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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. BloodRed

    Gatlinburg, TN

    That would be Huck Finn's in Pigeon Forge. Both Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are not dry towns any more. Not a lot of the restaurants serve alcohol, but there are a few and of course there are liqueur stores and wineries in both towns.
  2. BloodRed

    Gatlinburg, TN

    I normally got the GSM area a few times a year. I have been there pretty much everytime of the year. As for the park roads, they even close the main roads through the park if there is any chance of snow or ice. Too risky. Also remember that the main road through the park (441) will rise about 5,000+ feet. They have a habbit of closing it a lot in the winter months due to wind, snow, and ice. The alternate route sucks, (2.5 hr drive vs. 45 minutes from Gattlinburg to Cherokee) so don't get stuck. As for places to see, most have been listed above. But above all, GO SEE THE PARK. Just beautiful sites and a fun drive. Also, the aqurium is great if you have kids. Tuckaleechee Caverns are also a great visit. Places to eat, well that could take a while. LOL Skip the Peddler or Park Grill. Over priced, crappy service, and the food really isn't that good. You want a steak, go to The Alamo. Also must stops for good food: The Old Mill, Smoky Mountain Brewery (great wings and beer), The Apple Barn, Pancake Pantry (get there early or through the week). Also I woud suggest skipping Dollywood unless you have kids around the age of 8-15. It is not compareable to Kings Island or Ceder Point. More family friendly. If you want a good dinner show, I always suggest the Dixie Stamped. Yeah corny, but fun if you have never been before. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  3. I haven't got my ticket yet, but I am going with a group of my friends.
  4. Yep, synthetic "salt" can be found just about anywhere. Just look for one safe for wood and concreate
  5. My Go-To-Gun: Magnium Research Baby 9mm.
  6. Never waited more than a few minutes at either Vances or Buckeye Outdoor. Guess I have just been lucky. I know they are saying gun sales are through the roof right now and even higher with Christmas coming up.
  7. Wow lots of stuff there that could make the case a lot more complicated than originally planned. Can't say I have much I can add, but my wife and I started the process when we were going to adopt a baby and it went wrong very quickly. Anyway, a good friend of mine is a family attorney and I would recommend him any day. Let me know if you are interested in his contact info.
  8. Still not sure which engine you have in your Dodge truck, but I would still probably strip it down first and see what is all bad before I dump the money into another used engine that might have all the same problems if not worst. Would hate for that used engine to granade as you are towing down to TX in the middle of that 30 day "warranty" where you probably got to pull the engine and return it before they will give you a replacement. Kind of tough to do that on the road side multiple states away.
  9. Looking to pick up one soon as well. May even go for the older model 9mm carbine. Heard so many great reviews on this things and I think they would be a blast at the range.
  10. Yep I have the same thing happen when I use my camping stove using those little camping propane tanks.
  11. My wife and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversery in May of 2012 and we normally do a vacation to celebrate our anniversery. So we want to do something different for our 10 year, so we are thinking of taking an Alaskan cruise. Both of us have always wanted to visit Alaska, and figured a cruise would be the best. Looking to do a 7 day cruise, but haven't picked which route we want to do yet. Anyone done an Alaskan Cruise? Any pointers/suggestions?
  12. Hmm, might have to look into him after the beginning of the year.
  13. Call your normal vet. Most normally have someone on call 24/7 and will recommend to you if you clinic that is open to take them to
  14. Congrats on the car. I have a soft spot for M3's.
  15. I have one of the original DSs that doesn't get used any more that I might be willing to let go. Let me know if you are interested.
  16. I rented one at Ohio Valley Outdoors a few times. Hell of a gun to shoot.
  17. The Smoky Mountains are a great place to visit that time of the year. The wife and I have done it a couple times. I might suggest staying close in town to Pigeon Forge with only having a FWD minivan. Also if the weather gets bad, more places to eat and more grocery stores. If it snows, you aren't going to get to a lot of cabins. On that chance alone, stay away from anything off Ski Mountain road. Some of those cabins are tough enough to get too in the dry weather. Another bit of advise, if it does snow, watch yourself. The locals have no clue how to drive in snow. They flip out to any snow that builds up on the ground. LOL
  18. Much better than the current ones. I haven't changed my tags since probably 2003. LOL But if I decide to go back to personalized plates, at least the tags look good.
  19. I heard about it on the news this morning and thought the reporters just got it wrong and it was a motorcycle accident. Guess not. Not a smart choice at all there.
  20. GLWS I have an old PowerShot S3 and loved that thing until I got my DSLR. Great camera and great price.
  21. First year in my house, I just left the thermostat set at the same temp all the time. Had acouple gas bills over $200 during the winter months. Next year I used the programing and I haven't had a gas bill over $125 since during the winter months.
  22. Glad to see I am not the only one that loves that cereal. It has been tough to find for the last year or so. I think I bought the last boxes of it at the Meijers on Hamilton.
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