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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. BloodRed

    deer meat

    You can get it at the North Market, but like someone mentioned about Giant Eagle, it is pretty expensive for what you get. What they can sell is farm raised deer, which has been ok'd by the USDA. Next best thing to to ask someone that does hunt and has extra.
  2. BloodRed

    Ouija Boards

    Is it made by Milton-Bradley? Then it is nothing but a toy. Real thing, possibly different story in the right hands. I have had expeirences with them. Nothing I would ever believe or trust. But I will say, be careful, they are an open door and you might attract something you don't want or don't know how to deal with.
  3. Dude that does have to suck. My wife has been very close friends with a dauther with a very bad case of autisium. I know she would have a very rough time with it too if her leg broke. Just take it day by day. Good luck.
  4. BloodRed

    Grill Grates

    Just about any store that sells grills will have grates for sale. Some are model specific, but there are also universal ones
  5. Same here and 100% agree. GL
  6. Heard about it yesterday and saw the video this morning. RIP!
  7. This was one of the first things I checked when I was looking for a house. No useless HOA where I live and I think people are morons to even think of moving into a location that does have one.
  8. Our Power Play and Defense has been shit. There have been some sparks here and there, but then they do something bone headed. Last night our first line really looked like it was starting to click and possibly turning into the line we all thought it would. And that is with Carter fighting the flu. The rest of our lines have not looked or produced. Johanson needs to shoot the puck if he is going to stay with the big leagues this year. It is a dissapointment to see how the team has played so far this year after how well they played during the home pre-season games. Oh well, this is my first season to purchase season tickets. 227 with the Arch City Army.
  9. Didn't know we got a discount account with O'Reily there in Westerville. Since it has opened, I have stopped in there more than the AutoZone down the road. Good to know.
  10. Well that pretty much describes me too. LOL After I saw the driver was gone and could smell the leaking fuel, I went back to my car and got the hell out of there before the police could shut down all the roads and I was stuck. I was able to get back onto 270 and get off at 3 to head home. Oh and I am not looking forward to driving home tonight. My drive in wasn't that bad because I get onto 270 at 3 and work in Dublin. Now I will be driving into that mess.
  11. I was actually headed back from the Blue Jackets game when this happened right in front of me. I was one of the first people to run up to the truck. Driver was gone by the time I made it to the cab. It was a mess.
  12. ^^^^ Definitly the way to go if you want a real CB. Had one in my 94 Cherokee a few years back and it was great for the road and on the trail.
  13. There is a newer(?) place in Powel called Two Mad Dogs. They have a Challenge for $20. -Woody Hotdog (full pound all beef dog on a 24 inch bun) with Chili and 5 toppings -1lb of Fries covered in nacho cheese -2 whole Kosher pickles -24 oz. soft serve ice cream -32 oz fountain drink of your choice. Finish it all in 30 minutes to get a "I TKO'D the Woody" shirt and pick on contest wall.
  14. wow that is some crazy shit. He worked on one of my old Jeeps a few years back and everything was cool with him then.
  15. Went to Circle S Farms a few years back. It was a good time. http://www.circlesfarm.com/
  16. Be ready to wait in a long line at the "Cheese factory" Crazy long lines of old people on the weekend. Either get there early or be ready to wait. I think they open at 10 am.
  17. My wife and I go a couple times a year. We normally eat dinner at either Der Dutchman in Walnut Creek or the Amish Door in Wilmot. Since you have a kid, I suggest stopping at Hershberger Farm and Bakery. They have a big petting zoo area. There are a ton of places, just make sure you pick up a local map and go where sounds good.
  18. My co-worker has one in his office for almost 2 years now. Normally brews 6-10 cups a day and never had an issue.
  19. One of my neighbors down the block from me runs one. Can't remember the name of their company. They always seem to be pretty busy with it. Never used them but they would be my first call since they are a neighbor. If you want I can get there name and number
  20. While YOU may be able to get the same rates, term; MOST banks do not. I know most banks won't touch a modular home loan with a 10 foot pole. If they do, MOST will charge a much higher interest rate and will at most only allow a 8-15 year term. In the case of a foreclosed modular home or even "reposed", the resale is major shit compared to a "stick" built home. Most are lucky to sell for more than $2,000. A foreclosed "stick" built home will go for much, much higher than that in the same area. This comes from my wife that works in Huntington Bank's Litigation and Morgage collection department. She deals with foreclosed home sales daily for the bank.
  21. Yeah I heard about this yesterday. Another sad day for hockey around the world. And it has been tough enough with the 3 players the NHL has already lost this summer.
  22. I have heard of several Boy Scout Troops doing this, but I know of none. I normally get a flyer once a year where the Township has contracted with someone to do them. Normally like $12 a house.
  23. Not surprised at all. Last time I went to the Kilt, the parking lot and resturant was packed. When I drove by the Hooters, 4 cars in the lot and a 40 year old waitress smoking outside the door.
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