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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Pat's Saabaru was the first thing that came to my mind to. Sounds like a perfect fit for your requirements.
  2. Those buckeye cupcakes have been on my mind since the weekend. #occupyfatness
  3. You obviously didn't even read what I posted. I very clearly said this is the campaign only. Not only have I played Battlefield 3, I own it for PC to get the most out of it. There is no lag ever in campaign, its always at a constant 60 fps, another perk of the MW3 engine. They really optimized the texture streaming in this version of the engine. Unlike Treyarch, who took the old CoD4 engine, and penciled in texture streaming at the last minute, and it didn't even work about 90% of the time.
  4. Picked it up at midnight, just beat the campaign. Picks up immediately where MW2 left off, and the ending is pretty satisfying and final. I'm guessing that's it for Task Force 141. The new MW3/IW4.0 engine makes some magic happen. I think a lot of the levels might be bigger than BF3 maps. This restored my faith in (what Activision calls) "Rebuilt" Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer is going to be a good team. Treyarch can't hold a candle to these guys.
  5. BF3 already has thousands of cheaters, btw. PunkBuster can't keep up.
  6. This is the way to do it. LIKE A BAUCE. :fuckyeah:
  7. Wrong. I will have both, and will like both for very different reasons. Comparing the two is stupid. Fanboyism is killing the gaming industry.
  8. will be at the graceland gamestop
  9. Last night reminded me how much better MW2 was than Black Ops. Can't wait for Tuesday at 12 am. Thanks again Doc!
  10. Sitting in traffic on Polaris exit, anyone know what's up?
  11. Here is some raw testing footage. No commentary, just the sweet sound of anti-lag.
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95074
  13. Needs moar Phantom HD http://www.youtube.com/user/theslowmoguys
  14. Who else but King Carlos doing the driving for the test? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXy56JD44oY
  15. Folks, I see a lot of good advice on here. People to call, places to shop, or whatever. Its rare that I cringe when I see people suggest something trying to be helpful. Do not, under any circumstances, utilize the BBB to find or complain about businesses. They are one of the biggest scam artists in America, and its sad that so many good businesses are being bullied for money they shouldn't need to pay. If you want an example that is closer to car culture, LIC Motorsports, famously of the Underdogs documentary series, has been fighting the BBB for years on this very bullshit. Not sure if you need to be a fan of them to see this or not, I apologize if you do. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150367894374540&set=a.228602664539.166160.215407604539&type=3&theater Unfortunately, Yelp is also just as corrupt.
  16. Basically Vib Ribbon gameplay meets Weebl music and flash movies. Well, I better not show you where the lemonade is made.
  17. I just finished BF3's Campaign, it quite literally takes every single CoD stereotype and forms it in to one story. Jumping between characters, Russians, Brink of WW3, nukes. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can hear MW3 over the BF music.
  18. Put in all the memory you can, get an SSD and Windows 7.
  19. I'm a video guy, not a picture guy, so here is a video comparison of the two.
  20. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/photo.jpg
  21. BTW, I think I took home a controller that wasn't mine. Mine has a rechargable battery pack on the back. The one I grabbed has a regular battery pack. But I am going to be at a halloween party with my gf.
  22. The 1972 Championship OSU Hockey team, which my grandpa was one of the coaches of, is having some sort of gathering today. Anyone know anything about it?
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