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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I like rolling rock when I want a thirst quenching beer, but I really only drink Guiness otherwise.
  2. I just found my dad $3000 life insurance payout from my grandparents and another $1000 owed to them that he can get. Good stuff.
  3. Akula

    Tax Preperation

    Did you see you can deduct Sales Tax this year? Any sales tax you paid, like if you bought a car or big tv, or paid sales tax for anything.
  4. I let my kids have their hair their way. Last thing I need it my kid getting picked on because he doesn't look right. I get to win other battles.
  5. My Dad had -20f this morning on his thermometer. Said it got all the way up to -11f. But he pulled two Lake Trout out of Echo Lake today. Not a bad day for ice fishin.
  6. I agree with most of the reasoning for him not having one. 13 is a bit young but from a convenience factor you will know where he is at all times. "You fail to take a call from me and I will beat you within....." Anyway, my wife and I have gone round and round on this and I have shown her examples as to why it is a good idea and she has given me examples as to why it isnt. When I was young I wrecked my bike pretty bad and broke out a tooth, scraped a knee and elbow. I walked a couple of miles pushing my bike and bleeding, if I had a cell I could have called my mom who was probably 20 miles away but what good would it have done? I applaud your stance on this Buck. You make the decisions in this kid's life and you will turn him into the man that he probably should be. I agree with the whole, it costs more than just the purchase price of the phone idea too cuz in 3 years..... C A R
  7. do you surf wirelessly ever? WPAII is your friend... Never put a password in when at CMH airport, Starbucks or at home if you aren't first encrypting everything (layer 2 and layer 3) Verify the redirections on all of your emails with links http://www.ebay.com is only http://www.ebay.com if you end up at http://www.ebay.com, you could end up at http://www.ebay.phishersite.com but looks exactly like http://www.ebay.com if you do get an email that sounds phishy, type http://www.ebay.com into a web browser and verify the stuff the email is telling you.
  8. Akula

    DVD Duplication

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827196053 $700
  9. I have been thinking about taking it up. I currently SCUBA dive and that really takes up all my thoughts and extra money. I would suggest getting your solo ticket and then thinking about your own gear. Don't go cheap and buy it where ever you go get your ticket, that way your jumps are cheaper. Take a little trip to Atlanta... http://www.ascskydiving.com/
  10. Here is the deal (my parents and sister lived in vegas for quite some time). First, go to travelworm.com and see who has deals on the days you want to go. If there is a big convention in town, the hotels cost more. Second, you are going at the cheapest time of the week. You can stay at the rio for a decent rate and it is a nice room. Tropicana and Excalibur are great alternatives if you are on a budget. Both have clean rooms but are cheesy, the great thing is they are literally next to some of the big players. If you have a car, stay at a station casino, boulder station etc... Again, cheap, $5 buffets, $29 rooms. Or stay downtown at 4 queens or fitzgeralds (very ghetto) and ride the bus $1 (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto). Stratosphere has good rates and admission to the tower is free for guests. you can do vegas on a budget, but be aware. If you aren't gambling the booze is a bit pricey. If you do have a ride you can hit my ex-stepdad's bar...Don't Ask...on spring mountain.
  11. If you only made $600 I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just so long as you had withholdings from that company. If you 1099'd and didn't pay you should wait. Basically if you get audited you can say "oh yeah, I did work extra" and tell the IRS they owe you more (nothing slams an audit shut like telling them the mistake is in Your favor (voice of experience)).
  12. Akula

    Fraud Email

    if you get an email that says click this link, don't do it. if you want to check on it, go to http://www.paypal.com .
  13. Akula

    Canada Rocks!!

    So if you are a paranoid type, get a passport because when you get carded at a bar they have to take it and they cannot swipe it thru a reader. If you want a better anonymous form of ID a passport is great (most places don't have a passport scanner). Also, if you want to travel to anywhere, the line moves much faster with a passport and you look like you know what you are doing. Go get one, it is pretty simple to do and if you have it the benefits are pretty good.
  14. Camtasia -- (I am a technology trainer, I am familiar with it). If you just want screen-shots just do alt-printscreen and paste into Word. But if you want a "movie" of what is going on you want Camtasia.
  15. They are selling it off in chunks for development. Pretty sure it will not be saved.
  16. Akula

    PS2 problems?

    It is so common in fact that if you google PS2 Disc Read Error you will get over 1000 articles like this one... http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/hardware/ps2.ars
  17. http://www.parentsplace.com They have forums for each month, so if you are due in May 2007, you join the May 2007 group...
  18. My wife was a member of a forum for mothers delivering in the month my son was born. Loads of women that were in the same stage of pregnancy from all over Ohio. After he was born we all met at the zoo it was fun. Have her apply for pinecone research she can do surveys online (pays like $5 each). See if anyone needs data entry or research done. I have all of the rosetta stones....if she did want to do the language thing. online courses for a college?
  19. http://www.hammerzone.com/archives/letters/bath/tub_stopper.htm
  20. iPod ready means it can communicate with your ipod to present you the albums/playlists etc. You probably still have to buy the cable.
  21. I am pretty sure that if you are on FMLA you can ask for another extension.
  22. Bye Bye Quaker City http://www.leehostetter.com/content/article.html/23803
  23. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070110/ap_on_hi_te/cisco_apple
  24. http://www.recycleelectronics.com/ecycle.htm <-- They ship you a box to put everything in and you send it back full. http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ocapp/p2/recyc/comp-rc.html <-- They list all available electronics recyclers One of them on the list is http://www.columbusmicro.com/index.php?page=pg_118 <-- They offer credits if any of the stuff is worth anything I typed this into google.com to get this information computer recycling columbus ohio
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