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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Damn good job dude, lost a bunch of weight myself, but nothing like 160lbs. That really is something else.
  2. I have AWD and don't need them, but I don't mind having them either.
  3. The latest iteration of Movie Maker works fine for most everything I put up on my YouTube channel. Really all I use are simple transitions and occasionally text/lower third stuff, but I know there is a whole community out there to help get the most out of it. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/movie-maker#t1=overview When you go to install it, it will want you to install other stuff. Uncheck everything but Movie Maker.
  4. Damn Brian, I'm sorry man. Thinking about you.
  5. I really like it, and its awesome that they are bringing back a 4cyl turbo Mustang.
  6. Yep, an elliptical and DDP Yoga were actually where I got my start when I was at my highest weight. I bought an expensive and good quality one from Sports Authority, and I have been getting back on it slowly since my motivation has returned. I do last a lot longer on an elliptical, but I can't seem to find a setup on there that is completely comfortable for my short legs (my dad was the same way - short legs, long torso). I also still start to hurt after a while, but it is usually something I can tough out compared to straight running.
  7. 2012 going into 2013 was the most successful weightloss of my life. Went from 308 to 258 and plateaued. This was doing Title Boxing Club 3-5 times a week (depending on my motivation). I then hit a rough patch emotionally and said fuck it for a while. As a result, I have gained about half of the weight back. I signed up at Metro Fitness through work a couple of weeks ago, haven't gone yet for the simple reason that I am supposed to have 2 personal training sessions first, and the dude hasn't called me yet. I'll reach out to someone after the first of the year goes by. My goals this time around are to get past my previous 258 plateau, and learn WTF I am doing (never been in or taught how to use a "regular gym" in my entire life, grew up in a fat family). May be unrealistic, but I would really like to see 200lbs or less for the first time in my adult life. Never played sports past grade school due to being flat footed and being in constant pain if I had to run, and I had the same problem when I was a Title. You start out running laps before each session, and I always had to stop after just a couple of minutes. Not due to being out of breath or whatever, but from the pain my feet were in, and this is even after getting custom fit shoes. I am hoping to do less impactful stuff at this new gym.
  8. WOW is fantastic. Cord cutting is well worth it. Between the thousands of people I am subscribed to on YouTube who produce quality content and Netflix (not to mention downloading and less than legal streaming sites), its pretty much impossible to run out of things to watch.
  9. My 73 year old grandmother and her son/my uncle are both running Ubuntu and love it.
  10. Honestly, Pirate Windows or Linux are the best options. I consider it a moral grey area, the machine is licensed for Windows but you are not using the correct key. Linux, however is completely free and legal, and if all they do is browse the internet and the kids do homework, it will do just fine. For the record, in all of my years of messing with this kind of stuff, this has never worked, especially with a key from a manufacturer.
  11. Good times as usual, thanks Tina and Anthony for the stuff and thanks Doc for opening up
  12. A Vermont SportsCar prepped Open class Subaru STi rally car.
  13. Is your design your own or did you find it somewhere? I seem to remember seeing an open source bartop design somewhere in the past, but I can't find it anymore.
  14. Awesome, been talking about building a bartop myself as a winter project this year. Keep us posted! Would your guy be willing to make more?
  15. So sad, and shame on some of the people in this thread. Here is a copypasta of something I posted on facebook. Let me paint a picture for you. Its 2001. My dad and I have several boxes from a fairly new website called Newegg.com laid out to build my first non-store bought computer, a 1 ghz AMD Thunderbird machine. I was in the seventh grade, and the 2 coolest things in the world to me were cars and Whempys LAN parties. We start building this machine, and as we are assembling it, we have this newly released movie called The Fast and the Furious on in the background. I could tell my dad thought it was dumb, but I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. If you could take that scene and capture it in a picture or a diorama, it pretty much sums up my life. RIP Paul Walker.
  16. Its usually family tradition to go to Timbuk Tree Farm every year, this is the first year we haven't.
  17. If you want to go out on BF, staples will have Kindle Fire HD's for $90
  18. I bought a stack, so I have been hopping around, but I have spent the most time playing Ghosts. Multiplayer wise I also have NFS Rivals and Battlefield 4.
  19. We were kind of hijacking the Xbox thread a bit, so I figured I would make another one. So since I have "switched sides" this generation (own both 360 and PS3, but played mostly everything on 360), my Xbox friends list is much larger than my PSN friends list, so feel free to add me. I dont know how well the real name searching works yet, but I am under Patrick Burke or RokkumanEXE
  20. You can plug regular headphones into the controller, then in the settings you can set the audio come out of the controller's headphone jack. Don't know about the background, honestly.
  21. Havent even unpacked the mono earbud yet, but i have used the audio out through the controller (which is awesome, btw). There is also the typing with the gyroscope, which works amazingly well.
  22. I agree that you really can't go wrong with either. Although for me personally, I don't have cable and cant take advantage of the Xbox's extra features, so I bought a PS4.
  23. Not going too crazy, boost gauge and a tune. Still not completely decided on getting an AccessPort when a Tactrix cable is 1/5th the price.
  24. I won one year as well, my car was a sort of wedge shape that was low to the track, and now that I think about it looked a bit like an LMP car (no wing though). We had two large holes drilled with weights in them, and the axles were lubed with graphite I think.
  25. Saw an interview with this guy yesterday, but I can't find the link for it. Good for him, I always though this was bullshit. Buckyballs are awesome.
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