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Everything posted by Buckeye23

  1. Did they do the engine bay too?
  2. I thought The Ring was dumb. Not scarey at all, like everyone claimed it to be. Now Gothika won't make you crap your pants, but I just felt that over-all, Gothika was a better film than the Ring.
  3. My friend has GREAT video. I'll see if he can't get some stills from that and mail 'em to me.
  4. I did not see Dragonfly, but I did see The Ring and Gothika. I thought Gothika was a lot better than The Ring. And I really didn't see the end of Gothika coming at all. Which was nice.
  5. Great movie. I enjoyed it. I would really like to see them continue on with Sean Bean and do The Odyssey. That would kick ass.
  6. I have both DVDs...good stuff.
  7. That's right. Super hero's can defy the laws of physics and gravity. My mistake. What was I thinking. At least the Matrix makes it "believable" when it's tied into the story. And the Lord of the Rings remark is just stupid. When I said, "realm of possibility" I was referring to the laws of physics and gravity. Trust me, I full understand that Dracula, werewolves, and Frankenstein are all make-believe and not possible. However...Van Helsing DID show gymnastic abilities. Let's not forget jumping from horse to horse during the carriage sequence. How about shooting the wire from the castle to the tree? What was that? A good 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile I'm guessing. How about shooting Mr. Hyde while falling from the top of Notre Dame? But whatever...I didn't like it. Apparently I'm in the minority. No biggie. In closing...I AM NOT A MICHIGAN FAN and the rapid fire crossbow was cool.
  8. Give me a break. You couldn't honestly tell me at some point in the movie that you didn't think, "Ok, this is getting a little rediculous." It's fine that they took creative liberties with physics, gravity, etc... But at least keep it within the realm of possibility. Maybe a couple of those crazy falls, flips, swings, with a perfect dismount could've kept things interesting, but when everyone can do it without hesitation, it get's a little repetative and kills whatever little excitement was built up.
  9. I disagree. The film should be called Van Helstink. Apparently everyone in 1887 has super gymnastic ability, the accuracy of a laser guided bomb in a perfect world, and the amazing ability to never...EVER...get hurt. Way...WAAAAY...over done. I can dumb myself down for a lot of movies but this movie just sucked. I had high hopes for this one. Dracula, his wives, Frankenstein, Warewolf...lots of promise. On the bright side...Troy opens next weekend.
  10. Out of this whole mess, it sucks that Mike Williams WR from USC cannot enter the draft. That kid played hard for 2 years, put up good numbers, demonstrated amazing hands AND stayed out of trouble. Maurice however get's exactly what he deserves. Good like in the CFL punk.
  11. I rely on Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy
  12. I always slow down there. Holidays that dealership will be loaded with a half-dozen cruisers.
  13. Old boy was there again. Good thing I was doing 80 in the right lane. Damn cops...why they gotta be doin their jobs? graemlins/bubbrubb.gif Cops suck! *Disclaimer* The previous statements were made in jest. But the cop really was there. He was using laser because my Passport didn't go off at all.
  14. Haven't bought it yet. Just gauging possible repair costs to see if I can afford to fix it right away.
  15. Sup guys. I found a 5 spd 85 RX-7 for $400. Owner says that the car doesn't run. He also says that when he attempts to start the car the engine turns over, but does not start. I'm wondering if any of you rotary guys could enlighten me as to what the problem could be and an estimated repair cost. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
  16. Yeah, I was busted there a couple years ago...70 in a 55. I had honestly thought the speed limit was 65 because 70E is 65 until you get past 71. But such is not the case...
  17. 270 heading towards Sawmill, just after 33/161. Typically you'll see Dublin sitting in the center median next to the divider. There's sometimes a Statey there too.
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