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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Good write up. I go to NJ all the time and have a friend that works for BMW of Manhattan, I have taken that lincoln tunnel trip at rush hour before. It really sucks. Only thing worse is to take a wrong turn onto the cross town expressway, you cannot exit during rush hour and you go "cross town".
  2. It has a keyboard, it is on the touch screen. If you watch the keynote preso for it he shows how it all works. Watch the preso, you will want one.
  3. iPhone looks cool but doesn't launch until June... If you have Verizon you cannot get the iPhone until the exclusivity agreement runs out (I work for Verizon so I cannot get it unless it is out of my pocket). I like the fact that it is wifi aware and will switch to the 802.11 network for toll avoidance. I am curious about the pricing... $499 for two years of total service is $500/24 or about $20/month. I don't have a use for the iTv right now, but having kids that watch movies over and over and over and over, it would be nice to DL a movie to my mac and suck it up with the iTv.
  4. Akula

    OSU Sucked!

    Do you hear the thundering sound of all the OSU fans jumping off of the band wagon? Atleast now when i fly I don't have to put up with the moron shouting "O H" as we board the plane back to Columbus from Charlotte or Dallas or Atlanta or Pittsburgh or Philly or... A few comments/opinions. If Ginn had played, the game might have been closer but he doesn't play on Defense and OSU didn't have the D for Florida. If we take back the Florida TD, we need to take back Ginn's first play because the HOLD was never called that allowed him to get by.
  5. Akula

    O H

    I don't know the Gators, and I no longer attend OSU (though it is rumored to be an institution of higher learning all I ever hear about is the football) so I could care less about a sporting contest represented by an Alligator and a useless nut. I just hope that the "fans" don't decide to burn down campus in the event of the Buckeye's failure to achive, or actual, victory.
  6. The gym here at work is free, I never use it....
  7. Akula

    Valentines Day?

    Today = 1/8 Valentines day = 2/14, Talk about getting a jump on it.... "Diamonds, that'll shut her up." - Ron White I like to get my wife WOOD for most holidays.
  8. I have been to that area to assist with cleanup. The thing that struck me most is that I drove 18 hours to come down and swing a hammer for a week and most of the people that live there just sit and watch us work. At some point, you have to stop pointing your finger, YOU moved to the coast, YOU live in a hurricane prone area. It isn't the fault of the government that YOU live there. If you are told that you need to leave, you should. I just watched the HD special on the Lower 9th ward, the council was told 3 days prior to the hurricane that a 30 foot wall of water would hit them (it was the federal government that told them). Not everyone left, not everyone watched out for everyone else. The water did make it above the 20' mark in some places. I guess what I am saying is, don't wait for someone to do something for you, sometimes you have to get off of your ass and get it done.
  9. "Do you people take checks?"
  10. The policeman wanted the guy to talk to hear if he is slurring his words. That's all. They could say, please repeat this sentence.... but they don't, they ask how your night is etc... I say this kid was bored and thought it would be fun to stage this and get it on video. The kid should be thankful that if he has to dial 911 later in his life, the police will show up. I cannot stand people that think the police are out to get them, they are just trying to make my little part of the world safe for my kids.
  11. Wow, um, Ok lets see if we can help you out a bit. Your profile says you are 23 but you didn't post what you want to do, only what you don't want to do. Something that might help is experience. Verizon Business is hiring for various positions, if you are a CCIE you are probably a shoe-in for most of them. Ofcourse if you are looking for landscaping I cannot help you.
  12. Akula

    Digital Phone

    Then it seems that VOIP for Toll Avoidance is your best bet. Here is another company, http://www.broadvoice.com/rateplans.html , don't know too much about them.
  13. I don't see what is so cool about some alien passing a kidney stone and flushing it in our atmosphere.
  14. One reason, the blizzard didn't taint all of the surrounding Hay and Katrina did infact taint much of the surrounding water. Another reason is that cattle rarely shoot at the people trying to help them. Thirdly, the cattle cannot fend for themselves or understand a "GET OUT OR YOU WILL DIE" order.
  15. It is really a balance if you have had 26 jobs in the last 13 years, you probably don't want to list all of them, just the relevant ones. However, this is going to allude to someone that is unstable and so you had better have good reasons for leaving. If you have had 4 jobs in the last 13 years but the oldest job is McDonalds I wouldn't worry about listing it.
  16. Akula

    Digital Phone

    My next door neighbor has TW phone, it is a s c r app y c onnectio n as you can get. The problem with this type of phone service is there is no end to end queueing occuring so the VOIP traffic has no priority over your own or any other shared data. Therefore sometimes the calls are good but often then aren't. If you surf the web a bunch, while using the phone, or if you have big downloads going on while talking on the phone the call quality will go out the window. My suggestion is to get more minutes for your cell phone. Can you increase your plan by $18/month and get more minutes?
  17. Everyone can learn something from this thread. Note the beginning post, "said he only had a credit card and had to use paypal to buy it .i asked for 1000 for it so hes paying 200$ more for letign him pay this way" This deals with someone offering to pay more than the asking price for something, too good to be true comes to mind. This post, "Paypal is the ONLY way to buy off the internet. Call them and give em the persons Paypal ID. They will tell you if they are verified or not. I think it's easier to get refunded if screwed by a verified user. I was on a iPod purchase and Paypal gave me all my money back..Took a few days for them to contact the seller and crap, but I got it." Shows that one way of doing things on the Internet isn't the only way of doing things and also illustrates why Internet advice should be taken with a grain of salt (including this Internet advice). I guess what I am saying is if you get the nagging feeling you are being scammed, YOU ARE. Sorry man, just so we all know what was the paypal ID? And, if anyone knows the URL to do a verify please let us all know.
  18. It is pretty common for the backlight to fail, you can shine a flashlight into the screen to read what is on it until you can get it fixed.
  19. I got a similar letter when I was in boot camp, I just ignored it.
  20. As many of you may remember I used to crew for a 7 second dragster. The rolling chassis with steering and brakes cost $18000 (23T Altered, dragster chassis would be cheaper). Engine (572 BBC), Trans (Glide in Dedenbear case), wiring, fuel supply, etc and so forth cost right at $30000. The fastest it ever went was 7.62 @ 174 at Milan Dragway when it was 50 degrees outside.
  21. I once went to Colorado.....now I cannot ski in Ohio. Go to Minnesota's North Shore, Lutsen, very good place.
  22. Ann & Tony's out in west jeff. Excellent Italian, being west jeff there is no night life, but the food rulz.
  23. I loved it when he got arrested and his wife told the judge he had diplomatic immunity, "He is the ambassador of soul!"
  24. http://www.repairclinic.com/0047_8.asp
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