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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I loved it, I was non-traditional at OSU and they don't like that one bit. They are unwilling to accomodate small needs, where as ODU understands that people have lives. I did BSBA in 22 months (after 3 years at OSU) and enjoyed my profs (actual business people) and really liked the focus on communication.
  2. You are a non-traditional student so a non-traditional post secondary education is pretty normal. On the other hand, have you looked at traditional secondary education? If you are headed toward MBA you may want to steer clear of devry, it isn't a great idea to get your BA and MBA from the same institution and devry's credits won't transfer. I did my business degree at ODU in the LEAD program because it fit my schedule. Just a thought.
  3. I live on an old farm, come on out.
  4. DHS, tell them you heard them clearly say bomb airliner... It is legal to do business as yourself, you do have to report the income though.
  5. splitting lanes is legal in cali, a bike in cali qualifies as HOV, you can split lanes in stopped traffic, I don't like how fast they got but thems the rules.
  6. Akula

    Remembering 911

    At work, I watched it on washingtonpost.com. I was in California yesterday, was supposed to fly home on 9/11 but I opted to come home today.
  7. Damn, if she sat down next to me and then got pulled I would have protested.
  8. no, but should match. I am building a toy.
  9. Just looking for an engine and trans.
  10. My bank automagically applies the extra to the principal.
  11. start-run-cmd <enter> Plug into the router with a cable (not on the uplink port). Let it sit for a little while, at the cmd prompt type ipconfig you should see your lan card got an IP address something like with a netmask like and a default gateway <-- put the default gateway address into a web browser and setup the router from there.
  12. Press in on your right side, slow steady and hard. Then let up really fast, if you get blinding pain it is your appendix.
  13. Get Willie Nelson, Bob Marley and George Bush to light up and discuss things on a deeper level.
  14. 6 month old? That's not a very active child, I don't think you need to hit the mall play areas. I would suggest simple places you want to go to, or stay home (probably had enough stay home thing). There is a columbus dad's at home group. http://www.geocities.com/columbusdads/
  15. Akula

    Theif Hurt

    I'm thinking the guy had a weapon and I was in fear for my life. How was he getting the cats off of the cars, looked like a weapon to me. BTW, when are the cops going to go to that damn metal place and get them to stop buying cats? Or start following the crackheads that are stealing them?
  16. They work on the whole, free FM station concept. There are plenty of stations in columbus, that means not many free ones.
  17. I went to Hilliard High (that's what it was called then) graduated in 1991. My son went to Darby Creek for K and 1 and goes to Brown for 2nd. From the parenting side K - 5 at hilliard is a dream. Very well run in school programs, loads of parent support and the staff is easy to engage. Plus, after a background check, you can helpout in the school if you want so they don't have any secrets. The district has had trouble keeping up with growth for the secondary education, too many people. They are building the 3rd high school right by my house and it will probably ruin my township but I guess it is needed.
  18. Akula


    And, they are GONE!!! Thanks man, load off my plate.
  19. Actually, it will work with O2, Orange, Vodafone, <insert name of European/Asian provider here> You could get one, unlock it and sell it for $300 more to a person in EMEA. Gotta remember there are more countries than just he US. I go to the UK for like 15 weeks per year, I would love to have a sweet phone to use while I am there. In the US, there are limited GSM offerings but GSM is the only transmission methodology in Europe.
  20. I am in a class in Boston until tomorrow. Then I am home for two whole weeks.
  21. typically you call into their support and say you need to unlock your phone. They ask for your IMEI number (unique identifier for the phone) and then send you a code to type in to unlock it. The iPhone doesn't allow for this type of unlocking via the interface, so a guy figured out how to do it in hardware.
  22. Does nextel use SIMs? If so, and they are GSM (I think they are PCS) it would work.
  23. When you go to att and get a cell phone it only works with att's network. When you unlock the phone it works with tmobile too, assuming you have a tmobile sim card. for me I could take it to the UK and use my pay-as-you-go sim to make calls, but I wouldn't have to use the POS phone I have.
  24. we are the country we are because of a revolution, let them fight it out and badabing we are done.
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