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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. People who don't care don't reply compulsively.
  2. Bruh...I did. In the post. Where I quoted you. Your literal words. Just...lol. :lolguy:
  3. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm wrong about. I've made no claims against him or anything he's said except to point out hypocrisy and contradictions. I haven't backed either side nor candidate...because I don't. To answer Clay's question Biden is my president and I will support him every bit as much as I have Trump, Obama, Dubya, Clinton, Bush...
  4. Where was I wrong? This tactic is juvenile and you've made it old hat. Hence my "middle and high school" line. Don't contradict yourself within a single post, don't fling shit, be clear and concise, and you won't find others with a retort similar to the line you've drawn. Just a hint. Take it or leave it. *fart noises*
  5. Speaks volumes. Summarizes every post you've made in this entire thread. Well done.
  6. Then you contradicted yourself. Well done.
  7. ...wayment. :lolguy: *pffffffft!*
  8. Two wings, one bird, and this this thread is just a shot glass sample full of the shit show bottle of bourbon that politicians and media have long been pouring us all in this country. Just a small sample but it's telling. Had several replies typed out but it's not going to "change" anyone's opinions and neither is anything else in this entire thread. Too much ego and self indulgence from both sides to have a productive conversation. This is like reading an argument amongst middle or high schoolers. Y'all keep fighting here. I'll keep posting fart noises. They're literally accomplishing the same thing. ...although posting fart noises prob isn't creating as much division as y'all or the media are. Shame on us all, the citizens, for not only allowing division but actively assisting in and promoting it. Both here and elsewhere. Now I'm only here for Gill's old fashioned. *fart noises*
  9. Welcome...again. :thumbup:
  10. I'm just sharing fart sounds and crazy crap to see who says what. I'm with gill. Both sides are silly gooses and allowing themselves to be divided. As an old friend of mine said:
  11. No clue, hence "tinfoil hat time". Just throwing things out there to hear more fart noises about.
  12. Tinfoil hat time! http://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=418148219529301&id=100040023803346
  13. Isn't treason how our country was formed? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #draintheswamp
  14. I like split systems. We have them in several locations across the state and our main HVAC contractor we use for all our big jobs has one in his personal garage. He's the guy I go to for all things HVAC and building services so I'd like to think if HE uses it it's gotta be the better option. I've been to his house a few times. He doesn't cut corners or penny pinch. He wants things done right the first time and low maintenance.
  15. GN....but they don't make those anymore. Still, that'd be my goal.
  16. Wayment....did a liberal just try to call someone out for asking to use proper adjectives as to not hurt feelings? Did I read that correctly? Oh well. Carry on. See prev comment on this thread.
  17. Dad has 4 of these (or maybe slightly larger ones) in the pole barn where we rebuilt the '52. Since the roof is angled (the other side of the pole barn is larger) we installed two fans on the high side to push the heated air back down. These heaters actually work great and save your floor space. Maybe try one or two of these. Can set them on a thermostat or do like he does and go turn them on for a bit before heading out. If we go into the pole barn cold we'll turn them and the fans on but use the torpedo to help get up to temp then the 4 heaters maintain. It's usually about 68-72 even on the coldest days.
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