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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Anything Droid, 4G, and dual-core.
  2. BloodRed

    Ryan Dunn = Dead

    I agree sad to here that he is gone. Honestly I am surprised more of the Jackass guys are not already gone. RIP
  3. You really have nothing to worry about. I normally go down to the GSM area multiple times a year and very rarely see them much outside of the park. A couple times a year one may wonder into Gattlinburg, but normally that is the out skirts. Only once have I had one come close to my cabin. The only sign I know one came through was when I found a fresh set of tracks in the mud when I was walking around the cabin.
  4. I got all my groomsmen a nice multi-tool. I know all of them still carry and use them all the time.
  5. I have the 9mm model and love it. Very nice shooting gun. I know my 9mm was $475 when I got it and I don't think the 40 was much more. I would try getting it for cheaper than that unless it was never shot.
  6. Thank god mine are paid off.
  7. I love my Magnum Research Baby Eagle 9mm.
  8. A couple years back, I went for some Crystal Reporting courses at New Horizons in Dublin. Wasn't too bad. I know they offer courses on pretty much all MS products.
  9. Went to the one in Lancaster last year and saw a couple movies. It was great to just back the truck in, throw a couple camp chair in the truck bed and watch the movie. We will probably go a couple times this year with some friends.
  10. I have shot both, and own the Sigma. I would go the P95 over the Sigma. The heavy ass trigger pull of the Sigma sucked. It didn't bother me much, but my wife never liked shooting it.
  11. I am ok with the exit, but the idea of putting a mall there isn't the best idea.
  12. Has the location actually opened yet? Drove by there last night and there were a ton of people outside in tents and crap. I know they have some crazy give aways on opening day.
  13. Yeah prices are way down from that. Went by a place this past weekend and the sign stated $0.12/pound. I would say recycle them.
  14. I will agree with that statement. I have driven many Jetta's over the years as rental cars. The worst is the new Jetta. Very cheap looking and sounding. Hell it doesn't even come with cruise control standard!
  15. Any good locksmith should be able to make you a key. Since you have the brand, sometimes there is a number on the lock. If there is, it is pretty easy to find or make a key for the lock.
  16. Generally the WK is a great SUV. If it is a Limited, of course the blend door issues that a lot of Grand Cherokee Limiteds have had since 1993.
  17. Yeah I was going to suggest looking for one of those big 15 passanger vans. May not look as cool rolling up in one of those, but they do rent them.
  18. I had fights with my old apartment complex about it too. It was stated in my lease that I could store my grill outside my door. Never had a problem until shortly after I renewed my lease and I got the notice. I faught them on it for a while because I thought it was just a change to the lease policy. After about 6 months of this, they finally produced the state law change. I had no problem with it then, but they couldn't give me a reason why there was a change until then.
  19. Ohhh NOoooo! Agree, sad to hear that someone I watched during my childhood has passed on. RIP
  20. A Carfax is only going to be as good as the dealership or shop that recorded the work information on that vehicle and the last time it was updated.
  21. I heard something was going on today at the Chase building at Polaris today, but didn't catch what it was on the news. Maybe that is why there are a bunch of charter buses and stuff at the hotel next to my work here in Dublin?
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