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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. BloodRed


    Damn, I have the 9mm in the polymer body but wouldn't mind picking up the metal body one. Good luck with the sale.
  2. BloodRed


    Plastic or metal body?
  3. I would probably sell the gift card to someone then take the cash to Vances/Buckeye outdoors to find something actually in that price range.
  4. +2 It just seems every year, new claims are coming out against him.
  5. While I have no problem with responsible officers doing this, I do forsee people complaining about "bad" cops taking bribes and not collecting the fines due.
  6. Still waiting on the full car foam system like in Demolition Man.
  7. My Dad always had a soft spot for Studebakers. He owned quite a few when he was growing up because in his words "were cheap and fast." He ended up totaling a few of them.
  8. That sucks. My dog is a about 30lbs. Not sure how she tore her's either, but symptems were pretty much the same as you described. Good luck.
  9. How bad is it? My dog had a torn ACL earlier this year, and the vet just gave her some pain killers for about a week and then started her on a joint suppliment, and she has been fine since. I guess we got lucky and it wasn't that bad on my dog.
  10. Saw this on Twitter this morning: Only in America can we watch a robot landing on Mars in real time, and we have to wait 10 hours to watch Olympic coverage
  11. Other than the ones mentioned above and a little longer than a 1 hour drive, but Lake Hope State Park. If you have a ATV or dirt bike, take it with you because they have some great trails. If not, still a great place to camp that not a lot of people seem to know about. Also has a nice lake for swimming, or no wake boating.
  12. Got my electric bill last week. $128, which is about 30 higher than normal for this time of the year. 1,800 sq ft house
  13. I agree supporting the CR sponsors, but dont' forget to check Uhaul.
  14. It is bittersweet to see Rick go. Wish we could have worked things out with him, but also understand he wants to win the cup and the team is going to be several more years away from that happening. The Rangers are stacked and should make a very good run next season. As for what we got in return, time will tell how this goes. With Dubinsky and Anisimov both 20+ goal scorers, combined, they are better since Nash has only had 1 season where he scored more than 40 goals. Plus Erixon is a great up in coming blueliner. Team should be very interesting to watch nex season. Lots of unknowns could lead to a very good season or blow up badly. Again only time will tell. But no matter what, I love the Jackets and will be there for every single game.
  15. Been a fan of the show and the original Ninja Warrior when it was broadcasting on G4. It is amazing to see how it has progressed over the years.
  16. That swap has become quite common in the Neon world. As others have said check out neons.org Great write ups on this topic.
  17. Of all the airlines I have ever flown on, SW by far the win. Never a single problem. big plans so real seats, great service and always on time, if not early.
  18. I guess he was a Superman fan.... Yeah this is a crazy story. Sad for the people that were loss or hurt. Talked to many others that are CCW holders and they all agreed they doubt they could have done anything. He left off a smoke bomb/gas, in a dark theater, with mass amounts of people running. Just about anyone would have been lucky to get a good shot off with those conditions.
  19. Is the top removable?
  20. Is it actually Westerville or is it part of Blendon Township? I live in Blendon Township, taxes are much less than living in Westerville but the water service is crazy expensive.
  21. BloodRed

    Fuck you AEP

    I would only be ok with them passing the cost of the clean up onto us if they prove every single dollar goes onto improving their infostructure (lines unground, etc...) Once they have billed that total cost of clean up, increased fee drops off and AEP has to foot the bill to continue to improve. You know this wasn't as bad as a problem with AEP was trimming the trees around power lines. Since they stopped that, this has become more of a problem each time a big storm blows through.
  22. I go down to the Smoky Mountains multiple times a year. Wife and I love it down there. Warning, a lot of roads and trails are closed due to a very nasty storm that hit the area on July 5th. Storm seemed to be very similar to what hit us on 6/29. A few people died from trees falling on them or their cars. I am not a huge fan of staying in Pigeon Forge. It is a very busy area with a lot of touristy stuff. Try to stay as far off the main road (441) as possible. There a ton of amazing cabins out there.
  23. Exactly what I was going to say.
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