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Everything posted by Otis Nice
Sounds to me like you need a 1992 Toyota Tercel DX.
Good deal. I don't have any currently. Actually, my entire stock could use a good replenishing.
I haven't had the others. I REALLY like the Black Barrel because it's finished in bourbon barrels.
If y'all are looking for a good rum I highly recommend Mount Gay Black Barrel.
There's a parade on deep fry two turkeys then watch football day?
I fully agree. That's why I apologized in my very first reply. See? I doubt I'll get an apology for the implications that I am racist or made a reply even thinking one little bit that it could be taken as such. I won't get one for being told "fuck you" or the insinuation that I would "us the n-word." I never have and I never will. I'm ok with that, though. I know for a fact that I never meant any harm to come of it, never once thought of it having racist connotations, and had no idea it would have been taken so far out of context and cause such angered responses. I apologized that it was taken that way. I've done my part. I've explained myself. I'm moving on. The apology can be accepted or not. I can't control what others do. I will not let anyone call me a racist or imply that I would ever intentionally use racial slurs or anything else though. Matter of fact I learned of a couple I've not heard even once before during my 37 years on this planet.
Do you truly believe that I meant it as a big "fuck you" to you? Honestly? Do you REALLY believe that that's what I meant it as? Do you, knowing what you do about me, honestly think that I was promoting "the heart of racism in this country"? I have a feeling you don't but also have a feeling you will reply with something about me being ignorantly racist. I'm honestly not sure and very much confused as to why this has set you off. Maybe it's because I'm some dumb hick from Ohio. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being honest. I'm trying to understand why this particular post in response to you has set you off more than any joke I've ever made with any other friend of any other ethnic background ever. I've never been called "racist" before so I'm trying to understand. That's all. You are allowed to be you as far as I'm concerned. As I recall I, nor anyone else, has judged you for being Jewish. Have you met the Green's? They're pretty damn cool. I can introduce you if not. We go way back. This tells me that you know it wasn't at heart but are still struggling to admit it. "Too long" but I know for a fact you read it. I'm not mad, at all, but let's all be honest here, Kerry. You know I wasn't trying to be derogatory in any way, shape, or form, and I most certainly wasn't being racist. I am sorry that you feel I have wronged you. I have read your words, processed them, and will continue to do so. I am giving YOU the opportunity to act like a man and admit that you know that I do not have anything against you for any reason, ESPECIALLY your ethnicity, and did not make a single racist comment or racial slur although that is your (albeit false) accusation against me. I am telling you in clear and no uncertain terms what YOU can do that would make me satisfied, and leaving it up to you how to handle it. The sole fact that you took my aforementioned apology as nothing more than "some half assed internet apology" although your accusations were, in fact, half assed and on the line as well, is, well, silly to be frank. Half assed online accusations get half assed online apologies I guess. The fact that you claimed my apologetic response was an "I don't want to be demanded" rant" and that my "rating is poor" is meaningless. If you make an accusation online and someone accepts fault (even when they don't necessarily agree) online then an online apology is apropos. Sure, I'd still chat in person, face to face, eye to eye, but don't get silly about it. I now know why I rarely reply to these threads, rarely reply to comments on anything not related to my car/builds, or silly BS not political, and rarely get involved online much anymore. I'll not reply to this thread further. You can reach me via PM, CB, FBM, or text. I have a feeling I'll see ya in CB most often.
If you quoted me and saw the reply, which I disguised as a white text, you'd see "Issa joke". You didn't and that's ok. I hid it. My bad I suppose. I'll own that one. Furthermore nobody here (that I have noticed) has ever made a joke about your nose or anything else. Literally nobody on CR, CB, FB, or in person (while I've been present anyway) from here has mentioned it. I don't even think you have a "hook nose". Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, this is the first time I've ever even read/heard the term "hook nose". Maybe I'm sheltered. I never noticed anything odd about your nose and find it odd you bring it up as if I or anyone else here has. Apparently I have mistaken your past jests in CB on the subject and offended you. That was certainly not my intention. I was merely playing off of what you have lead me to think in the past and I apologize. You've made light of it before and therefore I thought the joke would be understood based on our (again) past interactions. Apparently I was wrong. I'll own it. Honestly, if you want my opinion based on seeing you in person and in pics several times, I wouldn't think anyone would be trying to figure out how "jewy" you are (in your words, not mine) based on your appearance and guess it's happened literally zero times, but I also am not you and don't live your experiences so I will not make assumptions. Maybe it's happened a million times. I have no way of knowing that information. I just never noticed anything about your appearance that stood out that you would be chastised for but, again, I am not you and I will not just assume you've never had a neg experience based on your ethnicity. I'm content with making jokes to an extent. I love the likes of Ralphie May, Dave Chappelle, Gabriel Iglesias, and several others, as they joke with and share stories with and about friends and what not and speak often on race, religion, politics, and many other topics most shy away from (BTW, if you haven't checked out "The Cabin" on NF with Bert Kreischer I HIGHLY recommend it. Hilarious). To say, "You wanna drop some N-word jokes in there too while you are at it?" shows how unwarranted your offense is. I said nothing of your heritage, nothing racist at ALL (please show me where I used a slur against any ethnicity), and it's off base and asinine. I didn't call you a name, derogatory or otherwise, and this is reaching. Hard. So, if my joke offended you I will apologize by saying that wasn't my intentions, AT ALL, but I also feel as though, based on some of your jokes and jabs at others, you're kinda being overly sensitive. I did not intend to offend you so I am sorry that you took offense to my reply. ..but... http://www.quickmeme.com/img/3f/3fc6532ee77569a992a684051054f6baf6ee7b27bb47da47c27c85581c7ff9c6.jpg Also, to drop in CB as I step away and say, and I quote: ...is not appealing, nor do I have any interest in being demanded to do anything. Mainly because if an apology is demanded I don't feel it's genuine anyway. Also, if you're calling my joke with you, who I have joked back and forth with many times, "racist bullshit" and DEMANDING that I meet you in person just to apologize I am far less likely to do so. I also like you, dude, but don't tell me I owe you anything over doing nothing more than you have done yourself to several others in the past and don't try to do it in CB of all places. You have my number, are on FB, and can PM. We can meet up. We can chat. That was silly though. I wasn't even at my PC.
Nice. That's a good haul. I haven't had the Saz but I've heard mixed reviews with more "meh" from the folks I tend to align with. Others seem to love it and hunt it so it may be really good. I would snag a bottle if I could find some just to try it.
I can relate with and respect that. Bruh, I'm not a smart enough man to have a "right" answer for this. It does take 2 to tango. As I've taken to on social media and as you might have noticed throughout this thread vs me from years ago (if you recall me from years ago) I tend to abstain....most of the time. I think all the media and the powers that be want is division. I think we're fools if we allow ourselves to be divided. Truth is most of us are quite similar with minute differences that are amplified by the talking heads. I've done my best to deter that...and have failed at times.
I'm not discrediting what you're saying but I refuse to let any media/OpEd be my basis for an understanding of how an individual acts or has acted. I willfully and knowingly respect your piece and feelings and can sympathize with them but no media outlet can convince me of true motive They all have an agenda. Over the years I have seen too many stories and what not presented as "news" and "factual" but the reality is so much is based on what gets ratings and who can report it the fastest. Basically, I respect you over them...or something...I guess. I hope I'm conveying my feelings clearly. I don't think Trump is "without blame" because he is, as I have said several times over an egotistical buffoon, but I also feel it's SUPER easy to pass more blame than is due to any one leader, be it political or religious or whatever, than there is cause for. Maybe I'm wrong. That's happened twice before. Perhaps, and I agree a LOT is lost in text be it on CR, FB, or text messages or whatever. I also could say the same about most of your comments here and what you have, at least seemingly so, condemned others of, so I will digress and agree that things are lost in context. I would venture to say that in person you also wouldn't have said MANY of the things you have to myself, Panduh, or the others. Maybe you would have, and that's ok too. I don't know you in person so I can only go off of our convo here, and I understand that my perception from your typed words may not fully convey your intentions, but most of your posts have been very condescending on the surface as read. I've not been offended at all and have rarely replied but I have noticed a pattern. If you took my post as "rubbing it in" consider all of your demeaning post-election posts toward the conservatives/Trump supporters. There has been a LOT of "rubbing it in" from you in this very thread. Mainly I've lol'd at both sides, but at least admit to being a pot while calling the kettle black. I surely will if I am. Maybe I have been. I dunno. If my post came across as boasting or condescending my apologies. That wasn't my intentions. I do see how they could be perceived as such though. I was also trying to convey my disdain for having to cancel my extended fam holiday celebrations that we've NEVER missed, but maybe my typed words missed the mark. My bad. Honestly I didn't see his reply...and as of this writing I still haven't but I'll go back and read it. I merely missed it apparently. Didn't even see a thing from him. NONE of this is personal. I see a lot coming from BOTH sides and I am just trying to learn more from each and those that support both and stay as unbiased as possible. Pre-election I saw a LOT more crap flung from the right wing (while you slung your fair share). Post election it's been a lot more from you. Just an observation. I hold no grudges against anyone, agree or disagree, especially if I don't know them personally. PLEASE understand that.
Trade ya a bottle of sampled Balvenie for the Blanton's, OWA, SR, ER, and BT. Where'd ya get that haul? I need to replenish.
I respect whatever you choose to do and feel is in the best interest of you and yours. No qualms from me. To be condescending to anyone who disagrees with anything you feel or believe or have an opinion of, election, COVID, or otherwise, is unbecoming. I 100% agree with you and support your decision, personally. I am not one to disparage anyone for doing anything they feel is best for them and theirs so long as it doesn't harm or affect others. Also, don't make assumptions. My "bubble" has stayed much smaller than usual during all of this and I have worn my mask when necessary. I'm not against distancing. Our large extended fam gathering has been cancelled. I'll still "celebrate" with my folks and immediate fam since they watch our kids and we interact on the reg regardless. I also won't totally let someone dictate what I do. I know that can be taken in a variety of ways on the line via text but that's the simplest way I can state it here. I never stated it wasn't. "Alternative facts" and "a diff set of facts" I view in the same vein. I'm also not surprised that you are using something that you are also making fun of, but that's neither here nor there...I think. Two wings, one bird, ironing man, and all that. This seems awfully convenient...depending on who you are and what you believe. Once again I am so sorry for your loss. Truly. I am not going to disparage what you've gone through or try to negate your feelings. I'm not arguing FOR Trump or against anything. I'm just not sure, and this is my sole belief (again, as someone who hasn't supported Trump as a reality TV whatever, much less the POTUS), that I can say that those deaths are HIS fault. He's a buffoon and I personally believe he's too ignorant to understand the "big picture". I more wonder about those "behind the throne" and the "powers that be", but I may be talking apples while you're talking oranges and obv I have not dealt with what you have so I digress and will try to be understanding of your experiences and what you've had to deal with. I just haven't seen that on a larger scale myself. Thanks for the replies, fellas.
1992 Toyota Tercel DX. /thread.
And I protected it with my Tercel...briefly.
DISCLAIMER to anyone reading this: I am not "fighting" or "arguing" and maybe not even disagreeing with what has been said. I am merely trying to seek a better understanding, hear others opinions, and gain more knowledge on these issues. I think we could ALL benefit from having REAL in person convo's with those we might not agree with or folks we may not see eye to eye with and finding common ground. FTFY. Can't wait to eat deep fried turkey with my fam that I've seen multiple times a week as I always have this entire time. "...a different set of FACTS" is hands down one of the funniest things I've ever read on the line. No offense. That was just REALLY funny to me. So they're all dumb (per your own admission here) and your kids and their peers need better parenting. That's what I'm getting from your post. Sounds to me, more than anything that parents and citizens are fucking up. Get your house in order first. Then you can worry about others. Yeah, as someone who is vehemently against Trump AND the two party system folks CAN point to a HANDFUL of things that Dems got wrong AND expect you to see those align with what Trump has done wrong. Do you read the shit you type? Wrong is wrong, no matter the side. Just...lol. Good for you for admitting "your side is wrong" but still somehow believing that both wings don't belong to the same bird. Just....ironing man...again. :lolguy: Aside from the death of your father and a dear friend of mine and my fams to COVID that we've discussed elsewhere THIS (which I hadn't read before or at least don't remember reading before from you) stands out. I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry if some lunatic claimed the name of some bozo politician/egomaniac while murdering your fam (and honestly I'm interested in more of the story but it's not my business) but did Trump himself call for that or was it just some whack job extremist being an extremist? PLEASE understand that I am NOT trying to be disrespectful but as someone who believes in Christ I have lived my entire life being ridiculed for the actions that crazed extremists do as they claim Christ has called them to do when the reality is they're just mentally unstable or have their own ideas and agendas. I am NOT a Trump supporter and have not voted for him either time but I also am not sure how he is the cause of these issues. I'm merely seeking understanding and to be educated. PLEASE don't take my typed words as anything else. What politician has the nat debt NOT been "out of control" under? I'm not questioning you or saying you're wrong. Again, I'm seeking understanding. My entire life all I've heard about is how bad the nat debt is. Reagan (don't remember much about him really), Bush, Clinton, George W., Obama, and now Trump...it's all the same ol' story. I'm genuinely asking so that I may better understand. Do you think this is something that we ALL as parents can work against? Like, teaching our kids (as we do) that all the racial BS doesn't matter, not to watch the media (which NONE of my fam do), etc? I'd like to think that my boys, who are "white" in appearance, DGAF about anyone based on their gender, beliefs, or nationality. That's how I'm trying my damndest to raise them anyway. Forget the politicians, forget the media, is this an "at home grass roots" prob/resolve?
Ah. I hadn't heard of any issues with them. He's run Suburban's for as long as I've known him and a long time before that and never mentioned any trans probs. That's really my only experience is being friends with him and seeing them used on the farm and hauling crap out there for builds and what not. Also came in handy towing back a large tractor that kersploded way out in a field. lol
What's the "good stuff"?
Tacoma, Highlander, or Grand Cherokee, get my vote. What would really get my vote is a rust free Suburban. It can tow more, camp the entire fam, fit full sheets of plywood with the seats down, and checks every box EXCEPT age possibly (haven't shopped them in awhile) and size. Most folks think I'm a "Ford guy" but working on the farm for 3.5 years having my buddy who ran the farm with his '99 Suburban was awesome since my '78 K10 had a short bed. He also built storage drawers and want not that could drop in or be removed if needed. He ended up selling that one and getting a '98 (IIRC) with a 454. Both were absolute work horses, rust free, and both over 200k with not a single issue. I say all of that knowing you don't want an older Suburban, but I think I do. lol EDIT: Almost forgot, if you go with a midsize truck or SUV and NEED a full size truck you can rent them for, like, $20 a day.
Neat to know they realized they wouldn't sell many with that fugly interior.