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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Im pretty sure that somehow this is all Bill Gates fault
  2. This is something grabbed from another forum called laborlawtalk. Just random search and is based on California law but here is what i found....... I will only address the issue of "If I improperly overpaid an employee, can I deduct the overpaid amount from her paycheck?" From Hudgins v. Neiman Marcus Group, Inc., 34 Cal. App. 4th 1109: [T]he Labor Commissioner has held that, although employers may deduct installment payments from an employee's paychecks for a debt owed to the employer with the employee's prior written consent, they are not entitled to a setoff for the balance of the indebtedness against the final paycheck of an employee who has terminated his or her employment. -- End quote Thus, in order to withhold these overpaid wages, you must either have the employee's written consent or have a valid court ordered garnishment order. The reason is that the garnishment laws provide certain basic minimums that the employee must be paid. However, even if you complied with these basic minumums, you would still need the employee's consent before any deduction was taken. I will note that there is some authority to withhold clearly unearned portions of pay from an employees check. However, a recurring overpayment lasting years in duration would likely not qualify as "clearly unearned." Michael Tracy Attorney http://www.gotovertime.com Disclaimer: The above response is a general statement of California law. It only assumes the facts that are stated in the message. The above response does not serve to form an attorney-client relationship. So basically yes they can deduct it but only.... A. If you agree to it with something you signed during hiring. B. Signed off stating it was ok to deduct it even if you signed something when being hired.
  3. I think 800 dollars is a serious problem just taking back without warning. Disgruntled would not fit the term. Insane would be a better description if that happened to me.
  4. Under that hood is incredible for 250k+ miles on it. Nice snag might have to do a little research on those cars.
  5. Drewhop

    hi people

    That as a greeting should be mandatory it made me spit pop out my mouth
  6. Im not completely positive but difference between the S-afc and afc 2 is that the 2 has a knock sensor where the regular afc does not. I had afc2 on my supra and loved it.
  7. Drewhop

    I feel old

    Ninja warrior is the shit. I watch at least 2 hours of it per week. Usually on weekends they have a marathon.
  8. yeah what this guy above me said.
  9. All i know is for 220k dollars i dont want burt reynolds on the hood of my car. Honestly that car > then any interpretation of the Bandit car i have ever seen.
  10. Would be the same for me I can only get out on sundays work from 9-5 then repo cars from 5-whenever. So sundays would be good for me.
  11. First week of december i might be free i will let you know. But just from looking at that target. I tighten up my grip. bottom right at about 5 o'clock mark.
  12. Dont believe the hype. Its easy to offer a 4k dollar REBATE on a car. Dealership will not lose money. PRE_OWNED CERTIFIED vehicle only way to go on a vehicle. NEVER buy a new vehicle.(Unless you dont care about throwing money away).
  13. Aj or Scott I have had no formal training in guns. Im just a redneck who spent to many years playing with shooting or hunting. I was always a rifle guy. My 45 highpoint hand gun is first and only handgun i have ever owned. I got it cause it was VERY cheap and at least let me see how to shoot a handgun. Is there any resources that are good for educating on proper handgun holding. Like you said you see 3 things wrong with that pic. How did you learn that. I dont know if im holding it wrong. I hit the target and im accurate so i figured i was doing it right lol. Would a concealed carry course be a good idea just for further education. Rifles shotguns are pretty straight forward and easy to use but i dont know much about handguns past safety features cleaning and operation.
  14. Drew2o2 Bragging about shooting wont get you anywhere. I have been shooting since i was 5 that doesnt make me special just 23 years of experience. I can shoot with the best no need to brag about it. Redneck scott pwns us all Al qeida shooting experience trumps us all. Scott been looking into the Glock 19 and i think spring time im gonna pick one up. Anyone got one i could try out at a range before then. It looks like a great gun have not seen one bad review anywhere. And the wife thinks it looks cool. Also figured it would be light enough for her to handle.
  15. That first gun looks like the winner what is the exact model on that i cant seem to find it on S+W site. Didnt get a chance to go out and have her hold a few today to see what felt comfortable. (bought a badass leaf blower tho) Here in a couple weeks maybe we can set up a nice trip the the range. Been a while since i got to spend some time on the range.
  16. I went out to the parents house in Marion and let her shoot a Ruger 22 LR she enjoyed it. It was not planned so didnt have ammo for any of my other guns with me. I have a 45 cal hand gun but think it might be little to big for a starter handgun. I would be interested in going to a range on a sunday to do a little shooting. Think i might go to a gun store tomorrow and have her hold a few see what feels comfortable for her.
  17. I couldnt stop watching for the sheer fact of how fucked up it was. That shit had to hurt.
  18. What is a good durable acurate gun. Of course it also has to look pretty. Inexpensive would also be a plus. Just getting some ideas. Took her out to go shooting today and got her hooked. Thanks in advance
  19. 99% of the time nice guys do finish last. Fuck the friend zone if she dont wanna bang tell her to bounce Ty. Time and money can be better spent other places.
  20. Dunham rules and Walter is the man.
  21. we been pretty busy bunch of tire kickers today.
  22. Nice guys finish last. One canceled date without a good reason like a family member died. Means you leave one message if she dont return the call you bounce.
  23. Save me some and overnight it to me......... So i can check for quality of course.
  24. Do it away from the house fires=bad mmkay But injected spice turkeys are the best
  25. Extremely fast Matrix/Vibe. But it does have that Focus look to it. Nice looking car tho similar in looks to all those others but unique. I would rock it.
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