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Everything posted by Dave1647545494

  1. +1 on the drive teeth on the dist being worn especially if it has high miles
  2. no tune port for the T/A? call me sometime I have that bearing here for you anyway
  3. thats a good deal although the mac set is only $49 online and a warrany that cant be beat
  4. hopefully derek(turbo rust) will post up a picture I saw a pad today that had part of the rotor melted to it it was pretty cool
  5. there is nothing wrong with the article pad material can unevenly deposit on a rotr and cause a vibration but other things like rapid cooling improper wheel torque and over heating can cause the metal to physically change
  6. rotors warp for sure I've had them do it right out of the box
  7. pictures kinda suck I'll be home most of the day if you want to come and look at it
  8. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/bikeright.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/biketop.jpg
  9. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/bikebook.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/backtire.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/bikeback.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/bikeleft.jpg
  10. easy killer most parts stores can't turn rotors (MY) parts store is ok to deal with.. and an easy cleanup pass .02-.07 or so isn't much and makes it easier to bed the pads
  11. only way to find out is to put the other rockers back on
  12. all I can do is measure them for thickness I don't have a runout tool I can mount it and do a scratch cut to check it but by then might as well put a nice clean surface on them anyway
  13. 1981 virago 750 has newer starter and new throttle grip probably going to need a battery starter drive is noisy but functional (i'm told they all make noise and that george at gs powersport is the guy to see on these) tires look decent does start and run so you can hear it try to ride around my parkinglot leaks some oil from the side cover I have a new gasket for it also has new oil filter (wix) and lucas full synthetic motorcycle oil. I will include a repair manual and an extra quart of oil also I can't afford to put anymore money in this bike right now and could use the garage space let say 500 obo cash talks clear title in hand would also possibly trade for Wii my kids played one today and really liked it 614-354-0635 call or text I can take pictures on my phone if you need them
  14. per rotor I typed that wrong I also fixed the original
  15. block the rear wheels and take the driveshaft out
  16. I can turn the rotors at orielly for ya 10 bucks a rotor you oughta be able to hang brakes on it thats kiddie shit, if you don't want to do it I can probably help ya out
  17. I don't see the fail the add is weird, but 500 for a car that big is scrap value
  18. http://www.mactools.com/Product/tabid/120/productid/320315/variantid/311074/Default.aspx part number has change since I got my kit here it is for anybody who needs a good set
  19. I hooked him up the mac set is 4 through 14
  20. if its round call 740-974-0561 guys name is steve he has a cnc lathe, he makes gears and pulleys and things so a snap ring groove should be no problem located near lancaster
  21. I have a good set of Mac triples if you need them the set most autoparts stores have is small and junk
  22. if you want it to have the correct mileage you'll need to buy a new one from the dealer and have it programmed to match
  23. if its never been titled here then you do it like any other out of state vehicle take in the bill of sale they make sure the vin matches the receipt and your good to go
  24. we can't just scan the kind of people who hijack and blow up planes thats racial profiling its way easier to inconvenience everyone instead...
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