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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I'll believe this way before I believe those guys don't have accidents. There's no way that's very efficient, sounds sadistic but how funny would it be to see a cart guy smashed by a bus?
  2. Postal Service - Such Great Heights was the song in the middle. I dunno the other ones Pretty funny.
  3. Got the vid to that? The Man Show prolly would be a lot funnier, but this was the first time I've seen it.
  4. One of the funniest vids I've ever seen http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/suffrage.html
  5. They should've made the driver more visibile in the second commercial after they all got out. Looked like he died, I had to watch it twice to make sure he was there.
  6. Ha ha! I just woke up like 10 minutes before you did. I think I got too much sleep though, I've been disoriented from it all day.
  7. I looked at all the gas stations that Exxon owns and I don't ever use them anyway. :shrugs:
  8. Nice for a good life. "Any other parking method is against the law, and violators will be prosecuted in accordance with local sodomy laws."
  9. N/m. Looking at his pics closer the paint does look quite off.
  10. I was on there for a bit, that place is worthless.
  11. Silver does that, unless his body parts were painted seperately and weren't faded. My car does it depending on the angle/light, just an optical illusion I suppose.
  12. Well done. Are you missing reflectors?
  13. Lol. I'm not sure I would want to let people know that I associate with those people. j/k man. I hate thieves as well, they deserve much more then a beating.
  14. That's about what I was going to say. Ok, you condone them from both street racing AND the track? wtf. At least let 'em at the track where they can do LESS dumb stuff. Even better though, find a way where natural selection will take them out w/o harming others.
  15. Yup. Everytime I've ever been out it's just been retarded, plus, a lot of people don't seem to act to friendly for w/e reason.
  16. Coty, you douche. Point proven though. Not bad, looks clean.
  17. Yea. That sucks man. That looks bad, hope you can get it fixed w/o losing too much money.
  18. and I supposedly post stupid/non humerous material? wtf...
  19. http://www.gkko.com/videos/1764/sexual-harassment-and-you/ SNL skit. Funny as hell.
  20. Looks good. Whites so hard to keep clean, but they look good when they are clean.
  21. Sorry to hear. I hate driving on high st. or even walking down it buzzed for that matter. Aren't you the kid I raced over a year ago? I had the silver cougar, you were looking at it when we were in Micky D's?
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