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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I like that they drag him out there, he is still alive and fairly coherent. It was the same for 2007, he should have announced his retirement this year though.
  2. Akula

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    The cost of living in Hawaii is pretty high. Think about it, if it aint Poi or Lava it is imported.
  3. good job, you don't need to know why they were there you didn't ask them to come up.
  4. Between friday 8pm and Sunday 6 am someone broke into my church and took a projector, a laptop, a mixer with speakers and two PCs, plus basically anything that plugged into the wall. Crazy. Everything our church has was donated so it isn't the best and all the PCs were old. The only thing worth anything was the 5 year old projector. Anyway, we have insurance so I guess we can buy it all back but it sucks. If you would like to kick in for the deductable or help out that would be cool. http://www.amlinumc.org <-- there is a donate button.
  5. I love it when someone asks if the Internet is down. The Internet is, for the most part, self healing. Hard to have it go down completely, plus it is global, so usually the answer is "no the Internet is not down". Your ISP, your node, your small part of access to the Internet may be having a problem.
  6. My brother is going thru this. One of the hardest things is finding someone willing to sign a lease, have their credit checked, take care of your place bla bla bla. He had a renter all lined up and asked for credit check stuff and they backed out. You probably need to find a property management company if you don't want to deal with that stuff.
  7. I work from home, for another company (not my company). I don't have a business. The cool thing is I get to write off a part of my mortgage, my electric, heat, etc... It is going to be a good year I think.
  8. Talked to my grandfather (he does taxes). Anything I don't expense, related to maintaining my office in my home, is deductable. I take the SQFT of my office and figure the % of the SQFT of my house and the percentage is what I deduct. I take every electric bill, heating bill, any home improvement, any house related expense. Since my wife and I both work out of the house we get a much higher percentage. We both work for corporations (Huntington and Aruba). I do not own the business, but I do not have a corporate office to go to I work from my house. I wonder, does this apply to people that do on-call from their house?
  9. stop reading so many Interweb forums.
  10. Akula

    Wii owners, help

    This is for a 7 year old so getting bored isn't really a problem. He played zoo tycoon on my other mac all Christmas day.
  11. My wife has trouble buying me gifts because I just go buy whatever I want. I got her a new camera bag that she said she wanted like 2 months ago, big points for remembering.
  12. I keep getting this question. Well north of 6 figures.
  13. So, I am going to be getting an after Christmas rush Wii. I need to know what to get, does it come with 2 controllers? Any clue where I can get one, doesn't need to be today.
  14. Akula

    19800 miles

    It is no secret, I travel a pile.
  15. Akula

    19800 miles

    coach seats, we aren't allowed to fly business and since I am code share I don't get to use my upgrade certs. I think I am going to be in Macau (think Las Vegas in Hong Kong)
  16. Akula

    19800 miles

    I am allergic to Shell Fish so I don't eat chinese. I am in an expense account, I will be eating expensive food.
  17. I read this yesterday and thought, wow, they know how to make it work. Don't go chasing the illegals, fix the problem.
  18. Akula

    My Plea for a Wii

    I am going to wait until after xmas. My son spent the day yesterday helping less fortunate families at the UM Free Store and just got accepted into the gifted program at his school. I feel he has earned it but I don't want him to expect a $300 gift every year at Christmas. Plus I am a cheap ass and went to pay msrp.
  19. Twenties tonight, itll be cold. My Dad lives in Minnesota, he's has a bunch of snow but then it rained for a few days. Said the rivers had water running over the ice.
  20. sad thing is, I can see a high school from my house. I can walk to it in a matter of 10 minutes or so. I am not far from civilization.
  21. Using LinkedIn connections I found the Director of Operations for Road Runner Business Class. He pointed me to the right person, only $55,000 to build out to my house or I can wait the 2 to 3 years before they upgrade my area. So, I cannot get DSL faster than iDSL, I can get a T1 for about $400/month or I can keep my POS EVDO solution. Satellite isn't an option as it doesn't really do VPN that well and I need some upload too.
  22. does it have an indicator light? does it light up? if you have any other usb device, check the port.
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