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Everything posted by Buckeye23

  1. Woo hoo...my car isn't on the list. However, I'm sure some of you here would give it honorable mention. graemlins/grin2.gif
  2. Anyone have that picture, "Oh shit, here come the leg humpers." Thanks in advance.
  3. Actually, I think they were referring to me when I said that Notre Dame lost to the Mormons (aka BYU).
  4. HOLY RUN ON SENTENCE BATMAN! I don't care who you are, you shouldn't call anyone an idiot or stupid when you type out some crap like that. And last year NOTRE DAME SUCKED!!! Good lord. Are you really that brain dead? And Notre Dame lost to BYU. Do you know what BYU stands for? Do you know who it's named after? Do you that it IS religious school for...MORMONS. Michigan has lost their last 5 road openers. 5! And they didn't play Notre Dame as their opener for the last 5 years. And who gives a flying fuck if Michigan was up late into the 3rd. The game goes for 60 minutes, not 37 minutes. I'd tell you to stop now to save face, but we're well past you saving yourself from looking retarded. Why don't you come back to me when you can use proper grammar, learn the proper use of commas and periods and sentence structure. Loser.
  5. It may have taken us until the last 9 seconds to win. However, you chumps couldn't get it done in 60 minutes against a crappy Notre Dame team. We win, you lose. Ciao.
  6. Wait... did OSU win on Saturday over Marshall? did Michigan lose to Notre Dame who got pounded by the Mormons? How any Michigan fan can run smack after getting their ass kicked by Notre Dame is mind boggling. Bottom line... OHIO STATE 2-0 Michigan 1-1 There's no stat column for "pretty" wins. Win by 1 or win by 50, it's all a "W". As long as the Buckeyes keep putting up the wins, that's all that matters.
  7. I used to be on there a bunch... Z4rt4n was my name. As soon as I get off my butt and get a router, I'll be back on.
  8. I believe Michigan was favored by 35 points against ND. As long as the Buckeye's win, I don't care how ugly it is. There is no column for how "Pretty" a game was won.
  9. You're right. My mistake. What I meant to say was Arab mercinaries. I knew that Chechnya was mostly Muslim. Brain fart.
  10. It's a new low for terrorism. I believe it was noted that 10 of the terrorists were Muslim mercinaries. None of my friends wanted to talk about this. They "didn't care about Russia". It's unfortunate that some people don't care about world events. Especially something like this, even after 9-11.
  11. Nice car. I was thinking of getting the exact same thing in the Spring. I may have to change colors.
  12. I was sleeping when my friend called. He goes, "Did you see what happened?" I said, "No, I was asleep." "Two planes hit the WTC." I flipped on the TV and was stuck to it for the rest of the day. I was listening to Howard Stern while on the way to my parents house when the first tower came down. It's like every generation has one of these. Grandparents had Pearl Harbor. My parents generation, "Where you when Kennedy was shot?" This is ours.
  13. I think the only good thing coming out of the situation is... NOT HAVING AIDS
  14. I just got an apartment in Sugar Run, up there off New Albany Rd. Nice and quiet.
  15. I know most of you aren't fans of the left turn only circuit but I thought I'd share some pics I took from this past weekends Nextel Cup race. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/buckeye23/02.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4115305093
  16. That never gets old does it? I mean, after all, I've only admitted it time and time again on this board. I'm not singling anyone in particular here. But obviously there have been enough calls, complaints, etc. to warrant a crack down on bikers. It's quite simple really. Don't do anything to give them a reason to pull you over. Yeah, the gun was probably a little over the top, but the helicopter is probably the only way to keep up with this guy. Use your head and a little common sense and you won't find yourself in situations like this.
  17. I wanna see the Mafia girl take some of you guys out. Ya know, just to show the rest of us that she means business.
  18. You must be one of the fuckin' idiots I'm referring to in my post.
  19. How and where? I'm considering selling the ol' Slowica and upgrading.
  20. Here's a new concept...don't drive like a fuckin' idiot and the cops will leave you alone. Obviously there are enough morons on bikes to warrant a crack-down. Ride responsibly and you won't have shit to worry about.
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