I doubt it will happen. US copyright law allows you to legally make 1 back up copy of any CD or DVD. If they do not allow you to be able to make that copy they will be violating copyright laws.
Bootleg Tattoo in Zanesville or the one in Columbus. My father-in-law is best friends with Mark the owner. He is normally only at the Zanesville one. He does amazing tattoo work. Plus Mark is the one the State of Ohio asked to help them write up the health laws for Tattoo shops.
I have had no problems with my Hi-Point 9mm at all. I have had the gun for about 3 years and take it to the range about once every 2 months to shoot off 200-300 rounds. It has only jamed on me one time. The secret I have found is to clean the gun a lot and soak it in oil. I clean it before and after I go shooting. It is pretty heavy and isn't the best for hitting your target more than 25 feet away. But for home security, it will work. I am thinking of getting another gun but don't know what to get yet.
Oh yeah forgot to tell you a good place to get a gun is Outdoor Valley in Lancaster. You can rent just about any gun there to get a feel for it in the range before you buy.
I know that Duke and Dutches owns every BP station in Licking County and most stations in Franklin County. This happened in the mid-90s. A lot of BP stations got turned into Duke and Dutches stations or got closed.
My Father-In-Law has a Chihuahua. I know he got it from a local breader that he is pretty good friends with. I will see if I can get the guys name and number for you.
Yes, it was called MTV's Fear. I have met a couple people that worked on that show. They did go to some haunted places, but most of what was done to scare the people was fake. They rigged the place to do scary stuff, stuff to move on its own, strange sounds, etc. But at times some unexplained things did happen.
Mansfield rocks! Went this past September. We got a lot of good pictures and stuff. Our group, CORUPT, is going again this year. We also have a lot of other places planed to go to this year. If any one would like to check out our website it is...
I got that also when I went in for an interview for the job I have now. I was just out of college and was applying for an entry level job. I knew I was over qualified but no one will higher someone with out any work experience in the Accounting field.
I never lost power, but my mother in law is still with out power. Luckly they have a wood burner in there house. She did see the AEP crew down the road from her house today. She took them a plate of cookies and to see how things are doing. The guy she was talking to said he is from PA and has been in Central Ohio since early Wednesday morning last week. He said he sleeps a little, eats, and works. Hasn't seen his family since he left home to come to Ohio. But the good news was that she said they told her she should have power by this evening.
I have seen that before. There was a big story about a year ago where a guys friend always watches his house while he is gone and always does something like that. He wraped everything is foil. Walls and all. Even wraped his car as it was parked in the parking garage. I guess the guy hasn't taken most of it off and just lives with everything covered.
Well I will be continueing my weekend project, rebuilding and upgrading the turbo on a 2.4L Turbo out of a Stratus for the 97 Neon. The Neon's engine is gone and waiting on the 2.4L to drop in. Will be upgadeing the suspension and installing rear disc breaks in the rear. I would like to have the engine in and running by early spring and then off to the exhaust shop to make the exhaust. Hoping to have test and tuned for Mopar Nationals.
Cats only need to be 6 months old to do a declaw. They can be fixed when they are 4 months old. A lot of vets just tell you 6 months so that you can get it all done at one time.
I liked NFSU. I was a fun but pretty easy game. I am not going to go out and by NFSU2 yet, I have to get GT4. So maybe sometime this next summer when I need break from GT4 I will go buy it.
I saw that at Light the Night in Newark. When I went to look at it I could smell the spray paint about 6 feet away. When I got close you could tell it was still to fresh. The paint had finger prints all over it were they touched the paint before it was dry. My niece had the best impression of it. She has a thing for orange cars, she saw it at Light the Night, ran over to it and stoped about 3 feet away, gave a nasty look and ran back to my sister. It was great.
I only have had Cingular and Verizon service.
Cingular - ok service but you were roaming anywhere outside of 270. With family in Licking County, it got expensive.
Verizon - Great service and coverage. I have had a few calls droped but nothing major.