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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I wish I was rich....... or even that damn bird, it at least got to go in style.
  2. I wish I was rich....... or even that damn bird, it at least got to go in style.
  3. Jesus! I got scared the crap out of last night. I was merging onto 70W, right after town ya know, before 270. Anyway, I merge, i'm doing the normal 5 over and all of a sudden a few cars came up behind me and stay there, than one flew by me, a sheriff. I was like crap, slowed down a few mph, a minute later the other guy (another sheriff) did the same thing. Crazy bastards.
  4. Wow, what a hag. I'm moving back to the country after i graduate, i couldn't deal with that crap. I'm gonna have to go w/ the machete idea.
  5. http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/8/web/332000-332999/332657_49.jpg That's why, wanna race tongue.gif
  6. clicky guy must either of been jealous or really buzzing
  7. that's not funny graemlins/nonono.gif
  8. uhhh, i swear i knew one of those girls, and she's like 15
  9. 12.42604% - Geekish Tendencies
  10. Those things are crazy back home in cincy. You can hear em once you get out of town on 71 south too.
  11. LMAO, dude, that's awesome.
  12. Split personality Honda Yeah, it's uhhh..... graemlins/puke.gif Just so the honda fan's don't go all psycho on me, here's another bitchtified cougar. Mcdonalds
  13. Dear god why...... and it was an older man!! Not some kid. Wow, nice mid life crisis car graemlins/slap.gif
  14. LOL, dumbass, should've shot the guy.
  15. must be mang, must be............
  16. What the hell, I threw that into altavista and it says something about dog shit? "more ser well, which is dogs shits"
  17. graemlins/eek2.gif Nice mang graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. She looks like michael. One of those things that make you just wanna go .....ewwwwwww
  19. Ok, sorry, I need to add. I feel that this is bush's war, not ours. I do not see how i would be protecting America's freedom, therefore, I would be fighting for the president. No? I don't like Kerry however, so in the end, I don't know. We'll see when I get there.
  20. Whoa whoa, chill guys. "I" myself did not vote him in. I'm only 19, so yes, I'm dumb and ignorant. I am registered however, and I will vote. If I have to fight, I will. However, I in no way support this war. The gas prices thing was just stupid, a mindless rant, i'm sorry. Anyway, how am I protecting my country when we're fighting for who knows what. This isn't a war against terrorism, saddam's caught, there's no bombs. We're policing other countries, that my point of view, as dumb as you may think me. Start the e-thug graemlins/popcorn.gif
  21. This is gay. Hey everyone, lets go die for our f*cked in the head president while he continues to jack up gas prices. If they force you to leave school, they should at least pay for it.
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