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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I think the point of this story should be, don't put NOS in your POS daily driver.
  2. front view looks odd to me, but side view is pretty nice. I want a cruiser right now, but I could see that as a second bike.
  3. "Business and Enterpenership" What is an Enterpener?
  4. Ortho Home Defense, spray it on anything you have seen them crawl on. They like to eat just about anything so keeping their food supply down is tough. They call to eachother at night when it is warm, and hide (for the most part) during the day under things and in covered places. You must have an inviting environment for them.
  5. Steel toe Dr. Martens. http://www.drmartens.com/
  6. Don't forget, you can be right OR you can be happy....
  7. Akula

    Mac computer ?

    what is the file?
  8. Basically you can eat all the fruit and veggies you want, no remorse. Eat earlier in the day, excercise as much as possible. Natural fructose is difficult for your body to turn into fat, its the glucose and sucrose you gotta worry about. If you cannot find a BBQ sauce that you like, start putting it on bison instead of beef. Bison has 1/2 the calories and 1/10 of the fat. Learn to like Lentils, high protein and high fiber.
  9. also, this http://www.reuk.co.uk/Solar-iPod-Charger.htm
  10. You would have to step the 12V down to an acceptable voltage for the battery in the ipod. Additionally you need to regulate the current as the battery can only take in so many electrons per second. A standard AC to DC inverter uses inductors and capacitors to take the AC sine wave and make it into a more DC pattern, then it will clip the top of the sine to make a steady DC voltage. If you run DC into the AC side, you could get a phenomenon known as inductive kick (the coil in your car does this with 12V to make a 120,000V.). I wouldn't do it this way.
  11. I had a simple question, I got it figured out. I see banhammers coming out soon so lets lock this up, mmmmmmkay?
  12. Isn't the 30% tax credit for a solar installation considered an incentive?
  13. idolize those that contribute, scientists should be more revered than someone that plays football on saturday.
  14. Akula

    BRP Spyder

    Anyone seen these? http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/See/Can-Am/Showroom/Index I saw one in Duluth MN earlier this year, it was an interesting looking ride.
  15. I work in my home, no services. 40 hours a week I am working out of HQ in Sunnyvale CA from my home. I called them, I shouldn't be paying.
  16. Norwich TWP fire responds if I call them. Franklin county sherrif, I pay for my own trash. I live on a twp road that gets plowed by the twp trustees. My work is paying Columbus a city tax, so I need to get that fixed.
  17. If I don't live OR work in Columbus, should I be paying into Columbus? What constitutes living/working inside of Columbus?
  18. Akula

    Love my Palm Pre

    Is this another phone that is tethered to a single carrier?
  19. I think we need a system where the rich pay for it, and I can do whatever I want to my body because the system will cover it. Hell, if I want to see what it is like to break my leg and I do, let the system cover it. I personally don't like the way the insurance companies have caused the health care system to become a money laundering scheme, but that's what freedom is. The constitution says "the pursuit of happiness" not that the gov't will survey everyone tri-annually to ensure happiness. BTW, the pharmacies in Canada are inexpensive and subsidized. You roll into a hospital with lymphoma and they tell you about how long you are going to live. They aren't in a big rush to spend $400,000 on you.
  20. Akula

    More BB Storm fun

    Well, now if I want to charge the phone I simply remove the battery and hold the power button. After I put in the battery and wait the 5 minutes it takes to boot up, I can plug the phone in and it charges. I wonder what the Tour is like.
  21. Trouble is I don't know anyone looking for your particular skillz.
  22. It means the drain from the driveway is either clogged or broken. You gotta get some heavy equipment in there and dig it up. First thing I would try is to take a hose and run water into the drain and see if it is making it to the sump. If it isnt, check for a blocked pipe (leaves etc...) with a snake. It could be a simple thing, but if the wall is caving in, the pipe could be broken as speculated.
  23. Loud pipes save lives. I have a friend with a Harley V-Rod. It is pretty quiet, when I ride with him on the fat boy, he notices a difference with the soccer moms. Loud pipes keep people aware of you in the blind spot. That and riding in good lane position are probably the biggest way you are going to avoid being run over. BTW, Sue them for everything they have.
  24. ALWAYS ship large car parts in a wooden crate, via a freight handler. UPS is for shipping christmas presents around.
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