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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Nothing to say. This is just fucked up. Half tempted to take my kid out of school right now. I cant even begin to think about how much rage if one of those 18 kids dead was my son.
  2. Brb gonna go smoke a cig and eat a donut.
  3. I will give you face value for the coin. K thx bai
  4. Just thought I would bump this up and add this in here http://blogs.suntimes.com/politics/2012/12/big_win_for_gun-rights_groups_federal_appeals_court_tosses_state_ban_on_carrying_concealed_weapons.html Amazing how quick things change.
  5. Who all was on the breakfast run when the drunk guy in the explorer rolled his suv?
  6. Drewhop

    WTF Ammo?

    I haz no need for ammo. But I want that can.
  7. I seriously cant believe the cops never showed up. It seemed much louder at that time of night lol.
  8. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    http://nationalpostnews.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/zombiefinal1200i.jpg Someone has way too much freetime.
  9. A certain cobra and a corvette racing on 71 heading south. After a certain cobra had nitrous put on. Getting that same car tuned at 3 in the morning. Will never forget the scream of that cobra at the 150 mph range.
  10. I have enough ammo to last several months without restocking. I also have about 80 arrows. 50 I would consider small game/target arrows. 30 that are big game (deer and bigger). I also have the ability to refletch arrows. Would love to learn how to make them from scratch. But I guess i could figure it out if I absolutely had to. I have 3 compound bows and 1 recurve. Want to pick up a long bow as well.
  11. On a side note. I love that guys videos. Been watching them forever.
  12. I dont think being a dick is a crime.
  13. I wanted to punch him in the head soon as he started crying.
  14. Stay the fuck out of my recliner.
  15. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    T-dog or someone else who has died under his watch since the zombies started.
  16. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    Definately more drama then action. But I liked it. I thought it was good filler.
  17. I repod a bigscreen from a house that I thought had a dirt floor. When I went to move the big screen it "chipped" the floor. It was dog shit pack so hard that it felt like hard clay. You could see the dog shit texture and smell it like a giant aweful scratch and sniff. I got plenty of good roach stories as well. Worked for Rent A Center and we got a call about a big screen not working. Went out to the house. Could smell the roaches from outside. Got inside pulled tv out it was crawling with roaches. Opened the back of the bigscreen up and there was about 6 inches of dead roaches stacked on the electronics. I called childrens services cause there was roaches crawling on a baby that was crawling around the floor of the house. Glad I left Rent a Center my faith in humanity has never been the same since.
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