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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. My uncles english bulldog would sink to the bottom of the pool and try and walk.
  2. So what you are saying is that we are the shadiest business men in the world.
  3. I cant believe Ted McNally is causing drama again.
  4. To expand on the above. Most salesman will honestly not know anything about a dealership "pack" So when they say that they are only making 1500 dollars they will only make 10% of that 1500 and will not get any commission from the rest of the profit that the dealership hides in the price.
  5. Pretending that the dealership is making you a good deal by selling 1500 over invoice is horrible. Large dealership include a "pack" into every invoice paper that you get to see. They sometimes hide it as "advertising" or "shipping" on the invoice. It is neither of those. It is strictly profit for the dealership. On a new car you will pay anywhere from 400-3000 depending on price of car. So if they are saying 1500 over invoice they are making anywhere from 1900-4500 dollars profit. They also wont want to negotiate as much on the price if you are not financing. They hide even more profit within the financing numbers if you go thru them for financing. Even your own bank will do the same on your financing. I could type a book on the ways a large dealership makes money. Example your bank tells you hey great news we can do 2.9% for you. When the bank will actually finance at 1.9%. 1% profit directly in pocket and no one except for dealership or the bank is wiser to it. I kinda skimmed thru the thread but I dont think the Dr. is financing.
  6. I thought Erik was like 2 foot taller then Phil?
  7. i cant stand that stuff. how hard is it to hit the shift key.
  8. Thanks I appreciate. I will get ahold of you some time this week and we can set something up.
  9. I am looking at this. http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-55-200mm-VR-Vibration-Reduction/dp/B000O161X0/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top It seems that most of the reviews are positive. Thinking about picking it up so I can finally stop using the kit glass
  10. I picked up a Nikon d40 for Under 300 dollars used. It has been a dream and has already paid for itself in one summer of photos. The camera still has a lot more features then I understand but is easy to use. LIGHTWEIGHT (thats for you Jesse you extreme backpacker) Someone gave me the link dont remember who but...http://columbuscameragroup.com/category/used-products/digital-used-products/
  11. Come on weather guys you slacking. What we getting tomorrow.
  12. Or Johnny Bravo asking about how to make his hair awesome.
  13. http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc404/Candynandy/ColumbusRacing.jpg
  14. Just thought I would put this here. Any signatures would be appreciated. https://www.change.org/petitions/tell-ohio-elected-officials-support-the-fracking-moratorium-bills
  15. Pretty effective. Seasoning wood properly=better then fly by night firewood guys.
  16. Fracking isnt new. The process they are using now is new. It is not the same fracking process that was used before. Watch this video.
  17. Thats the basics of it. Some of the larger companies are now coming into Coschocton Ohio and putting fracking waste into the ground in large wells. Less then a mile away from the cities major water source.
  18. Not cool. Short girls need luvin.
  19. Wow. Do I want economic development in the area. Hell yeah. Do I want them to fuck up the environment doing it. Hell no. If you wanna go the route of chinese-made equipment. I would rather see these industries in OUR country producing products for us. That has nothing at all to do with fracking and is a entirely different thread all together. They have not done enough research to gather these resources safely. They are rushing into this way to fast and the water supply and the people in the area are going to pay. I would love to see everyone benefit from improved economic conditions in Ohio. But if they destroy the large amount of water that is East of columbus in the lakes and rivers in the process its not worth it. http://www.publicnewsservice.org/index.php?/content/article/23656-1 I mean seriously the EPA cannot regulate the chemicals being put into the wells to and they have not completed a study on the long term effects. Here are some facts from a engineering standpoint. Very long video but I watched it a few months ago. Well worth the time if you have a personal interest in this. 1 hour 17 minutes 56 seconds has some interesting info. Brine/frack fluid come to surface and spewed onto the land for a week. straight. He also gets into the human mistakes that can be made.
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