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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. Simply put, your choice in wines leaves your social status to be a bit undesireable for possiblity of the family offer.
  2. Sheeeesh. Well golly. You think that Mirna can take a break from baking that pound cake long enough so as to help you off the short bus at 3pm? Did pa's truck pass the environmental sniffer test yesterday after he purchased his Red Man chaw from the local Piggly Wiggly? Has young Benny grown into those Tuffskin jeans ma bought him in 4th grade?
  3. Benny and Mensan are both gunning for me. Hehehehehehehehehe. Benny has no balls and Mensan has no life. Benny tries to find his purpose, but is failing. Mensan is a asset holding wanna-be. Mensan dreams of the lavish vacations he and his four year old can take together. Deercreek State park, here they come.
  4. What is great about knowing soooo many people: You can find out where everybody works. While her dinner is on me, I will provide you with one free movie pass to see the upcoming Curious George movie.
  5. WWWWeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssstttttttttttttttt SSSSSSSSSSiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Now Marc, I have allowed you this far. Don't make me get irritated with you.
  7. Let's change it up a bit. We can have Benny AND Mensan team up. They can BOTH make the attempt at de-throaning my power.
  8. Like I said Benny, bring it on. You see Benny, in a mans world, the pursuit to love begins with either the left or right hand. In your world, you won't get past my left hook. I am coming for you Benny. (here begins Bennys attempts to his homophobic ramblings)
  9. Well Benny, that was original. Remember, I will steal your girlfriend. She is all mine. Oh yes, the taste of the warm virgin pussy seems to find me repeatedly. Victory is mine!
  10. This is not how you reply to my trashtalk. You should say "Bring it on Glenn. I will crush you" or "Glenn, you will be beggging for mercy when I am finished with you." instead, you come with: You then procede to ask me if I have a sister. Has defeat been laid out by you already? Am I already dancing with your wife/girlfriend? Oh the sweetness of a virgin pussy.
  11. I am awaiting Ben to accept the challenge if his beat down in C-town. Ben, and his monkey connection, can be seen tonight live on channel 6 at 11. Come on Benny, prove your worth.
  12. Let's rumble! I will tear you down, demoralize you, and steal your girlfiend/wife. I will show your family what it would be like to be with a real man. Bring on that 6'3" frame and stand tall to me. You will need all of it. BTW, when I am done with you, you can pick out whatever you want at http://www.victoriassecret.com.
  13. So, we going to fight or what?
  14. Shut up Nick. Remember, I have naked pics of your g/f. My dog is still better than yours.
  15. Doesn't matter. To me, he is still a midget.
  16. Hmmmmmmm. Must be a case of the shorts (stature that is).
  17. Ok. I will start with you. I don't want you to feel left out. I will call you Little Panzy. First off Little Panzy, your verberations towards the homo-phobic lifestyle may be a cause for concern. Remember, admitting the closet has a door is the first step to setting yourself free. Second, Little Panzy, I will smudge your face deep into the perils of a good ass woopin'. You see, when a midget such as yourself, presents his voice in such a manner, only one thing can happen: The Great Midget Tossing event. When do we start tossing you around?
  18. Here we go again. The vaginas get their feathers ruffled and they resort to the pussy way of CR. Ban, ban, ban. My experiment in the overall mental instability of the CR tools, now has proof. Ban me Mensan, ban me.
  19. Bengals fans are much worse than all. Here we go Steelers, here we go!
  20. Mensan is the future for Columbus Public Schools. Everyone should be happy with a 29% success rate. He is the king of The Hilltop. The richest of the poor.
  21. Haha. The yeast infection is spreading deeper. First, Marc, shut up. Second, Alex (10xWorse), you are a weasel. Just look at you, why wouldn't they think you are a rat. Third, Mensan, I will kick your ass. I will propel you into the life you've been wishing upon. Keep fucking that grazer in the bedroom, she enjoys it.
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