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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. My dad came up to do some work for osu, and than we went out to eat. For some reason though there was a big bus of Michigan girls, pretty decent looking ones too, in front of the holiday inn. Anyone know what was up?
  2. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I never thought of that.
  3. Sorry. Called the cops, canceled the card. I'm gonna go in and file a report too, i dunno about that electronic phone crap. Anyway. black dockers wallet, my names chris wilcox. I think it's a lost cause but i had my ss card in there, license, check card, selective service card, blah blah blah. Pretty much everything. I guess i just go to the dmv for a new license and than i can get a new ss too. This sucks though w/ all the identity theft crap going around.
  4. I lost my wallet the night of the 17th. I have charges on my card now for gas and wendy's on the 18th. The fuckers are using my check card. If anyone has any information I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
  5. Have you seen some of those videos of what they do to animals? It's horrible, now I am no means in any way EVER going to stop eating meat, but I wish I'd rather of not seen what some of those animals had to go through. Than again, they're animals... it's not as bad as people. Now where's that steak...?
  6. I feel retarded for listening to that...
  7. CS blows... too many cheaters. Call of Duty servers are pretty good.
  8. I've done some of em. They sped my computer up a bit, just make sure you save a copy of your registry. It tells you how i believe, cuz if you mess that up. Your screwed.
  9. Group X rulz.... Mr. Cokes a good one too, but schfifty five ownz joo. I don't know who wrote this, but it sounds like em... linky
  10. Mean girls is practically half porno, good movie. "Do not have sex or you will get pregnant and die. Do not have sex in the missionary position, do not have sex standing up. Just don't do it, ok, promise? Now everyone grab a rubber!"
  11. 17.023 @ 81mph Yeah, it's pretty gay, but I think i've found the problem.
  12. Nice pics. You guys are both really cool people.
  13. Duff > Lohan Still both hot as hell!
  14. Uhh... why were they clapping. He almost killed two people, totally destroyed that car, and it doesn't look like he would be feeling too great either, or she. Whoever the hell was driving.
  15. "That's only in the mornin', and you should be up cooking breakfast or sumthin!"
  16. Road runner - $45 It always goes out, but it's just how this apartment building is wired.
  17. Why would you post such a thing? I'm sure if someone wants to see it they can go out on their own will and find it. graemlins/slap.gif
  18. I love that style of the rx's. Welcome.
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