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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. He he. Seen this before somewhere. You can tell from the background and truck it looks third world. Hey nate! He's welding next to the gas tank! Lol. Edit: spelling owns me
  2. Lvl 12 w/o cheating and using a trackball.
  3. Wow. That's hard. Got to 7 and it's pissing me off.
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v177/00Civic/467861_39_full.jpg Yup. GM's new ram air concept cavalier!
  5. That's actually pretty cool, did you really feel much of a difference?
  6. I seen this before, but this is new on it. Wow would this be gay.
  7. I like my spoiler. My car wouldn't look right w/o it, but it seems you don't care what I think
  8. Crazy Canadians Pretty cool vid. Hoping to go up there sometime, hopefully they're not this mean. If it's a re... than it's still funny the second time around. America rulz!
  9. Lol. Very nice vids. I'm assuming that's your vette, your car pulls like a mother!
  10. Someone should also give this tape to the cops, as did the VW morons. Oh Oh Click Me!
  11. Damn. Hope your alright.
  12. Wow, Mr. Pimp Dawg Mad Bling was smokin a little too much. How mature is that. Don't caravan's normally get pulled over anyway? I remember on the way to cougarfest they got pulled over, but the cops were just checking out things i guess. No deviance done.
  13. It got hit by a damn boeing! That's why it collapsed, this along w/ that pentagon video are just retarded.
  14. From what I understand it's basically test & tune
  15. ????? Should still drive fine. This is totaled my friend. http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/190000-190999/190261_41.jpghttp://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/190000-190999/190261_39.jpg
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