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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Alot of extended warranties can also be cashed in basically. You call get warranty canceled and they mail you a check for the remaining balance of the extended warranty. Not sayin it is that easy but a good way to get some money back from being screwed over.
  2. I dont even know who Alaska Senator Mike Gravel is but he is about 50% unsure what half of those questions mean. So me and him agree on that.
  3. Im adding some more FUCKS i like this thread FUCK Moving Fuck Transfer Fees Fuck paying 250 extra dollars just to transfer the services i have been paying on for ten fuckin years FUCK Inconsiderate people I REALLY like this thread If this falls off first page it definately needs bumped up.
  4. FUCK 18 forms of idetification to get a new water account set up. (but being able to buy a high powered rifle with just cash) p.s. i have plenty of guns no problems with them just think you need less id to purchase a firearm then to get water.
  5. I wish you could break it down by actual area rather then just zip that would be pretty sweet.
  6. Two accounts it the way to go I doubt a bank will do major investigation if you were to open account with large deposit.
  7. Drewhop

    Rotary news

    Might be hot im a side view car type of guy.
  8. Our daily routine consist of him going to babysitter from 9-5 he plays outside almost all day. After i pick him up we usally get baseball gloves and go outside and play catch for about an hour or until he gets to hyper to keep focused. Then he goes in and asks if he can watch monster trucks. If its not on he watches nascar until supper is ready then snuggles his mom. Then we work with his Numbers and alphabets and he goes to sleep. I posted a respone a page ago that said this entire post was made up to get people riled up. It worked and i am still being entertained.
  9. We wont let him stray that way. Just so everyone knows the entire issue was fabricated i would never stop my little boy from watching something like nascar if he enjoys it. He likes Nascar cause some of the cars look like Lightning Mcqueen from the movie Cars. He could care less about anything else. When he is old enough to get into go karts i already have frames waiting for him to help me put rest of stuff together. When he learns to respect faster vehicles i plan on getting him into Jr. Dragsters. All in all i was just bored and wanted some random drama to help pass the time at work.
  10. "Hangs head" Ill have to clear it with the wife lol Damn i am whipped.
  11. About the closest thing i have to respresenting anything is a couple of Nike shirts.
  12. 5 years ago the more tail than spring break would have been a selling point. I would have said End thread i understand. Now im happily married and dont need that extra stuff. I never said he had to dislike it cause i dont like it. I just am bored in the kitched makin fun of Nascar so join in i just need something to pass the time at work.
  13. I dont watch football anymore the heart of the game is gone for most of it. Ill watch major events about once a year. I played football and baseball my entire life. And i just hate watching what alot of these people become and they honestly have no love for the game just the paycheck. Drifting is fun to watch but its not something to where i cheer someone on just interested. JGTC racing and Indy is fun to watch but again i dont pick a favorite just keeps me entertained for a few minutes. Drag racing on TV is boring Pinks was cool for like the first 2 episodes now its just played out. I started rambling but in closing nascar has alot of FANS meaning very fanatic alot of other sports are not as televised but have a good amount of fans and are much more fun to watch.
  14. There you go i snuck a shirt in on ya at the end of the 2nd 50% And i dont own any sport team shirts/jerseys of any sort.
  15. I think that would have been a more accurate title for it but damn these TV scensors(sp).
  16. Exact opposite in getting my many whoopins I learned that it was ok to have your own opinion and that not everyone agrees with you. And now that im old enough i relize there is nothing anyone can do to make me think differently unless I want to.
  17. Im not doubting that they have a inate physical ability above what i can handle in driving im not doubting they are athletic and have to be for what they do. What im saying is that it is boring and that the only people getting riled up are fans of it that fit typical nascar fan description in some way shape or form. Hotrodmamma i have a hard time believing that you dont own a single shirt in your 20 years of being a fan with your favorite drivers name or number on it. I enjoy making fun of nascar and its fans. Keep em coming.....
  18. I plan on adding a few more 94's to my arsenal as well i just like the year its a good solid number. Im thinkin maybe a 94 S-10 Next and a 94 Camaro/Firebird. That way when i sell them its easier to remember what year they all are.
  19. Fact over 50% of the fans live in a trailer park....... The other 50% have a nascar number on there truck/car/mini-van/trailer/shirt Golf was not designed to be exciting. Its designed to be relaxing (unless your not good at it). Nascar on the other hand was designed to be exciting except they stuck hillbillies in there and told them lets just make left turns all day i think it will be easier for the fans to follow along. But if we paint the cars all purdy they will still watch.
  20. Yeah CR definately getting soft i was hoping for more anger but it just didnt work. He is only 3 years old he absolutely loves cars. He can watch whatever he wants. (To and extent) I was just hoping for a bit more anger and hostility from this post but didnt work. But it is a known fact that Nascar=Hillbilly sport who else has the capacity to sit and watch someone drive in a circle for 5 hours other then a 3 year old or a hillbilly/redneck.
  21. Basically my little boy keeps asking to watch the stuff and i dont know what to do. Dont get me wrong if someone wants to enjoy this horribly boring sport feel free but i cant stand it. But here is my problem how do i get my little boy to stop loving the stuff. I dont want him to grow up being a beer drinking mullet having hillbilly. Any help would be appreciated I would also like to hear from you nascar fans as to what may have caused this uncontrollable urge to watch extremely boring Racing.
  22. I spend so much time on youtube at work. I hadnt seen any chuck norris stuff lately and had to find some.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdD54rG9oQA&feature=bz301
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