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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. +1 And it saved you about $100-150 for the best home defense gun.
  2. I think i read you said that he is selling it for $300. If that is true, I would probably jump on it as well if the gun do not show any obivous signs of major wear.
  3. That is an understatement. LOL
  4. I have always been a fan of the GTO. I am working on the wife to let me get one.
  5. Even though I normally go (get free tickets) the show in general sucks if you compare it to any of the big shows in other cities. I don't know if most of the car are "show cars." I bet most of them just come of the local dealership lot for the show. It is a bit fun to play in the new cars and check them out. If you are in the market for a new car, then it is a great chance to see the cars you are interested in or available and it will help you narrow down your selections. I know going to the show is why I ended up with the car I DD.
  6. That sucks to here. I know that is a big draw of a whole lot of people to that area.
  7. Nice looking car. If I ever had to pick a supercar, it would probably be a McLaren.
  8. Doesn't look to bad. I don't think I would mind DDing that either. Just wish it wasn't called a Fiesta. Brings back to many bad memories of the old piece of crap.
  9. hmmm, let me talk to my wife but I would probably be in for one.
  10. My wife does loss mit cases for Huntington bank. Should basically be the same if you have questions about the job.
  11. I need to get a set for the truck. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. For that car, I wouldn't care about the sales manager or dealership, he won the auction now the dealership has to pony up the car for him. He is one lucky sob.
  13. Well the listing has been removed. Funny listing
  14. Years ago it use to be like 2 weeks, then last year it went down to 9 days, now it is down to 4 days. So yeah it use to be much longer. LOL My wife got free tickets through work, so we will be going. I am going to try to go on Thursday night to hopefully beat the crowds and get some photos. I am not in the market either, but may look at a few things to replace my DD when it dies.
  15. BloodRed


    And this weekend is the first overnight ghost hunt at Mansfield...I am sure we are going to have a few people complaining they are not getting all the time they should. Shut up and go home, I need to sleep.
  16. Some departments did, but of course not all. Most Chargers went into service as older Vic needed replacing. But you have to keep in mind most departments are getting rid of more and more of the V8's. Most departments have no reason for them if they are just patroling the local street. Most forces are being replaced with V6 cars and then they get a few V8 cars for highway patrol or for a persuite car. These Fords would be the best of both worlds, V6 for patroling in town, but if they have to chase someone or get somewhere quick, they have the "Ecoboost"
  17. Yep and it is an appropriate name for a town in that area.
  18. Yeah I have got those "hand written" letters from someone trying to buy your home. They are not hand written, you can see the marks from the printer. But they are normally re-finance companies or people that try to flip homes. I just laugh and throw them away.
  19. I have an old Kodak digital camera that I would be willing to sell. I think it is a 3.1mp. It worked the last time I checked it a few years ago. I know it is a little loud when you turn it on and when you zoom. Uses 2 AA batteries and SD cards. $20 and it is yours, but let me check first that it still works tonight.
  20. This is the kicker, her ex-boyfriend was the one stearing while they were going down the road. They were driving to her current boyfriends house...
  21. bingo! Like I said before, it happens all the time.
  22. This reminds me, I need to buy a new jack. My old one was barely tall enough to lift my jeep up to get the tires off. Now that I have lifted it and put some taller tires on, it isn't going to do anything.
  23. I thought it was photoshoped on there until I saw the last photo. LOL
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