Ummm...I bought a $500 beater off of you.
Good for you OP. I love having cheap cars that work great and I don't sweat over every time it rains. I would easily drive that for $500.
Came to post this. Easily the most comfortable I've ever used. Sitting long hours in the office, working on the farm, long car rides, etc. I move a lot. I'm also a bigger guy. These holsters are all I'll use.
Let him go to another house. The 2 we got were def domesticated/indoor cats. Someone dropped them off by our cabin so out to the farm they went. Helps control the mouse population. They adjusted quick and are well taken care of, but you can tell the house they were from had lots of noise and prob dogs. Our 2 rott/lab mixes don't even faze them.
TBH, I was sad to see you sell your last car. One of my fav on here at the time. SO clean and a model I've always liked. Then you got this and I was like but I should've known it wouldn't stay stock long.
Looks good man. In for vid as well, or hopefully see it in person sometime.
No clue personally but dads new neighbor (who works on a farm and DD's a GMC 2500 diesel dually) said his previous lifted truck with a drop hitch sucked so he got rid of it. Said he never could truly pull anything well.
Hope it helps. Best of luck.