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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. range mostly/majority..... and defense for the occasional break in if it happens
  2. What's a good place try and find one? Sorry, re-new to guns.
  3. Oh, my bad. What's the price on one of those?
  4. what would you rec? I like the KP89DC... what do you think about that gun?
  5. 100K cant start most businesses with any type of complex business plan. ONLY 100K cant be invested and think you can make it be enough to retire on unless you add more over the years while compounding. Im in a similar boat. i called a friend who works for a wealth management firm and they told me that im not wealthy enough for them to take me on (im not surprised). He told me thatthey go through edward jones in a roundabout way and the first thing i need to do is go to EJ and see if what they have to offer in terms of services is right for me. I plan to retire with 6-7M and live without worries. hence why i pack away my money now to invest and compund. Right now, i am thinking i want to put some money in mutual funds and some money in ETFs. I am not going to get into buying particular stovks right now. My dad is a day-trader and I dont have enough time to do it.... or knowledge. AND, buy-and-hold is a nono this day and age. My best advice (kidding): 1. who knows.. start franchising fast food places like the family in the Blindside... they did well in that move (i gest). 2. Be like me....Buy watches, add Diamonds, mean mug.
  6. were they all gay? gay and "wilding out"??? If i was a gay black dude living in North Carolina I would be embarrassed.... just sayin So funny... going on FB in 3,2,1....
  7. here's an update Sold the Bullet Sold the Rustler Keeping the RC8T Keeping the D8T Keeping the boat Keeping the Sprint 2 Bought a redcat 1/6 Truggy and just bought this short course truck as a project..... CHAMBA http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/402825_10101366511013004_575808387_n.jpg
  8. let me grab my............ http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/dndavis/dndavis1012/dndavis101200008/8424983-box-of-popcorn.jpg
  9. I know it's a lot to ask.. .but, would anyone here be willing to utilize their LE or Service discount to get me the deal o nthe SR1911 at vances?
  10. here is what he said.... Jay Piazza: "Thanks Bob I really appreciate it have them hit up the fb page if they have any questions or want a sample"
  11. Thanks for the advice. Also, has anyone had experience with the Ruger SR1911?
  12. Thanks and why? also, im not hard up for a 1911. i have just heard so much good about a lot of them.
  13. does the powder room let you test stuff too?
  14. has anyone shot this? http://www.vanceoutdoors.com/products2.cfm/ID/50251/name/springfield-1911-a1-45acp-milspec-park-package
  15. Hi all, I am going to buy a handgun soon. I want to go to a range and test fire some different guns. Where would be a good place to do so? I live on the north side of town. As far as guns i know i like. I remember a HK USP tactical 45 and a Springfield XD 45. Im also not opposed to looking at 1911's as well. This day and age... what would i expect to pay for a used HK USP tactial or even one with the match setup? Thanks, other rec's would be great too.
  16. i have gottne severla PMs about samples. I am going to direct you to a guy named Jay Piazza. He's the guy who said he could swing them. Again, good friend of mine. http://www.facebook.com/#!/jay.piazza.5?fref=ts
  17. he also just said he'd give out samples.
  18. my buddy just started working for this newer company. has anyone tried it before? he also asked me to share it in general. i dont work for them. i am interested in it though. they say its plant based.
  19. Did he keep his right hand on the gearshift the entire time?
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