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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. what about a zx2? both got zetecs dude BC, aren't Ford's plastic hood scoops the shit!
  2. Oh, I see you got the plastic bag mod. Very nice.
  3. Nice rims, those would look nice on my car.
  4. lol 66 on 2nd try, 3 on first
  5. woot, unreliable and very inefficient
  6. That sucks guy. Hope your all right and it'll continue to get better. Good things come to those that wait.
  7. Headers helped my car......... a bunch!!!! ........but a hyundai, uhhhhh
  8. That was gay. That kid needs knocked the f*ck out for talking so much shit after a cheap shot like that.
  9. +1 Who knows, it's columbus.
  10. Lol. Xzibit: That's the biggest wing we could find Kid: Wow, that is a big wing!
  11. What pisses me off, non-fat milk, that's just gay, or even 2%. If i wanted water, i'd drink water. Anyway, illwill rulz, so does foamy, he's so true.
  12. but i look 16 so it's ok
  13. ROFLMAO, that's great. That's good to hear the ducks are ok, when i first say that I couldn't stop laughing. I still would've helped em though, as long as the mother didn't peck the shit out of me.
  14. hillary & lohan > olsens
  15. Damn, I get on avg. 25mpg That's it, buying a GTO. tongue.gif Actually, lets go w/ a mach 1.
  16. click on the performance link, there's a vid of one wasting a corvette
  17. Electric These thing are absolutely nuts, i'm wondering when they're finally going to come out with these. This toyota's pretty bad ass too.Volta
  18. Reminds me of another vid, wish i knew where it was, some guy drag racing a motorcycle got smashed in the hand when the piston blew through.
  19. damnit, people suck ass, i hate hearing about this kind of shit. On a side note, I think we found the asshole that ganked my brothers 2stroke kawasaki, we'll see.... fucker's going down.
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