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Everything posted by Buckeye23

  1. I do believe Beckett has an online subscription service. Beckett's now don't have near the substance they used to just due to the fact that volume of cards out there has grown so much.
  2. Thank god. I couldn't stand him to begin with. When he first came on the Blitz, I listened to him alot. It was funny and new. After the years, it's the same crap over and over and over. Best of luck to him on Sirius.
  3. Buckeye23

    Got Turbo?

    Ah well, I guess I'm the asshole tonight. I won't crack on Pappa Turbo anymore.
  4. Buckeye23

    Got Turbo?

    I didn't break any rules. Do you want me to give him a hug? Will that make you feel better?
  5. Buckeye23

    Got Turbo?

    1) No personal threats, racial/ethnic slurs, etc. Violation of these will be automatic ban. Anything else is fair game. Enjoy your vacation.
  6. Buckeye23

    Got Turbo?

    So thought processing and brain power isn't exactly a strong point in your family? It's all coming together now...
  7. A little OT here... I was passed by a silver Civic hatch with the license plate: ST RACER
  8. Saw it, loved it. If you liked Backdraft, you'll love this movie. It had a good mix of action, some comedy, and sappy emotional stuff.
  9. I would avoid Battlefront at all costs. The online play is so bad that yesterday, mid-day, only 84 players were online. As for me... Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, Vietnam Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
  10. White Noise It's got Michael Keaton in it. Comes out like Jan. 7, 05. http://movies.yahoo.com/movies/feature/whitenoise.html Looks like a pretty good thriller.
  11. While I see what you're saying and you make valid points. I think I will just agree to disagree. I don't think it's arrogant at all to say that everyone can accomplish the same thing. While the road one travels to get there maybe more bumpy, hostile and take more work, there's no reason that if a person wanted enough, bad enough that they will let their environment get in the way. When a person is born, the potential to accomplish anything is there, doesn't matter what they're born into. It's just does the person have the drive to realize their potential. While we're not all born into the same environment, like I said, if the drive is there, anything can be accomplished. JMHO.
  12. No, you can't. But that does't mean you're stuck there. If a person applies themselves and is dedicated to bettering themselves, there's no reason why they couldn't get out of the situation they were born into.
  13. Like it's been said before, what difference does it make if some one chooses to pay $x for a shirt when the same shirt be had for $y less? People can spend their money however they want. It may not make sense to you, but what does it matter? If buying clothes at Goodwill is your thing, that's great. If someone wants to drop $70 on a shirt, more power to them. Personally, I don't think I could buy clothes from a thrift store knowing that someone else was wearing those things before I was. That's just the way I feel.
  14. Like it's been said before, what difference does it make if some one chooses to pay $x for a shirt when the same shirt be had for $y less? People can spend their money however they want. It may not make sense to you, but what does it matter? If buying clothes at Goodwill is your thing, that's great. If someone wants to drop $70 on a shirt, more power to them. Personally, I don't think I could buy clothes from a thrift store knowing that someone else was wearing those things before I was. That's just the way I feel.
  15. I'm no expert either, but I've read a few things here and there. I did read a cool article in Maxim several years ago where they broke down the Navy Seals, Delta Force, Spetsnaz, GIGN, GSG9, SAS. They did some back ground, training, had a former member recount a story, and also did like a historical highlight. A guy here at work used to be stationed at Ft. Bragg when he was in the army. Also stationed at Bragg are the Rangers and Delta. So frequently, the regular GI's were tabbed as "bad guys" to help train Spec. Ops. in various scenarios. Needless to say, the Spec. Ops units train much differently and play by a different set of rules. When the GI's got their asses beat, they literally got their asses beat.
  16. That's actually a picture of Israeli Special Forces in action. Isayeret is what they're called. I believe the pic is on their website. http://www.isayeret.com/ Might not be a bad idea for the next thread similar to this. Best Special Operations Units. Carry on... *edit* It is an Israeli CT picture... http://www.isayeret.com/units/civi/yamas/civi-mis1.jpg
  17. Considering Nordstrom's sells them for $150-$200 a piece...I agree. The ONLY thing that bugs me about Thrift Stores is that someone else wore that stuff before me. Yeah, it's been washed, etc... but it's just weird to think that some guy farted in those pants before he sold 'em.
  18. http://bdmonkeys.net/~chaz/battle.php Lo! Who is that, skulking across the icy wasteland! It is Slowica GT, hands clutching a sharpened screwdriver! He howls vengefully: "For the love of carnage and discord, I bring darkness and mayhem like a sentient bulldozer!!"
  19. My friend applied at Abercrombie at their Data Center/Warehouse. Although he was qualified, he didn't "fit" the profile of a person they wanted to work there.
  20. My friend applied at Abercrombie at their Data Center/Warehouse. Although he was qualified, he didn't "fit" the profile of a person they wanted to work there.
  21. Buckeye23

    Joke of the Day

  22. Agreed...some are assholes and some are cool. But if you don't bring unwarranted attention to yourself, you, for the most part, will be left alone. It's really this simple... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/buckeye23/obeythelaw.jpg
  23. One of Columbus Racing's best kept secrets is... the Search button.
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