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Everything posted by Dave1647545494

  1. yep just screw a bolt into the back of the head
  2. sounds to me like you didn't put the plug wires back on in the right order
  3. call me around 8 614-354-0635 gotta wait till the woman gets home from work
  4. stop by my house and help Derek and I put a rear main seal in my stang
  5. I used 57D in my driveway it packed better than straight 57 had dirt or sand mixed in it I forget how much it cost i hauled it myself so it was pretty cheap
  6. try to stop on hill with a loaded trailer and a stick sometime and then ask yourself again why most trucks have an auto
  7. Dave1647545494


    always like that when somebody croaks let your mom and her brothers and sisters handle it
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/89-93-Mustang-GT-5-0-MAF-Mass-Air-A9P-ECU-Computer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33596QQihZ025QQitemZ380058241337QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/5-0-Mustang-Ford-Motorsport-Cobra-EFI-Kit_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33553QQihZ009QQitemZ190246598417QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  10. maybe we should just let those retards fight each other and spend our time and money to fix up the good old USA wich is falling rapidly into disrepair what we really need to do is just let the people who live in other parts of the world fuck up thier own shit and get back to handling our own business
  11. yeah but your single and fixed you need a sports car.......
  12. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=98904 I use one similar to this keeps all the water out
  13. ttt almost the time of year to need a beater gets 24mpg
  14. without health insurance nobody could afford too.... even with it the copay is expensive
  15. Dave1647545494


    oooooooh kaaaayyyyyy peace out
  16. you can buy just a caliper bracket you may need to turn the old one in for a core get a decent set of ceramic pads plenty good enough for street duty and learn how to fucking type you made my head hurt
  17. I loaned Kenny my phone book once so he could see over the steering wheel
  18. I thought I had some left, but I just checked and I'm all out of care today
  19. is this guy your ex boyfriend or something? chill out
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