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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. So, your saying that someone hits you and if you are under 25 that you don't get a rental? Since when? I know some companies won't give a rental to someone under 25 that wasn't in an accident. I've never heard of anyone of any legal driving age having an issue getting a rental after their car was hit by someone else. Like I said before, if he would have pushed the issue he would have gotten something done. Sucks that he is in the situation in the first place, but the insurance company he is dealing with will screw him around until they cut him a check for his car so they won't have to pay any money on a rental. Just an example of him being taken advantage of by the insurance company.


    its the rental companies that won't provide rentals not the ins comp. he could have his mom or dad go get a rental.


    and you guys aren't getting all the facts. nationwide didn't have covgerage to provide the rental right away. they needed to speak with all the parties involved. you wouldn't want your insurance company paying out on a claim without comfirming everything with you first would you?


    yes the whole thing sucks and the timing sucks but thats the process.

  2. I'm sorry I am taking the insurance company's information over what some guy tells me on the internet.


    They will pay 25 a day. There is a $27 a day ALONE surcharge or $200 overall charge for renting under the age of 25. That would put me OUT OF POCKET around $25 a day. No thanks.


    This is obviously too much for you to understand...... I have tried.


    I am well aware I can go pay for a rental car myself. That is not what I want to do.


    ok man, just trying to help. I know how frustrating it is when there is a delay out of your control. Merry Christmas!

  3. I still don't understand why you haven't gotten a rental. When my wife's car was totalled we went to the rental place and explained what was going on. They used our credit card just to put a hold on it, not take any money. This was just to cover their end. The other insurance company then payed the bill. This is common practice. If you want to have a car to drive that's all you have to do. Quit bitching about it and just go get one. The other company has to pay for your rental. It's their customers fault that you don't have anything to drive, so they are obligated to take care of that. Just realize that once they cut you a check for your car, they won't pay much longer on a rental. They expect you to get a car very quickly.


    This is obviosly to much for him to understand...... I have tried. Good luck Kevin.

  4. I understand you do this for a living so you are naturally going to defend your job. It is still annoying nonetheless.


    Sure, anyone can take a vacation during the holidays. I haven't heard back from Nationwide in a few days. They kept trying to pass me along to a supervisor who ended up being on vacation as well. Absolutely you can take a vacation -- but lets keep in mind MY vacation is two days -- then I have to go back to work. How will I get there? No one gives two shits.


    Any right-minded person would be annoyed at this. I am not saying he couldn't take a vacation for the holidays -- but at least call and act like you are trying, or that something is getting done. Anytime I get ahold of someone they act like they don't know what they fuck is going on in the least. It is always "Sure...um yeah...hold on one sec. I have to check my notes." Awesome music for 5 minutes. "Yeah, um, I was out yesterday and Bill worked some on this. Nothing new yet. Sorry."


    Meanwhile, jackass who pulled into my car is still cruising around in his perfectly fine, albeit dented, car.


    Additionally, Nationwide said they were sending someone out to look at the car today. Well guess what fucks, I work at the dealership you were supposed to come to. No one showed up.


    heres my point man. if you don't have full covg there nothing your insurance can do. they can call nationwide and get the same answers you would. I completely understand its frustrating. But I can promise they are moving as fast as they can. I am sure the hold up is contact with all the involved parties.

  5. are people not allowed to take vacation during christmas? do you expect him to stay at work and make continuous phone calls to state farm with no return phone call so you can blame him for not getting you a rental car. you have to mitigate your damages. if your car broke down, what would you do? thats what you need to do now until they get things in order. also, there is nothing progressive can do for you unless you have full covg. the wait is on state farm, your claims rep can make all the phone calls in the world and it won't make them any faster.......


    I understand your frustration and this isn't your fault, but there are processes to everything. unfortunately this fell on a holiday too. you might be lucky and the other person even has insurance. what will you do then........

  6. Yeah, shit is weak. If I was 22 without a car to borrow and parents to help out I would be in a world of hurt right now trying to get to work and pay my bills.


    You would think my "agent", Progressive, could at least return my phone calls.


    agent? or claims rep? have you filed a claim with your ins comp?

  7. So, I called the insurance guy this afternoon just to make them aware of the problem, and he told me just to take it somewhere and if it was determined to be caused from the accident they would cover it. So I guess that's what I'll do... The next issue I'm sure will be having to drop the transmission to even determine anything, and how that will be resolved.


    Such shit.


    The insurance company is "western reserve" if that means anything to anybody.


    man I would take avd of that. have rob or whoever write up an est saying the impact knocked something loose or something. if they are not going to investigate anything, take avd of it. sounds like they just want documentation of the dmg.

  8. $4K would be nice!


    This is starting to get annoying though. It doesn't matter what story the other driver tells - CPD came and issued him a citation. They are trying to figure out STILL whose policy will cover the damages, his or his daughters since she owns the car. It is part of their "investigation" to talk to her and make sure he had permission to drive the car. Well, why the fuck do I care? They still can't get me in a rental. $25 a day is IMPOSSIBLE if you are under 25. They did not care one bit when I spoke with them today on the phone. Very frustrating but I'll let it sort itself out for now.


    yeah thats the hold up. must have been an unlisted driver or unlisted veh. I know its frustrating man, there is going to be two ins comp involved. the insurance typically follows the vehicle though. never heard of the $25/ day limit. should ask them where to get a rental for 25? obv they can so they should point you in the right direction.

  9. last time i got rear ended they tried to pull the same crap with me that i would have to pay for it as well. I told them to either cover it or i will see them in court and they can start discussing things with my lawyer as i went to the hospital and everything. They quickly changed their tune and everything was much easier from then on out and got exactly what i wanted.


    :rolleyes: I laugh at people when they tell me that. attys will not get you more money, they take 1/3 of it! and we would rather deal with an atty than you anyway, no emotions involved. an insurance goal is to settle as quickly as possible, period. so an atty just slows that process down, thats why ins comps don't like to deal with them.


    Kevin, there could be many things going that you aren't aware of. like, the other driver may have a different story than you. his ins comp would have to investigate liability at that point. maybe his ins comp hasn't spoke with the other driver yet? you wouldn't want your ins to pay out on a claim when they haven't verified everything with you first. trust me they want this taken care quickly as do you.


    as far as the value goes. I don't see anymore deductions from 150k miles to 204k. as long as the body and interior is in good condition you will get around the $4k. thats from the nada.

  10. 1. I agree its going to be hard to get the ins co to handle the transmission. they will be willing to check it but your going to have to sign a auth to tear down and if not related you would be on the hook for the tear down cost. not worth it with that many miles on the veh.

    2. def have more than one shop look at it, and send the ins your highest est. also have the shops put on lift to see if any visable dmg to the undercariage. and you can use the money for whatever you want.

    3. claim a inj, tell them you were sore but hate er and drs and would just like compensated for your inconvienace. they will give you 500-1000 to go away....

  11. You should get about $4k if it was in good shape. the buy back will be prolly around $500. the reason they can't put you into a rental is they don't have everything in order on their end. once they get things in order they will provide a rental at no cost to you. and honestly you wouldnt have to pay out of pocket for the rental. you woul djust have them take over the bills once their ready.


    also they are not going to sit around and do nothing because you aren't their customer. they want to do this a fast as possible to impress you into switching to them.


    there is a lot more to a claim then just calling it in and getting what you want......

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