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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. I have a friend who uses them all the time and I have a username and password you can use to browse. Understand, that a lot of their business comes from people sourcing cars from a thousand miles away too. I bought a car on manheim that way through him. Saved about 7-8k on a 40k car
  2. How does someone get 4k+ back on a tax return? Did you write a bunch of stuff off?
  3. yep, i need one, let me know.
  4. no no. im just chop-nusting. I want to help you... its my civic duty to help people with wheels! for real!
  5. also... for cheapos... google image "KMC hotwheels 68".... you might like those... and there is a pic with them on a Fbody
  6. so what you are saying is that you let people influence you that much??? And since they didn't ... you never changed wheels? Even worse... you are basically saying "i dont want to do it right, and i most certainly want to be different... so i'm going to go cheap and stupid"??? thats all i hear....
  7. So, you are saying that you are the exception and not the rule?
  8. What do you mean? KID IS KILLING IT.... in Ashland Ohio.... People fuck (sex) their own family members and siblings in Ashland, Ohio.
  9. if you want to go cheap you can get ZR1 knockoffs on ebay for liek 500 per set... http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm293/DUhulk78/NewZR1s.jpg?t=1236131576
  10. try these.... CCW http://ls1tech.com/forums/attachments/wheels-tires/227096d1271289867-ccw-sp500s-fikse-fm5s-camaro016.jpg FIKSE http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x262/xplicit_red281gt/l_f9a717a9122e4e27bda65b84b37f7b3f.jpg CCW http://www.norcal-lsx.com/multimedia/data/500/2894556888_f9e74b1450_o.jpg
  11. Arent those a new take on old mustang wheels? ford...?
  12. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/310013_667160957470_829387562_n.jpg
  13. none of them... whats your bolt pattern? 5x120?
  14. The D8T should be capable of 60-65 MPH with a 22T pinion (from 16T) Thats a lot of moving-mass.....
  15. "Ruined evening"... Really? "ruined"... are we stretching? "only use Jared".... really? , you like gettting gaped? Were you supposed to be there BEFORE 5pm? or AFTER 5pm? Your story is unclear. were you late? Or, were they telling you to come in after hours? OH, THE DIAMOND CELLAR...... The Diamond Cellar is no better than all the other enornous chains. They market themselves as "save money here" and are 10% higher priced for "like" quality from my experience. Not to mention they (DC) sell a watch for 4700.00 bucks and upcharge the 2 year maintenence factory service ... and then lose the dealer account because the watch company told them repeatedly to stop doing it..... Not to mention ... When I asked to try on the watch (at the Diamond Cellar) in the first place the sales associate almost scoffed at me for thinking that I (27 years old at the time) didn't have the means to purchase said watch... but reluctantly let me try it on. Not to mention.... She also made a completely racist comment as a reason for not going in a certain establishment that i frequent often. saying " i dont go in there because saw a lot of black people in there the only time i was there" ... REALLY? Needless to say... she didn't get the sale.... PS - they charged me 70.00 dollars to repolish my watch... when they quoted 40.00 PS - Meyers polished it for free.
  16. conversion installed on D8T: http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/19124_10101297698947934_1977294156_n.jpg
  17. His stampede flies actually. ... Right into Jon Linn's eleven hudnred dollar EMaxx and gets EXPLODED!!!
  18. You do realize that the stampede going up against a 1/8 scale comp truggy is like a Kia against a bulldozer right? Unlike my HPI bullet that seems to be made of glass. Regardless, I though t you quit RC's??? Me, linn, and Keith have been jamming every weekend!!!
  19. Worked on the D8T tonight. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/387076_10101295986005684_246246292_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/155049_10101295985771154_917718603_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/555427_10101295985451794_1610927874_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/540761_10101295985222254_2102630753_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/74171_10101295984987724_743897112_n.jpg
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