The Bungals still suck.
1st round of playoffs: Pittsburgh(6th seed) at Bungals(3rd seed).
Result: Same as the previous @Cincy game, a dominating win for Pitt. Bank on it you closet Bungal fans.
The Bungals are a bunch of pretenders. You beat a weak Steeler team (this week). Your defense is HORRIBLE!
The Bungals won in Pittsburgh, now they are a dominating team? A few years ago, the Bungals went 3-13 with two of the wins against Pittsburgh, were they a dominating team at that time?
In conclusion, I would not be so proud of your team yet. You beat a weak, down, and hurt Steeler team. You barely beat Pitt on Pitts worse day. On a bad Bungal day, combined with a mediocre Pitt day, the Steelers destroyed the Bungals.
Shut up Bungal fans, or I will begin an e-thrash on you all.