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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. YES I can't wait either. I know I already read that AMC will start airing the 2nd season at the same time they started the 1st season, right before Halloween. I have heard about the comics being good too. I might actually have to see about getting them.
  2. An update came out for the PS3 on Saturday and it requires you to reset your PSN password. Network was having some issues yesterday due to the flood of people trying to reset their passwords and log back on. According to Sony, the Network is back up all across the US. I haven't tried logging on since yesterday and had to go to the PSN website to change my password today. From what I have read, the Store is not back up yet.
  3. The Speedway at Westerville and Dempsey Rd has been at $3.79 since Sunday. Hard to believe that is a good price for gas...
  4. Of course if there is internet access, there will be porn.
  5. Honestly I love watching guys like many of you throwing a fit in your car that is going slower than you in the fast lane. Getting 3 inches from their rear bumper, waving your hands wildly, yelling at them, flicking them off, etc... It just makes me laugh. I find no reason to fly off the handle like that. You know who you are. But I do agree it does aggravate me when people go slower than the rest of traffic while in a lane left of me. As long as I it is a multi lane highway, I have no problem passing them on the right. The one that really gets me is the people that go any speed slower than the speed limit, for no reason, on the highway. It doesn't matter what lane they are in. If you don't feel safe going 65 mph, get off the highway. There are plenty of other roads that will get you where you need to go without going 65 mph.
  6. I have quite a few of them around my house and I still only clean mine twice a year. In the spring after the trees stop dropping their seeds or as you put it "helicopter things." And then in the fall after the leaves have stopped falling off the trees. But on this note, I have recently have seen the foam like inserts you are suppose to put in your gutters that will keep them clean. I have seen them in a few home improvement stores and then in at Costco this past weekend. Has anyone used them? http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2721827
  7. My sister-in-law normally cuts my hair. She has been cutting hair for about 10 years now, and has been cutting mine pretty much the whole time. Of course our schedules don't always match up, so I go to the Sports Clips at the corner of Westerville and Maxtown. They seem to do a good job and they get the approval from my sister-in-law for the work they did.
  8. BloodRed

    holy cow!

    Thanks for the reminder for me to renew my membership. I have had my membership for the past 2 years and not a single phone call from anyone. I do get about 5 emails a day from them, but it goes to an email account I check once a week or so.
  9. My dog would be on the hunt before my head could even get off my pillow. Wife and I both grab our guns. She calls 911 from bedroom while I grab the maglite go find what my dog has already captured. If any harm to my dog or person comes anywhere close to my bedroom, death will be dealt very quickly.
  10. 100x But that seems to be the logical thing to do. Talking to that chick wouldn't have done anything, she would have denied it or possibly got in the car and drove off and he would be in the same situation.
  11. Smoky Mountains? Only a 5 hour drive.
  12. Basically your lawyer can't go after him unless he is licensed in Texas. If he is a good lawyer, he would be able to help you find another lawyer that is licensed in Texas or lives there that could go after the guy. Unfortunitly, that is the major draw back of doing busines via credit card, especially if the sale was not done person to person and you have no signed receipt of the sale. Did you respond to the chargeback? If your response was rejected, did you go to arbitration with the credit card company? If you do decide to take him to court over this, you better have every single piece of documentation. If not, don't waste your time and chaulk it up to a loss.
  13. My co-worker sent this to me. Her kid goes to Hilliard Crossing Elementary School and this is the email they sent out: The Westboro Baptist Church intends to send three of their members to the Central Ohio area on Tuesday, May 10. One of their stops will be the north-west corner of Scioto Darby and Leppert roads near Hilliard Darby High School from 7:10 to 7:40 a.m. They will be on public grounds and no demonstrations will take place on school grounds. While we cannot stop the demonstration, we do expect students to stay away from this specific area that morning. The Westboro Baptist Church does not have a history of being physically violent at their protests. Their signs are designed to entice a reaction from observers that might cause that person to become violent towards the church members. These individuals will likely record the demonstration so that they have video evidence that could be used in court should anyone become overly aggressive towards them. Several parents, students and groups have expressed interest in supporting Darby students that day by showing up to protest against this group. While the administration appreciates the community coming together to support Darby High School, we are asking everyone to ignore the demonstrations, not to engage the Westboro members and stay away from the intersection of Scioto Darby and Leppert road the morning of May 10. --Hilliard City Schools administration
  14. If you are looking at a Wrangler, and going new, wait till next year. The new 3.6L engine that replaces all of Chrysler's current V6 engines gets more hp, tq, and better mpg than anything else they currently have. It is currently the V6 option in the Jeep Grand Cherokee.
  15. If you are really considering it for a "family car" try crawling in and out of the back seats. It sucks, feels like the FJ is giving birth and you are the baby. Also the down hill assist sucks big balls. I had the chance a few years back to test drive a topped out FJ on a light off road course. Crawling down a hill I slammed on the breaks and rear end of the FJ jumped about a foot off the ground when the weight shifted. Scared the shit out of me. Never had that happen on any Jeep I have ever owned.
  16. Yeah I finally got the email a little bit ago.
  17. I don't know, IMO... that isn't the best zombie proof house. You have too many open spots that must be "closed" to become secure. Give me a house on stilts with just one entrance that can be easily detached from the home.
  18. Ok, most of what he makes are the "twisted stick" kind. Most are bright pine. All of them are a little showy, but they are all very strong. So I don't think he really makes what you are looking for.
  19. My crazy father-in-law normally makes then. I should be visiting him this weekend so I will see if he has any already made up.
  20. Uhaul Class-III hitch that will fit the 1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ) Very clean and no rust. I purchased it off Craigslist to put on my 2001 WJ but never got around to installing it, and I sold my Jeep, so now it is just taking up room in my garage. $20.00
  21. I was considering the Patriot before I purchased my new vehicle. It is a pretty nice compact cross-over that can actually go off road. It is the only vehicle in the class that has a true 4x4 system. Of course basic Jeep interior but it was a nice ride. I ended up going for a Dodge Nitro. Gas mileage wasn't that much different, it is bigger, has a lot more options and of course the big one for me was the 4.0L V6. It is a much better option over than the dog of an engine 3.7L that the Liberty has. If you are even considering the Liberty, wait till 2012 when Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler replaces all their V6's with the new Penstart 3.6L V6. More hp, tq and better mpg than everything they have currently in a V6.
  22. Wow, so much wrong with that car.
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