a common interest? I sure do....What I DONT DO is act like a total dumb fuck on the road while doing it and endangering other motorist. Your 40 I'm sure you understand the difference were talking about. If your not breaking any laws or endangering others on the road people have nothing to worry about. Do I agree with giving a cop judgement stick on the roadway and singling out or targeting certain types of cars? NO, But people have to realize people aren't giving law enforcement many options here. If people keep doing this it's just making it easier and easier. "You say life isn't promised to anyone"......Thats very true......Does that give the right to some drunk asshole to take to the roadways and put peoples lives at stake cause their too stupid to realize this might not be a wise move? Anyone could face their demise at anytime......I don't need some piece of shits help doing that. Again No one said you were one of the "motherfuckers" involved and no one said you "need to be burned to the ground". However your statements towards the woman involved and her family were lacking class! And your right I don't know you...I don't know anything about you. And you know nothing of me, Hopefully you make better decisions on the roadway than others have. If you do i commend you. Bottom line if people has some sense on the roads these laws, bills, threads, discussion's would not be necessary. I doubt i'll have the time to dig alittle deeper, i'll be on the lookout trying to protect my family from idiots driving like crazy and drunks on the roads. So i'll take your advice and "fuck off" and you can take my advice and kiss my ass. Happy Holidays
  3. Well.........every law needs updated hopefully that one is next. To say accidents only happen while driving recklessly drunk and racing is not usually a factor is also ignorant. But actually racing was the driving force....alcohol was just as much to blame as was the need to race on a highway. It's no different than the cowardish act of a person wanting to off themselves and takes innocent family members with them. What was proven?
  4. Wow.......I wasn't going to get involved in a post like this, but are you serious? Sorry man but what an ignorant comment. Nobody is stopping what you love to do......"which is just drive my car around, and spend time with my friends". What they are saying is use some damn sense when driving and drive with due regard! Don't drive like a jack ass. I can't even find the right words to describe how much your first and last statements piss me off. God forbid you ever find yourself in their situtation.......Get a grip on reality man. "They should feel lucky their daughter is still alive".....like someone did them and her a big favor! Because acouple ignorant assholes decided to act carelessly on a public roadway this woman spent 6 months in ICU and will never live a normal life again! Fuck people like that, sorry guys but so help me god, if i ever am faced with a situtation like this in my life dealing with a family member let alone a child.........I'd do everything possible to burn every motherfucker involved to the ground. What a comment...........
  5. Check this out......I've seen the car in person at the Summit all Mustang show. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290368921601
  6. Most of the time.........yes. I actually bought my 12 ga shotgun at New Albany for bout $30 less than i could get it at Vances.
  7. Might wanna try New Albany gun club, or Vances.
  8. Try Deibel hardwood floors off S.High in Columbus. They redid a floor for my wifes Gma and did a nice job.
  9. I do floor covering, carpet, hardwood, ceramic, laminate. What are you looking at doing?.........was posting this as you replied so didnt see what u wanted.
  10. I've always had tw as well, while building our house and living w the inlaws (they had direct tv) I experienced another provider, I hated it. took forever to change channels the reception sucked and seemed like it had to reboot it's self twice aday. It always had trouble searching for a signal and everytime it rained or had wind gusts it was a problem. Ill never give up my TW, the few problems i have had theyve corrected them.
  11. I think i'm really likeing the Mil spec, or even the GI 45. Headed to a show in Wilmington in acouple weeks will see if i can pick one up.
  12. Been looking into getting a 1911 what do you all recommend getting? I'd like to stay in the 500-600 range. Also looking for a nice servicable M1 Garand if anyone has any leads. Looking for more or a vintage rifle not a new off the shelf.
  13. They said they are paying tribute to the 54 team.....it dosent say anywhere it's a 54 throwback uniform! If it's supposed to be....it dosent look much like them, our away jersery is already white, so what is throwback about this? Nothing.. Thats what i'm saying this jersery dosent pay homage to anything except PR for a new design for NIKE.
  14. Agree........... what a fucking coward........go off yourself.....dont take the lives of innocent women and children cause you cant handle life you fuck.
  15. Hate it.......dont mess with tradition. On a whole i dont feel buckeye nation will care for them as well. Work on your offense and leave the damn uni's alone.
  16. I've got a small dent in my hood and tailgate need to take care of. Need to give dent wizard a call. I've heard they do excellent work and are moblie
  17. Yep just use a type of staple to secure to floor. You'll never notice the stables just dont want any bumps or anything.
  18. If the carpet is not a problem, them i'd pull the carpet back and cut out the area of pad that is affected and replace. If the stains have soaked into the subfloor then you do alittle cleanup with some bleach/water with a scrub brush, dont over do it. Then let it dry out good and paint the floor with Kilz. You can patch the carpet but a patch is a patch more than likely its out in the room so a 4 sided patch would be needed. You'll see the patch no getting around it. it's an unworn piece next to a worn piece so color and traffic will show. Is it a plush carpet or berber? Have any other questions just let me know.
  19. I'd actually like to see them both lined up with Pryor in a shotgun set i'll be hard to defend with 3 threats in the backfield.
  20. Now that were in the full swing of OSU FB looking at the 2 tailbacks for OSU who do you feel should be the starter? Saine or Herron? Just curious.......I wasn't sold on our run game this year and I'm still not 100% confident in it. I feel their are issues with both backs, but who gives us the best chance to win? From what I've seen to date this year saine has the nod for the starting job.
  21. Oh man you got me...............must be one of the delusional voters who voted for Obama
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