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Everything posted by Buckeye23

  1. Who gives a shit? Damn, alot of you guys claim to have lives, then you come on here and cry and complain all day about someone's car. I can't believe there's even a thread to this guy. I bet he's getting EXACTLY what he wants. A reaction out of you guys. [Most of CR]*CRY* HE'S GOT NEONS! THEY BOTHER ME!*CRY*[/Most of CR] +1 While you guys are still in "bitch about someone's car" mode...Can I get a thread dedicated to my car too? www.cardomain.com/id/buckeye23 You know, I could've bought a turbo for the price I paid for my custom paint. But you know what? I don't give a shit. Guess that makes me a ricer.
  2. Bah...some of you need to can the "Holier than Thou" attitude. Bobby likes what he's doing with his car, that's what's important. Some people like straightline, some people like road courses/autox, some just want to light up the night. It's not for everyone, but there's no need to crucify him over it. At least he can talk in a civilized manner. Some of you should take note. And yes, I know this is the kitchen.
  3. Buckeye23


    bah...i have to register?
  4. Buckeye23


    Yeah, it is car related...kind of.
  5. If your friend gets the Celica and decides she wants to do some light modding, intake, exhaust, lowering springs, let me know. I can talk to some of my friends, might be able to get that stuff on for her. Same goes for you Jeep. If you're interested in meeting other local Celica owners, we do get together frequently, check out www.teamcelica.com.
  6. Even though I have a 2000 Celica, I don't think my opinion would be biased because I tried to sell this thing to get a 97 Eclipse GSX a couple years ago. smile.gif For my car, the only issue I've had, and it's a minor one, has been the belt tensioner. I've had mine for a little over 4 years now and has about 78,000 miles on it. My GT gets 28/32 MPG. So it gets good gas mileage. As for power, well it depends on what you're comparing. The GTS is rated around 180 BHP, the GT around 120 BHP. I'm not sure what a 97 Eclipse is...especially turbo'd. I would say, Celica. For the simple fact that it's much more reliable.
  7. You can also get them decently modded from the factory. Subwoofer, neon accent lights...all the good stuff you guys like! I've heard that eventually, a SC will be a factory option too.
  8. Wackiness: 40/100 Rationality: 34/100 Constructiveness: 34/100 Leadership: 38/100 You are an SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting. Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable. You are not to be messed with. You may explode.
  9. I know what Boozer said. But I think Boozer accomplished what he set out to do. He told the Cavs, "Yeah, just don't pick up my option, then you can resign me." When in reality, he just wanted out. I believe that this deal with Utah was in place before Boozer made his statements. He buttered up the Cavs front office, then when he was free, signed with the Jazz. I don't know why it bugs me, I hate the NBA. Though being originally from Cleveland, it was kinda nice to see the Cavs actually bring in crowds. Maybe I'm still bitter from when Jim Thome pulled the same crap with the Indians.
  10. Cavs don't have enough money to match Utah's offer. Most Cleveland could afford is maybe $40 million. But I believe that Boozer had no intention of staying in Cleveland to begin with.
  11. Agreed. This movie is 10x better than the first. And the first was very good.
  12. Warcraft 3 mod for Counter-Strike, Battlefield Vietnam, and Desert Combat mod for BF1942. I hear there's a WWI mod out for BF, might be worth checking out. Flyin Sopwith Camels, etc...
  13. Well, was your tint over 50%? Then the cop had every right to stop you for tint. Where's the problem?
  14. Yes, not nearly as funny as the Delta commerical.
  15. Buckeye23

    Blue lights

    Or he was doing his job enforcing the LAW. He should be thankful that's the ONLY thing he got ticketed for. It's obvious from what was posted that the cop knew what was up.
  16. Buckeye23

    Blue lights

    Was the driver of the Celica African American? Then I might know the person. I know there's a red Celica that came to one of our meets that had one of those big ass Shogun wings or something just as hideous. Good kill.
  17. At least you're alive. I could add more to this, but I don't want Bananaman to get mad at me.
  18. It doesn't matter who the morons are, loud exhaust is loud exhaust.
  19. Good. Maybe the cops are starting to enforce across the board instead of just profiling the sport compact crowd.
  20. Buckeye23


    Motorcyclist died. www.nbc4columbus.com I'm too lazy to go get the direct link...
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