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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Heard about this story on the news last night. Hopefully this turns out ok, but not looking like it will.
  2. The PUCO is a joke. Ask anyone living in Huber Ridge about their water bill, and the PUCO keeps allowing our water company to continue to raise our rates each year.
  3. There would be a lot of Rams in those years available simply because of all the changes that happned during those year. Body style changes, engine option changes, etc. If you go Ram, stick with the 5.7l Hemi and make sure it has the option for the Multi-Displacement System. It was an option in those early years.
  4. That is a great idea and good to see it going to a grea cause.
  5. I will drop my buddy a message about it. Not sure if he is interested it in, but some of his friends or possibly his cousin that runs a diesel performance shop in WV. I will let you know if I get anyone interested in it
  6. Yes you will need to get a lawyer to get get the custody of the child switched over to you. My wife and I tried this about 4 years ago. After spending the weekend with the baby in the hospital, an hour before we were set to go home, the mother changed her mind. So I wish you luck and hope and pray you do not have that happen to you or anyone. As for the costs, I have a good friend that is a partner at a law firm that pratices family law as well as other things. He was pretty much working for free, so our retainer was only $3k, and he said if all things go smooth that is all it should have costs. Court costs alone were close to $1,500. Luckly, he was able to get the largest portion of the money back for us since we were not pursuing another adoption at the time. Let me know if you are interested in his info.
  7. I wouldn't suggest it either. Most came with the 2.7L which is well known for it's oil sludge issues.
  8. Had some good friends use the Duplicolor one in his truck, and the other the Hurculiner from Walmart on his jeep. Both sucked and came off pretty easily. Oh and after seeing the Mythbusters special on using Linex, I wouldn't even consider anything else.
  9. Bear activity in the areas around the Smokies will depend on the time of the year you want to do this trip. They don't have much of a winter in that area, so the bears are very active all year long. During the winter months, they will move toward deeper into the park. Once spring comes, they normally start moving toward more populated areas. Not saying you still won't run into one in the middle of the park during the summer months, but the chances does go down. I make many trips a year to the GSM, and I almost always see bears there. I was just there before Memorial Day weekend and ran into a mother and cub feet off the trails up to Clingmans Dome. The Appalachian Trail runs right to the top of Clingmans Dome. If you are going to be doing some deep woods trails, take some bear spray. Better to have it and not need it than to not have it and need it.
  10. I agree, it might be tough to get full custody with you 2 not being married. Normally Child & Family Services need to be involved for that to happen, but of course don't know the whole story. Anyway, good friend of mine is a partner of a Family law office. Let me know if you want his info.
  11. Menards has 2 cu. ft bags for $2.33. The same ones that Lowes and Home Depot is selling for $2.50 a bag.
  12. I guess I grew up to far out in the sticks, if someone is flashing their lights at me, I slow down looking for a deer or other animal trying to cross the road. But same effect.
  13. I would stick with the newer 2012 models. The older models almost all had the 3.7 V6, which is a good solid motor, but nothing special. Normal to get 23-26 mpg. The 2012 models got the new 3.6L V6, which has a lot more hp and should get closer to 30 mpg. Of course I wouldn't really consider one unless it had the 5.7L. And again, stick with the newer models were they have allowed more hp and tq with the V8. Also I think it was 2009 or 2010 when they finally updated the steering rack and that made it a much better car to actually drive. Strongly considered getting one myself, but got the Ram instead.
  14. These normally sell pretty good no matter if it is the older model or new one. Been looking to pick up one as well.
  15. Wonder if it has something to to with the laws in your area. I know some don't allow you to put fences on your property line, but have to be set so far back. Mine is on my property line and I have no back neighbors, so I mow back a bit to keep the weeds a little further back from my yard.
  16. I had an 1999 Grand (same body) with the 4.0L, and I would get about 18 mpg mixed driving. On longer drives I saw as high as 23 mpg. If I had the money, I would love to pick up another WJ. Great rides
  17. Might not be a bad idea to take them to a gunsmith/shop and see what they know about them. They might be able to tell you more about them and if they are repaireable or shootable.
  18. Ah blowing up my office building. Not a bad way to start the morning. LOL
  19. I agree that I would call the local postmaster and talk to them about it. My friend was mailman for a year and he said it was the worst job ever. Insane amount of work to get done and very limited amount of time, makes for postal works go, well, postal.
  20. Put my garden in on Saturday. 2 big boy tomoatos 2 Roma 2 green peper 1 jalapeno 2 cucumbers pumpkins corn strawberry leaf/salad lettice
  21. I have it in my Ram. Came with a year free and every year since, I wait until the last minute to renew. The longer you wait, the better the deals are. Just renewed for $94, which is about 50% off.
  22. Great, not what I wanted to hear. Guess I should start stocking up a bit more.
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