guns are like cars ppl, everyone has their own preference, dont let someone talk you out of owning it if you want too......there are horror stories for everything made in the world today, doesnt mean everything is junk......
oh and its funny how many threads you get on and there are 50 ppl bashing hipoints 50% of them have never shot one or held one but a friend of a friend has and they are junk, the next 30% are new ppl to guns and bought what ever some one told them to on a forum so new to guns they automatically now think hipoints are junk, those ppl know who they are, and perhaps the last 20% left are real gun owners that have owned every type of gun and just plain dont like them, they never bash them but just state they dont like them.....
i own a carbine in 9mm have shoot countless rds thro it, everything from factory ammo to relaods jhp to lead, never had any real problems, had maybe 4 jams all from reloads which was my fault not the guns, tightened down the oal and never had a prob again
if you want to own a certain type of gun,car,watch, porn, etc then own it dont let someone on the internet cloud your choice......