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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Borrow my car, problem solved. They don't even bother looking at it, I just get waved on.
  2. Cool man. Sucks about your health, but at least now you can relax and do things most people your age never have a chance to do.
  3. That's a helluva airsoft gun! That stuffs very fun. I need to get me a gun.
  4. I had a nintendo and I remember playing atari, but Nintendo I think just came out when I was born, so it was better. Super Mario Kart for SNES = me dominating anyone and everyone.
  5. I think this was about how excited I was when I first got my snes. Vid
  6. It, for the most part, is opinion. I agree on the majority of games being trash that game developers push out to make a buck.
  7. Nothing to be ashamed of man, hawt nekkid womenz for the win.
  8. Ok, but you should still know as a gamer you play it for fun, not because of who made it, who likes it, who told you to like it, what its about, what not, yadda yadda. I loved 1942, BF2 is an enjoyable game even though EA fubared it a bit.
  9. Ohio Wookie, I just needed an upgraded 1942. That game was the shit, I never got around to buying CoD2, so BF2 works. I dont' have cable, so I can't watch G4 Either way, I think my point is proven. Mac people actually think they're better/more intelligent then pc users, for whatever reasons and whether or not the actual machine is an overall better machine or not.
  10. That makes sense, very hot metal with cool water would equal bad I would think. Very interesting concept though. It seems like it does more for fuel economy then power though.
  11. Lol. So it'll flop just as hard as Vietnam did. Thank god I didn't buy that, only thing I liked about that game was the kick ass music in the vehicles and the ability to play your own music while driving. On a side note, it's on the pop up when you first log on to BF2 now.
  12. I'll go with the lawyer path as well.
  13. I'm not against mac, they very well may be the future of gaming, I dunno which way it's going, I don't read up enough until I'm ready for an upgrade. It doesn't seem likely whatsoever with so many pc fans. For the moment, my pc does wonders, I built it and it runs flawlessly since I've been up here in Columbus (bout 3yrs), no reformatting, major hardware/software troubleshooting. Why fix something that's not broke I suppose. I guess a lot of people who have macs seem to think they're *better people* just because they don't use a pc, not all, but a majority have that attitude I've found. Just arrogant if you ask me.
  14. Yes, more of these. http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Comics/Dave/comicmarshmallow464.jpg
  15. Hey man, fatties need loving too. Thanks for taking one for the team. Lol.
  16. :runs out and buys a six pack of women drinks: So uhhh, wanna come over and blow a car up or something. Lol @ you. Zeev6, guess I'm a monk. Just like I said before, how hard is it to realize that just because a majority of America are dumb fucks and do it once or twice, it doesn't incorporate everyone. No, I like my life, I like the way my life is right now. I'd like not to die, have my license suspended, commit vehicular manslaughter, go to prison for however many years, what have you. Some people actually HAVEN'T drank and drove. Honestly in my belief, we need stricter laws against drunk driving.
  17. I play videogames, that's why I basically have my computer. Convince me to buy a Mac, oh wait, you can't.
  18. http://tinypic.com/6h1gcl.jpgJill Wagner That commercials way old btw
  19. http://photolog.isafeelin.org/archives/shoe-kitty-pl.jpg http://www.katzenspass.ch/freunde/kitty2.jpg http://www.funnypop.com/images/thirsty_kitty.jpg http://www.bentsynapse.net/insults/images/kitty.jpg http://www.psychomart.com/psycho/keeshu/recline-a-kitty.jpg http://memphis-it.net/shane/kitty.jpg http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ian/Public/Humor/kitty-debauch.jpeg
  20. I haven't been drinking, but my head hurts for some reason. Wow
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