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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. This http://www.ruger.com/products/gunsiteScoutRifle/models.html The Scout has much wider ability but ammo carrying capacity would be the downfall. Or this http://www.ruger.com/products/1022/index.html This you could carry a huge amount of ammo. The survival aspect of feeding yourself would be good with this but the defense capabilities would be lacking. I personally think that in long term the 22 and large amount of ammo would be the way to go.
  2. The only people that are for this "development" in the area are the ones who are benefiting it. Destroying the water in the area and for 100s of miles. Not happy about this shit at all. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/11/14/367772/kasich-oil-gas-most-ohio-donations/ Gotta love John Kasich. No hidden agenda for this guy. Just a stand up guy. :gabe:
  3. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. And bump because I am trying to stop myself from wanting this gun. Cause I dont need all these guns.
  4. Couple the wife designed. http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc404/Candynandy/CR-shirt2-Copy.jpg http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc404/Candynandy/CR-shirt-Copy.jpg
  5. I would eat the hell out of that "shramp"
  6. I just need directions. I got your back.
  7. 404 TIMELINE NOT FOUND. I am confused. He has been looking for him for 2 months. Yet he was Framed August 31, 2009
  8. I used to use a 2 part dosing system. I will check the name of it when I get home and post it up for you.
  9. 350-450 ppm on calcium. At 550 ppm I think that a aquarium starts "snowing". So at 480 ppm you are a little high on calcium. I would try to lower that by increasing your alk a lil bit.
  10. I have ran saltwater tanks for past 4 years and never had a problem that I could not solve with a water change. I dont see the need for over complicating a rather simple natural process. If you get into high end corals and high end lighting then I would worry about phosphate reactors and calciums reactors. But just a very simple setup like you have I dont see a need for you having any extra things to monitor.
  11. Cause you are not removing any water. The water evaporated but you did not remove any of the impurities left behind. Manually doing a small water change removing 5 gallons of saltwater and putting 5 gallons back in is one of the best things you can do for your tank. It removes impurities as well as restores natural things in the water you need to keep your tank healthy.
  12. If you let your water evaporate 5 gallons then just add 5 gallons of water. Then you are doing it wrong. When water evaporates the salt does not evaporate with it. So topping off with saltwater will change your salinity levels. Topping off with RO water would be fine. But then you are not actually changing any water at all. Doing a actual saltwater change of 5 gallons per week. Removing 5 gallons of saltwater and replacing 5 gallons of saltwater. Will help bring back some of the calcium and other important nutrients your fish and corals need to survive. Which will also allow you to manually remove some waste from the tank in the process. I have always been led to believe that if you have a phosphate problem one of the first thing you will notice is algae growth. Your tank looks pretty algae free. I dont even see coraline algae. I would not start buying things to make tank perform better until you know exactly what the problem is.
  13. I do the basic stuff on there. I dont keep anything but basic knowledge about myself on there. No birthdate phone number or anything stupid like that. I use Facebook to find people who I need to repo there car.
  14. You should get a job at a Rent to own place.
  16. I hate companions. They make it a pain for me to sneak up on people and stab them in the back. I dont think I have used one since level 10
  17. I carry Liability with uninsured motorist. My brother had his car hit last year from a guy with no insurance and it saved his ass. I base it on replacement value of car. Anything over 3k dollars I will keep full coverage on. Less then that its liability.
  18. 4 Pages about a fucking Miata. CR SHOULD BE BETTER
  19. When I was younger about 10-12. We had one of those old style Antennas that would spin in a circle so you could pick up just the basic channels. One night was watching tv with my parents and the reception just went out. Heard a loud noise like the antenna was falling off the house. Went outside aimed a flashlight up there. Sitting on there was a Great Horned Owl. It was awesome. Over the next 3-4 weeks we saw it randomly and all the stray cats in the area were gone. Then we never saw it again. Amazing birds. And great picture.
  20. Drewhop

    UFC 140

    Jones is a beast. Mir and Little Nog
  21. Drewhop

    Rc cars

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