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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Its a good workout. Every time a political add comes on tv. I get up out of chair and walk away from the tv.
  2. He did not put himself into the situation. The cops instigated the entire situation. Honestly what would the officers have done had he not answered the door. They seemed convinced that he was 100% the guy they were trying to arrest. Would they have escalated and broke his door down? If he had instead not answered the door and waited until they entered his house. What then? Headline "LEO killed while attempting to arrest the wrong man after not identifying themselves correctly and entering his home"
  3. No the fundamental problem with this country is people thinking we should fear Law Enforcement.
  4. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    I should have been more clear. The batteries would let the fridge run for about a hour with 30 minutes of car running. It would then stay cool for about 6 hours.
  5. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    30 minutes on car alternator, charging the batteries was enough time to keep fridge cool for about 6 hours or more. I was using 3 batteries.Had I needed more batteries I had access to about 20 more deep cycle batteries. I plan on investing in quite a few more over the next few months as well as a trickle charge solar power system and a very small generator to trickle charge batteries as well. Within the year I want enough storage capacity to run entire house for several days with just minimal recharge time. I forgot all my symbols !!@@##!#?????!!!!
  6. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    You are definately mad. Sorry that your rage can not be controlled maybe you should get some medication. I didnt NEED a generator. It just made it easier. I said I HAD a inverter. If you dont like AEP then go somewhere else. Until enough people cause AEP to start losing money no matter how hard you flap your gums on a webpage you are not accomplishing anything. MAYBE I SHOULD TYPE IN CAPS AND PUT BUNCHES OF !!!!!!!! SO YOU KNOW I REALLY MEAN BUSINESS. @@!!!@@!!!! lol
  7. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    I am prepared for not having power for several weeks at a time. My only concern was ice. I had a power invertor I was going to run my fridge off of. Luckily a member here loaned me a generator which made it even easier. Her not being prepared has absolutely nothing to do with me or the power company or even this topic.
  8. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    I spent 40 bucks for supplies for power outage. I would have gladly paid 40 dollars to get my power turned back on quicker. If you dont like it. Have them disconnect your power. Buy solar panels get some batteries for storage or run a natural gas or diesel generator if you think you can do it. Geo thermal heating. Hell get all of them. FUCK THE MAN. I dont like it either but my point is until WE do something about it we are just a bunch of whiners complaining about a power outage and expecting a handout from someone else who is making money off of us. Simple solution dont let them make money off you.
  9. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    I was out of power for about 48 hours. Half of Newark was over7 days. And there are still some out of power. If its gonna cost me 10 bucks no fucks will be given.
  10. Drewhop

    Fuck you AEP

    Before blowing a gasket. How much per customer is being passed on.
  11. I second this. But I want to be King of Australia.
  12. SPOILER PIC http://www.walkingdeadcomicbook.com/tag/merles-hand/
  13. I base me opinions strictly off how hard I laughed at the person. Go to youtube and search both of them Mace-funny as hell. Tazers-not as funny. My conclusion mace seems to work better. (disclaimer) I have no scientific evidence to back up this at all.
  14. Bearded dragons really like these things. If you can find a whole bunch of them you can resell them to reptile breeders and make a killing lol. They do explode when beardies eat them tho.
  15. Drewhop


    I have a giant tree in my back yard that "Act of God" tossed a giant limb on my neighbors house. Might have been caused by the 100 mph winds. But they wanna blame god I am ok with that.
  16. I got one of these bastards behind my house. Hate that tree
  17. I dont think anyone on this board can answer this question.
  18. So how did you get reductions. We just redid our insurance (less then 2 weeks ago) been looking for months. The numbers I posted were the smallest increase. Your company is much larger then ours with only 10 employees. So it just must be a fluke?
  19. Realistically Obamacare is the furthest thing wrong with our health care system. The insurance companies are prolly happy just knowing that they will have an excuse to raise rates should this stay in effect until 2014.
  20. Read into the literature a little more. Obama care is supposed to force health insurance to cover more "routine maintenance procedures". Which will in turn cause increases to health insurance. The last 5 years the rates of my company insurance have increased between 500-700 dollars per month every year I mean seriously 8400 dollars per year in increase for 10 employees. Now they want to force people to pay for insurance and you think insurance companies wont take advantage of that. But nothing matters until it really goes into effect which is not until 2014.
  21. If the insurance premiums go up anymore(which is supposed to happen because of this). I will drop insurance and just pay the damn fine. 95 dollars to 1% of income is way less then my fucking insurance costs.
  22. You can check water district area for your address. It can give you all the info on your well if you want to look.
  23. There is a corvette almost identical to that at a car show in newark last year. The flames were amazing in person. But not my thing. I wouldnt do it on a car I owned. The guy at show in Newark only did under the hood. No exterior mods at all except for some chrome rims.
  24. I want my vigalante name to be "The Pudgy"
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