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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. If you think that moving is going to protect them you are wrong. Crime happens in wealthy nice neighborhoods as well. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73354 I think Tim lives in a pretty "safe neighborhood" If education is your worry send her to a private school. I do however think you are being a drama queen. Put your fuckin man pants on. Get an alarm system.Get a outside camera security system. Build a Safe room. Secure YOUR house why the fuck would you move to get away from crime. Make sure the crime stays away from you by being prepared. Changing your life style can be your best self defense. Moving will not solve crime problems. And again why destroy your credit when all of your problems can be solved with small simple life changes. Sounds like your punking out and just want to take the easy way out. Thats cool its ok to be scared.
  2. If you are going to destroy your credit because of a few neighbors then you are a moron. I am in process of repairing my credit and there is no way I would do what I did a 2nd time.
  3. Drewhop

    Tacticool Gear

    Re-quoted because I am pretty sure that is a Michael Myers mask laying on the floor.
  4. I like it looks good. But I do think it is missing something. It needs this guard..... http://media.photobucket.com/image/trailblazer%20with%20brushguard/AlekG/offroadcal/DSC00013.jpg and this roof rack http://www.thedownings.us/images/tb/baja/2.jpg
  5. I updated mine using a PS3 charge wire hooked from the Garmin to the computer. I have the Nuvi 205w and it is awesome. Good luck with sale.
  6. I hurt mine about 6 years ago I picked up a lamp and fell to the floor. Mine was caused by my lowest vertabrae being crooked basically. Chiropractor fixed mine tho. The aching in the junk was worse then the back pain tho.
  7. Maybe some things said on CR dont involve things that you need to know? Your wheels are ugly.
  8. It will more prolly run just fine soon as you take the gay off it. Grats on the pickup
  9. Take it one day at a time. Offer is still open if you need to talk my phone is always on. Oh and I play video games that I get to KILL lots of things that helps as well.
  10. They opened up a Indian Buffet/dinner spot over in Heath. First time I had hate there was about week and half ago. Food was excellent. The only problem I think the place might have is I am not sure alot of people know about it and dont think it will survive. I have net seen more then 3 cars there at there busiest time. We went there on a Friday night and was all alone until are meal was almost finished then another couple came in.
  11. This happened to me yesterday but it was a cough (i have the flu) and I was able to run directly to the bathroom to avoid any messes.
  12. I read the original paragraph three times and could not figure it out. I am glad Tyler was able to clear it up. +rep to Tyler.
  13. Yeah. I need to stop reading pauls posts.
  14. My boss drives a 01 Mercedes and you could have 3 (maybe2) of them with under 100k miles for what you paid for your Altima. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/searchresults.jsp?lastStartYear=1981&num_records=25&search_lang=en&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&search_type=used&distance=100&address=43055&marketZipError=false&style_flag=1&make=MB&model=C230&make2=&start_year=2000&end_year=2003&min_price=&max_price=&seller_type=b&transmission=&engine=&drive=&doors=&fuel=&max_mileage=&color=&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&keywords_display=&sort_type=priceDESC&body_code=0&certified=&advanced=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&showZipError=y&default_sort=priceDESC&awsp=false&systime=&sownerid=53909384&rdm=1256609517246 If you are paying retail you bumped your head.
  15. Funny stuff. The movie does look interesting. I hope they dont make it suck with bad acting.
  16. This may be the only time that picture would be completely relevant to the topic. So if its true who is going to pay for all the new text books?
  17. If you find "the thief" I would not mind participating in the 20 person visitation.
  18. Drewhop

    wake up cr

    I work every Saturday from 9-1. Basically I just work on my cars all day. But every once in a while I have to work. Today I am going to replace a radiator hose that I blew on my GTP and sand down a few rust spot and throw some primer and undercoating on them.
  19. He stopped in here a few times as well. Always left on one wheel. RIP Randy
  20. Drewhop

    wake up cr

    I hate working saturdays.
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