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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. 840 Pro for sure. I have installed a bunch of them here at work. Blazing fast and ultra reliable.
  2. Thats awesome, great purchase. If I was going to buy a truck, that would be it.
  3. We were able to get a hold of the guy who maintains the AS/400 and he is going to get this user setup with what he needs. Thanks for the help everyone.
  4. Doesn't work that way, a VM of XP is still treated as a stand alone computer running XP.
  5. Microsoft and Corporate will charge $200 per machine to keep writing security patches for ones still in service, that's what I've been told by those above me, anyway. Thanks for the links, we actually use Mochasoft as one of our terminal emulators, but I am not sure if it will have the functionality he needs. The other we use is Attachmate.
  6. Ours is slowly being decommissioned in favor of Oracle, but its not gone till its gone.
  7. I work in IT at my company, and have been hammering away at getting rid of the last remaining XP machines before Microsoft starts charging us for them. There is one guy who has one that all he does is remote into it from his Windows 7 laptop and uses it to upload data into an AS/400 using IBM Client Access Express. I am trying to find the same program or a newer alternative to install on this guy's laptop so that I can simply decommission this one instead of replace it. IBM's website is almost completely uselss, and has no download links to the software. Anyone who knows anything about this would be a great help. Thanks!
  8. Setting up dish alignment is pretty easy, you just need two friends with cell phones or walkie talkies. One moves the dish, one tells you the signal the receiver is getting.
  9. Let me know how it turns out. Are you buying the red one in the same set as the impact?
  10. Getting an air compressor and air tools at home changed working in the garage for me.
  11. Well, I haven't been home all day, but I would like the WRC if whoever loses interest....or whatever is left if anything.
  12. I think +/- 300ish would be the ideal number for a car in that class, but something capable of 400 with some work for sure, which I think the FA20 could handle.
  13. Make sure you use the Geforce Experience software to get the best config for your setup. As far as the controller goes, it works, I played a bit with mine, but obviously you will likely still be out-gunned by mouse/kb players.
  14. What are your specs? Titanfall runs on the Source engine, and its not very taxing on older computers. Edit: Here are the minimum specs PC Minimum Requirements: OS: Windows Vista SP2 64-bit / Windows 7 SP1 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit CPU: AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz / Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz RAM: At least 4 GB HARD DRIVE: At least 50 GB of free space VIDEO: AMD Radeon HD 4770 with 512MB RAM or better / Nvidia GeForce 8800GT with 512MB RAM or better DirectX: DirectX 11 INPUT: Keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Gamepad ONLINE CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS: 512kbps down and 384kbps up or faster Internet connection
  15. Added everyone in the thread so far. I finished the IMC campaign last night, will probably try to work my way through the Militia campaign tonight. It is such a pain in the ass that they make you complete that twice to get the Strider and the Ogre.
  16. It's a lot of fun. The most fun I have had playing an FPS in recent memory. Not the prettiest game being a Source engine game, has some muddy textures here and there, even on the highest setting. The weird multiplayer campaign thing's story doesn't make a ton of sense, but then again its kind of bolted on to the side of regular multiplayer. The rounds feel like they are just the right length, not too long or short, and the DOTA style AI Grunts really help make the battles feel epic despite only being 6v6.
  17. i used the VPN trick to unlock it earlier today, been playing since I got home from work, just taking a break to watch the (train wreck of a) launch on twitch.tv/xbox. MegamanEXEv2 on Origin
  18. Funny someone posted this, the flatbed it was on drove by the bar we were at last night.
  19. Rally Pat


    Never played ingress, but I played CodeRunner back when it was new. http://www.coderunnergame.com/
  20. Yes it does do audio out. I'm running a Dell Optiplex 755 small form factor, it's a Core 2 Duo machine with 4 gigs of ram. We were tossing a bunch of them at work, I grabbed a few for my family to use. It was having a bit of trouble with 1080p until I enabled hardware acceleration. Works great now! We're running Windows 7 with XBMC.
  21. I'm running a GeForce 210 in my htpc as well, does a good job.
  22. I have no doubt the EcoBoost 2.3 will be a good motor, but damn I wish it still had that 5 cyl sound.
  23. The last Focus RS, with the Volvo 5 cyl, had some special diff that apparently made it handle super well. Still, I don't get why they don't pull a Subaru and offer AWD versions just like their race cars.
  24. My gaming PC is based on an A10-6800k, but I have a discrete graphics card, a GTX 760. Works just fine. If you have an AMD GPU though, you can crossfire it with the APU to increase performance.
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